Human Welfare Center and Orphanage, Children's Home
This site will introduce to you children who are brought up by pastor Vijaya K Raju, in Guntur district of Andra Pradesh, I would encourage all who are touched by the Word of God above to support this ministry and enable brother Vijaya and his ministry to be a blessing to many more homeless children who are abandoned and left to their fate. The little soldiers of Christ..... No matter what the world says about religion there is one which God likes and here is what the Word of God says.... 'What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this; to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to the keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.'(James1:27)
Encouraging all people who are abundantly blessed by the Lord to extend your helping hand to brother Vijaya Raju who now takes care of 38 Orphans, I cannot call them orphans any more because God is their Father and they have a loving earthly father in Brother Vijaya. To all parents who have children, who are raising Children, you nurture them care for them and love them, and teach them about Jesus. But in spite of having his own child Brother takes care of 38 other children as his own and educates them on Godly path, just as the scripture says below
But Jesus called the children to him and said ,'Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these' (Luke 18:16)
These children belong to the Heavenly City because the kingdom of God belongs to them - as we read in Zechariah 'And the streets will again be full of boys and girls playing' (Zech8:5) and it really is a Joy to see the little ones playing, to play and study they need to be nourished spiritually and physically. Rest assured that they are spiritually fed by Bro Vijaya, but in case of physically I am sure we can make little sacrifices in Jesus name and feed these little ones. -Give us this day our daily bread... can you offer a part of your living sacrifice to them as I do? 'I beseech you therefore ,brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service'(Romans12:1) on an average you work 8 hours a day, 48 hours a week and 192 hours a month so you spend a quality time of your self to work and get rewarded by what you earn, its just a little part of your self you that you can offer to God, an offering that is blessed by God. can you make a decision to offer that living sacrifice to His work. To this true religion.... What's that you can offer? Clothes, Study material, Provision for food, Financial support any thing that the Lord puts in your heart to give or best of all sponsor a child or just pray that God enables you to sow into His kingdom...
Oh ' God loves a cheerful giver!' when you give, give with a cheerful heart. Remember Jesus dwells in these little children and that whatsoever you do to these children you do it unto Jesus. Here is where you can reach Brother Vijaya Raju:
You can also send drafts or money transfer to the following account: