Puppy AHas a homeTri-ColourShe is almost 8 lbs. at 6 weeksShe is a outgoing, adventurous & very playful |
Puppy BHas a homeBlack and WhiteShe is 7.5 lbs. at 6 weeksShe is a quiet & loving Pup |
Puppy CHas a homeTri-ColourHe is 7.5 lbs. at 6 weeksHe is playful & loving PupFalls asleep in your arms! |
BelleHas a homeBelle was born May 9, 2006Purebred black and whiteShe has a loving and warm personalty! Registered ABCA purebred - small but long legs, female border collie puppy available - 6 months. She has a very loving personality. Vet inspected with shots, several dewormings, healthy, athletic-she's fast (flyball, agility, disc dog prospect or could be trained to herd). House broke! Crate trained, excellent in car and boat. House and family raised with young child, dogs, cat etc. We have taken her many places including to the city for walks and visits, ready for new home. |
We have been selectively breeding Border Collies since 1998. We take pride in our methods as we are not a commercial kennel. All our dogs/puppies are family raised in our large farm house and become accustom to household hub-bub and family life before being placed in their new homes.
Puppies are usually ready to go between 7 and 8 weeks of age after they visit our veterinarian for a health check. 1st vaccinations and deworming are included. We give a 72 hour health guarantee for these non-registered pups. They are true-to-breed. Both the dam (reg. CBCA) and sire (papers not avail.) Are here for your viewing.
Of course pups are always welcome back to the farm for visits. Many of our past pups have gone on to be active in agility, herding and flyball. .
Border Collies make wonderful companions, their smart, agile and athletic and active! There are many good web sites which provide questions to help you decide if your family would suit a border collie. We will interview you to see if our puppies will suit your lifstyle. Whether it's going to be city life or country we place our puppies in active informed homes only. We are always willing and happy to help answer any questions you might have.
This Litter: Spring 2006
Born April 11, 2006
2 Females and 3 Males
Puppy "A"
Male Black, White, Tan Weight 5.8 lbs @ 5 Weeks Has a home |
Puppy "B"
Female White, Black One Blue Eye Weight 5.6 lbs @ 5 Weeks Has a home |
UPDATE: Well puppy 'B' loves her walks on leash, rides in the car everyday with me and sleeps quietly in her crate at night. She is among many people and dogs each day and is well socialized. Her housebreaking is coming along amazingly! What a smart cookie! She circles and whines at the door to go out faithfully! What else could we expect - her Mom is THE most intelligent and easy to train dog I've ever had the pleasure to work and own. Puppy 'B' is a chip of the old block! |
More of Puppy "B"
Has a home |
Puppy "C"
Puppy "D"
Female Black, White, Tan Weight 5.0 lbs @ 5 Weeks Has a home |
Puppy "E"
Male Name Black, White One Blue Eye Weight 5.2 lbs @ 5 Weeks Has a home |
Web Design by Elaine & David Ritter
All content on this Web Site is property of "The Ritter Farm"
This site was last updated on July 15, 2006.