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<a href="http://rapidshare.de/files-en/251001/revolution.wmv.html"><img src="revolution.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Music- Revolution by Aimee Allen<br>
Featuring- Cast of Chosen<br>
Created By- Spikes and Stakes Videos<br>
Description- Episodic of Chosen. Note right now this is a real pain in the a$$ to download because I can't find anywhere that can upload more than 5MBs at a time which is really pi$$ing me off at the moment and I can't find anybody to host it. So hopefully it will be easier to download in the near future.<p>
<a href="http://host252.ipowerweb.com/~restless/faithunstable.wmv"><img src="unstable.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Music- Unstable by Adema<br>
Featuring- Faith<br>
Created By- Spikes and Stakes Videos<br>
Description- Events surrounding Faith's trip to LA in Release Orpheus and Salvage<p>

<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/downwithsickness/spookshow.zip"><img src="spooky1.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Music- Spookshow Baby by Disturbed<br>
Featuring- Illyria<br>
Created By- Spikes and Stakes Videos<br>
Description- An Illyria Video<p>

<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/downwithsickness/damage.wmv"><img src="damage.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Music- Down with the Sickness by Disturbed<br>
Featuring- Dana<br>
Created By- Spikes and Stakes Videos<br>
Description- Episodic of "damage"<p>

<a href="http://host252.ipowerweb.com/~restless/pain.wmv"><img src="pain.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Music- Pain by Jimmy Eat World<br>
Featuring- Ange;/Angelus<br>
Created By- Spikes and Stakes Videos<br>
Description- A video about Angel and Angelus and how each of them dispose of pain. Angel takes his pain away by seeing Buffy and Angelus by killing.<p>
<a href="http://host252.ipowerweb.com/~restless/boulevard.wmv"><img src="boulevard.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Music- Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day<br>
Featuring- Buffy<br>
Created By- Spikes and Stakes Videos<br>
Description- A Look at Buffy in Seasons 1 and 7<p>

<center><a href="nominated.php">We're Nominated!!!</a></center><p>
