Usama Bin Laden's Message for the Youth of the Muslim Ummah | |
"My beloved brothers in Islam, Assalamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh We have been struggling right from our youth; we sacrificed our homes, families and all the luxuries of this worldly life in the path of Allah (we ask Allah to accept our efforts). In our youth, we fought with and defeated the (former) USSR (with the help of Allah), a world super power at the time, and now we are fighting the USA. We have never let the Muslim Ummah down. We should realise that this life is temporary and eventually we have to return to Allah (SWT), the lord of the Heavens and the earth. "Truly To Allah we belong and truly, to Allah we shall return." Muslims are being humiliated, tortured and ruthlessly killed all over the world and it is time to fight these satanic forces with the utmost strength and power. Today, the whole of the Muslim Ummah is dependening (after Allah) upon the Muslim youth, hoping that they would never let them down. The Jihad (fighting in the way of Allah) has become Fard-Ain (obligatory) upon each and every Muslim. We advise the Muslim youth not to fall victim to the words of some scholars who are misleading the Ummah by stating that Jihad is still Fard-Kifayah. The time has come when all the Muslims of the world, especially the youth, should unite and soar against Kufr and continue Jihad till these forces are crushed to nought, all the anti-Islamic forces are wiped off from the face of this Earth and Islam takes over the whole world and all the other false religions." "And
fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e.
worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all
be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping
others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they
do." We ask Allah (SWT) to rank us amongst His Truthful slaves. Wassalamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, Your brother, Usama Bin Laden" |
["Those who resist Allah and His Messenger will be among those most humiliated.' 'Allah has decreed: "It is I and My apostles (messengers) who must prevail": For Allah is One full of strength, able to enforce His Will."(Qur'an58:20-21)] ["Allah has promised, to those
among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety,
grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those
before them; that He will establish in authority their religion - the
one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state),
after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: 'They
will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. 'If any do reject
Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked.'
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [".. Truly it is the Party of Allah that will achieve Success." (Quran58:..22)] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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