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The following are my favorite Inspirational poems:
I hope you enjoy.

It's going to be okay… Just Hang in There
Feel the Power Within You
In the Difficult Times, Keep Believing in Yourself
Live One Day at a Time
Take Things at a Time.
Let go of the "shoulds" in your life.

Believe in yourself
Recovery is a Learning Process
Sometimes,It's Best to let Something Go and Begin Again
A New Strength

Sometimes You Just Have to Carry On
Make Each and Every Moment Of Your Life a Moment to Remember
It's Okay
Within You Is the Strength to Meet Life's Challenges
Don't ever quit believing in yourself.
If I Had My Life to Live Over
A morale booster
The First Step on the Road to Recovery is Always the Most Important One
Only You Know What Is Best for You
Things to Always Remember... and One Thing never to forget...
I Have Learned
Live Your Life
Reach out
Be Kind to Yourself
Ways to make your life happier



It is not easy to
Live life sometimes,
And face the world with a smile.
When you're crying inside,
It takes a lot of courage
To reach down inside yourself
Hold on to that strength
That's still there,
And know that tomorrow
Is a new day -
With new possibilities

But if you can just hold on
Long enough to see this through,
You'll come out a new person -
With more understanding,
And with a new pride in yourself
From knowing you made it.



When things are not right in your life,
They're not right in us.
So whatever you're feeling, we're feeling it, too,
WE know you're going to be fine.
No matter what you're going through,
You can count on us all the way.
We'll listen. We'll care. We'll pray.
You're not alone, so don't be afraid.
Two heads are better than one.
We'll get through this together with flying colours
Before it is over and done.
Just take it easy; rest for a change.
Tell us what to do. You know the ropes.
When it seems like you world is falling apart,
Lean on us; We'll carry your hopes.

It's going to be okay… Just

Just give things a little time.
And in the meantime…
Keep believing in yourself;
Take the best of care;
Try to put things in perspective;
Remember what's most important;
Don't forget that someone cares;
Search for the positive side;
Learn the lessons to be learned;
And find your way through to
The inner qualities…
The strength, the smiles,
The wisdom, and the
Optimistic outlook
That is such special parts
Of you
It's going to be okay.
Know it will be.
Because I know you

Feel the Power Within You

Listen to the words wisdom whispering within your mind-
they want to lead you in the right directions.
Quietly adhere to your inner voice
that speaks to you through your emotions;
allow your heart the freedom to make you happy.
Be truthful to yourself,
and be willing to share your uniqueness in
whatever creative fashion your talents provide.
This is life at its best. In fact, this life exactly as it is…
it is today- here and now.
So if you feel the power to move and change,
then let your life flow knowing that it is time to go.
But if you need some more time to think
about your hope and dreams,
then find a sense of peace in staying.
Be grateful for the blessings
that are bestowed upon you,
especially the love you share with friends
and loved ones.
they are truly special, respect them
and acknowledge
their contribution to your life.
They are one of the Universe's greatest gifts.
Accept who you are totally.
You are unique special, wonderful
and very beautiful.
Rejoice in your special contribution to the world,
for no one else sees the world as you do.
you were created in the image of god
and you have a special sparkle
that makes You…You.
Do not try to a carbon copy
of someone else.
Although we are all different,
we all want the same thing,
to be loved and to be happy.
going the extra mile is never too difficult
when we do it with love.
Have fun.
Enjoy every moment of the day.
Look for the beauty all around you.
Laugh a lot for laughter is music to our soul.
these are the secrets of youthfulness.


In the Difficult Times, Keep Believing in Yourself

There are times in life
when things are not perfect,
when problems seem to surround you.
As you look for a way through them,
it's important to keep a positive attitude
about your life
and where you are going.
You may wonder if you're making the right choices.
You may wonder about how things will turn out
if you take a different road.
But you are a strong and motivated individual
who will rise to meet the challenges that face you.
You are a loving and warm person who loves life,
and you will get through the difficult times.


Live One Day at a Time

We cannot change the past;
we just need to keep the good memories
and acquire wisdom from the mistakes we've make.
We cannot predict the future;
we just need to hope and pray for the best
and what is right,
and believe that how it will be.
We can live a day at a time,
enjoying the present
and always seeking to become
a more loving and better person.

Take Things at a Time.

Take things one day at a time
As you begin your journey to recovery,
Know that there are people with you
Every step of the way
Take just one day at a time.
Don't expect more from yourself
Than you do from others.
Conquer any anger or frustration
With hope and determination


Let go of the "shoulds" in your life.

Open up to the miracle of now.
Value your uniqueness.
Explore your dreams and passions.
Yield to life - go with the flow.
Obey the voice of your Spirit.
Unwind - get cozy and comfy.
Renew yourself - body and soul.
Surround yourself with caring people.
Express yourself - be true to you.
Linger longer at what you enjoy.
Feel God's special love for you.
Author Unknown



I deserve to be well
I forgive myself.
I choose to get well.
I have lots of energy.
I have the power to heal myself.
I choose the thoughts that heal,
cleanse, and uplift me.
I accept with love every part of my body.
My cells have eternal youth.
The blood in my veins is pure joy.
I love and appreciate my beautiful body.
I am taking time for myself.
Strength and wholeness return to my body.
I have vibrant health.
I am flexible and flowing.
I feel more secure everyday.
I am surrounded by loving, healing energies.
I have a right to do what I want to do.
I take loving care of my body.
I listen with love to my body's messages.
I know I am worth healing.
Every day in every way
I am getting better and better.
I feel happy and blissful just being alive.
I am vibrantly healthy
and radiantly beautiful.
I give thanks for divine
restoration of my body, mind and spirit


Hugging is healthy.
It helps the immune system, cures depression,
reduces stress and induces sleep.
It's invigorating, rejuvenating, and has no unpleasant side effects.
Hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug.
Hugging is good medicine.
It transfers energy, and gives the person hugged an emotional boost.
Hugging feel good and warms, overcomes fear,
eases tension, it must be why God gave us arms.
You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for
maintenance, and twelve for growth.


Believe in yourself.

Believe you will win this battle
And emerge better and stringer than ever.
Fight pain and self-doubt
With prayer and humor
Reach out and accept the love and support
Of your family and friends
Know that you will overcome this obstacle
As you have all others.
There are some roads in life
That we must travel alone,
Even though we may be
Surrounded by people whom we love.
Some things in life,
Such as what you're feeling now,
Can't be felt by anyone but you.

But just remember
You are not alone at all;
Everyone who loves you
Is waking with you in spirit,
And will be there with you.
You're find a new strength,
A new peace and a new happiness.
It just takes a little time.

Recovery is a learning process

Recovery is about learning to love
and valve yourself enough to stop destroying yourself.
It's about learning to change your mind and your heart.
It's about forgiving yourself and others.
It's about letting go of shame and learning to accept your true self.
Recovery is about letting go of the lofty expectation of perfection
that you have placed upon yourself and others.
It's learning to love and accept yourself and others unconditionally.
Recovery is about learning to use your anger
as the fuel to create something good,
rather than denying it or holding it inside until you self-destruct
or strike out at another.
Recovery is about learning that you have a choice:
You can choose to be hopeful rather than hopeless;
you can choose to act from faith rather than react from fear;
and you can choose to enjoy life rather than merely survive it.



Acceptance means that you
Can find the serenity within
to let go of the past
with its mistakes and regrets,
move into the future
with a new perspective,
and appreciate the opportunity
to take a second chance.
Acceptance means you'll find
Security again
When difficult times come
Into your life,
And comfort to relieve any pain.
You'll find new dreams, fresh hopes,
And forgiveness of the heart.
Acceptance does not mean
That you will always be perfect.
It simply means that
You'll always overcome imperfection.
Acceptance is the road to peace-
Letting go of the worst,
Holding on to the best,
And finding the hope inside
That continues throughout life.
Is the heart's best defense,
Love's greatest asset,
And the easiest way
To keep believing
In yourself and others.


Sometimes, It's Best
to Let Something Go
and Begin Again

Things happen in our lives
That we find hard to accept.
Thoughts come back to trouble us
and time again.
When something happens in our lives
that we find difficult to accept,
We must decide if there is anything
we can do to change things.
If there is, we must do
What we can to make things right again.
But if we have done all we can,
And we know in our hearts that there
Is nothing more we can do about it now,
Then we should let go of
Whatever is troubling us.
After going over all the
"What ifs" and "whys,"
we may learn a valuable lesson.
And we find that even though
It was painful,
We grew through the experience.
Just learning to let things go,
Rather than worrying about
What might have been,
Might eventually be worth even more
Than whatever it is we had to let go of.


A New Strength

There are times in every life when we feel hurt or alone…
But I believe that these times when we feel lost
and all around us seems to be falling apart are really bridges of growth.
We struggle and try to recapture the security of what was,
but almost in spite of ourselves,
we emerge on the other side with a new understanding,
a new awareness, a new strength.
It is almost as though we must go through the pain
and the struggle in order to grow and reach new heights.

And Brighter Days Ahead
Sometimes it seems like the world
Is crumbling around us
And we just can't go on.
But those are the times when
We most need to look to the future,
To hold on to our faith and hope
And to each other.

One of the hardest things to accept
Is the realization that things that make no sense
To us now
May never make any sense,
but life will go on anyway -
with no explanations or apologies,
and that we somehow survive
the changes thrust upon us.

We even manage to grow…
But noting grows without rain,
So when it begins to pour,
Let it flow.
And when the storm has passed,
Let it go.
Be kind to yourself;
Ask for what you need.
You are not alone.


I am finally seeing life in an entirely new way -
The clouds are dispersing, the sky is now blue and no longer gray.
A type of re-births completely foreign to me,
has made my mind clearer now and I feel free.
Life has so much to offer us all,
but sometimes we don't see it until after we fall.
So many unforeseen problems and stresses arise -
Take a break from the confusion, look up and gaze at the sky.
For so many years I gave of myself,
always leaving my needs and feelings tucked away on a shelf.
Life is there for me and for you..
It has not been reserved for a chosen few!
I am learning that what life has to offer, can be mine!
If I play my cards right I will attain them in time.
Life provides us with happiness and joy -
Don't abuse it, or lose it or play with it as if it were a toy.
For one day it will be gone,
and you will never again hear life's sweet song!
No man can make you happy,
if you are unhappy with yourself.
Trying to make men responsible for how we feel is self-defeating.
That responsibility belongs to us.
Everyone has the responsibility to make herself emotionally healthy,
before they get involved with another person.
If you believe a man can provide what you lack emotionally,
you may be grossly disappointed.
Stop looking for men to support you in ways you are not supporting yourself.
Learn to care for yourself physically,
financially and emotionally.
Your man will enhance what you already are and what you already have.



The 12 lessons to bring about a personal transformation are:




To experience this sense of total freedom
it is important for us to detach ourselves from past-future
pre occupations and choose to live in the NOW.
To be free also means not being confined
to the reality that seems limited by our physical senses.
To be free allows us to participate in the love we share with everyone.
We cannot be free until we discipline and to retrain our minds.
While many of us want love, many of us seem unable to experience it.
Our guilty fears from the past block our ability to give
and receive love in the present.
Fear and love can never be experienced at the same time.
It is always our choice as to which of these emotions we want.
By choosing love more consistently than fear,
we can change the quality and nature of our relationships.

Little Things In Life

Too often we don't realize
what we have until it is gone;
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry -- I was wrong."

Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
we hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things to tear our lives apart.

Far too many times we let
unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
to see what made us blind.

So be sure that you let people know
how much they mean to you;
Take that time to say the words
before your time is through.

Be sure that you appreciate
everything you've got
And be thankful for the Little Things
in Life that mean a lot.
~ author unknown ~

Sometimes You Just Have
to Carry On

When life hands you a surprise and you wind
Up somewhere you didn't plan on being, maybe
It's time to stop and rest, read some good books,
regroup, and stop trying so hard. Do
Some things you may not have taken the time
To do for yourself before. Take time to study;
All of us need to be constantly growing in Wisdom.
Feed your soul by being quiet, by just being rather than doing.
Try not to worry or fuss or fume. Try to look
At this situation as a challenge rather than an Obstacle,
a time to develop patience.
Say to yourself: "I can handle this. This is not too big for me."
Realize you can change you're your attitude
Even if you can't change the circumstances.
Look closely at your troubles. Don't let them
Cause you to give up.
Befriend them. Say: "I'm
Not afraid. I'm going to learn from you." Feel
Them lose their power over you. Allow them to
Teach you some lesson you needed to learn and
Move on.
You're going to deal with this.
You're going to uncover some things about yourself even you
Didn't know. You're going to find strength you
Didn't know you had and grace to handle
Whatever comes along.
Just remember that everything changes, so it's
Just a matter of time until this trial will be
Over and you will draw strength from the
Knowledge that even though life handed you a
Challenge, you survived; you carried on


Make Each and Every Moment
Of Your Life a Moment to Remember

Be a person who likes virtually everything about life -
Who is comfortable doing just about anything, and who wastes no time complaining or wishing that things were otherwise.
Be enthusiastic about life, and want all you can get out of it.
Refuse to worry, and keep yourself free from the anxiety that accompanies worry.
Live now, rather than in the past or the future.
Be strikingly independent.
Treasure your own freedom from expectations,
and want those you love to be independent,
to make their own choices, and to live their lives for themselves.
Know how to laugh, and how to create laughter.
Accept yourself without complaint.
Appreciate the natural world.
Enjoy being outdoors in nature and tripping around all that is unspoiled and original.
Have insight into the behavior of others,
and into yourself, too.
Treat your body well.
Be honest.
Have little concern with order, organization, or systems in your life.
Be creative.
Love life and all the activities in it.
Search for more to learn each and every present moment of your life.
Do not be afraid to fail; in fact, welcome it!

Accept others as they are, and work at changing events that you dislike.
View all people as human, and place no one above yourself in importance.
Don't chase after happiness live and happiness is your payoff.


It's Okay

It's okay to be afraid
Of the things you don't understand.
It's okay to feel anxious
When things aren't working your way.
It's okay to feel lonely…
Even when you're with other people.
It's okay to feel unfulfilled
Because you know something is missing
(even if you're not sure what it is).
It's okay to think and worry and cry.
It's okay to do
Whatever you have to do, but
Just remember, too,
That eventually you're going to
Adjust to the changes life brings your way,
And you're realize that
It's okay to love again and laugh again,
And it's okay to get to the point where the life you live is full
and satisfying and good to you…
And it will be that way
Because you made it that way.

Within You Is the Strength
to Meet Life's Challenges

You are stronger than you think - remember to stand tall.
Every challenge in your life helps you to grow.
Every problem you encounter strengthens your mind and your soul.
Every trouble you overcome increases your understanding of life.
When all your troubles weigh heavily on your shoulders,
remember that beneath the burden you can stand tall,
because you are never given more than you can handle -
and you are stronger than you think.


Don't ever quit believing in yourself.

As long as you believe you can,
you will have a reason for trying.
Hold your happiness in their hands so it will always be within your reach.
Don't let bad moments overcome you;
be patient, and they will pass.
Don't hesitate to reach out for help; we all need it from time to time.
Don't feel like you've lost when plans and dreams fall short of your hopes.
Anytime you learn something new about yourself or about life,
you have progressed.
Don't do anything that takes away from your self-respect.

Feeling good about yourself is essential to feeling good about life.
Don't ever forget how to laugh or be too proud to cry.
It is by doing both that we live life to its fullest.
When hope is all you've got…
You still have got a lot.


If I Had My Life to Live Over

I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained,
or the sofa faded.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
Stop sweating the small stuff.
Don't worry about who doesn't like you,
who has more, or who's doing what. Instead,
let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.
I would hug more people, and hold more hands.


A morale booster

You're really something do you know that?
And in spite of whatever may happen in your day,
you are going to stay that way:
trying and giving and living life in the best way you know how.
So keep your spirits up, and keep things in perspective.
It's going to be okay.

You've made it through difficult things before, right?
Right. And you always land on your feet.
May be not dancing; maybe not always sure about what to do next…

But you always manage to figure things out.
Especially when you're able to keep your sense of humor and not lose your smile.
If you really think about it' you'll realize that you are a very strong individual.
Someone who may not have all the answers,
but at least you are willing to hope and try and believe.
You can see your way through just about anything;
it all depends on how you look at it.
And when people look at you, they see someone who really
is …pretty amazing.


The First Step on the Road to Recovery is Always
the Most Important One

The first few steps you take on any journey
won't get you where you want to go.
But without those first steps and the many more that follow,
you would where you are, looking towards the future
and wondering what it would really be like to see your world the way
you always dreamed it could be.
One of the greatest lessons in life is the one you learn
about moving forward and taking steps to reach your goals.
Life rewards those who are willing to be involved in it...
and take chances.
Take your chance and take those first few steps,
because a better life is just waiting for you.
At times you may expect the answers to come quickly,
but try to be patient; some answers may take a sometime to be revealed to you.
Admitting our weaknesses is the bravest thing we can do.
Because with that admission, we drop our shield of pretense,
find the courage to face reality, and reach out for the help we need.
Although the first step on the road to recovery is not always an easy one,
but recovery offers you a new chance to learn to love yourself,
your family, and life.
It takes time to get adjusted to a new way of living
and to learn to enjoy the peacefulness that recovery offers.
There will be times when you will feel anxious,
and that's normal.
But you deserve to live in love and happiness,
and there is no greater gift you could give yourself.



I forgive myself totally and completely.
As I forgive, I am forgiven. As I forgive others, I forgive myself
I forgive myself for past errors.
I am now willing to forgive myself and others for hurting me.
As I forgive, I see the Truth.
I am now willing to forgive my mother, father, partner.
I now release, renounce, forgive and free my past.
I freely forgive you, I let you go.
It is done, finished forever.
All that has offended me. I forgive.
Whatever has made me bitter, resentful, unhappy, I forgive,
within and without I forgive,
things past, things present, things future, I forgive.
I forgive everything, everyone, every experience,
and every memory of the past or the present that needs forgiveness.
God's love is now adjusting my life, realising this, I abide in peace.

There are only two emotions- love and a cry for help!



Thirteen Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem

Confidence stays on the inside and builds from there. So whenever you want to accomplish something, picture yourself already there. See yourself successful; make it real in your mind. Close your eyes and fill in all the details--how it would feel, how you would behave, how others would behave in response. Then put what you see into action. As you think, so you are.

Say nice things to other people. Make a list of the things you would like and appreciate in others. Lend a helping hand when you can. By helping others, we feel more in control of our own lives.

Perfectionism paralyzes you and keeps you from accomplishing your goals.

Your physical appearance is a critical factor in your self-esteem. Resist the urge to get sloppy on days when you feel bad. In fact, those are the days when you should take extra care to look your best.

Get regular exercise; when you can use your body effectively, you feel more in control. Listen to music, commune with nature, meditate. As you do these things, let thoughts come and go. Daydream and center yourself. What were your passions as a child? What do you fantasize about now?

List 50 reasons why you can respect yourself. If you get stuck, think of people who admire you or have admired you, and write down what they would say about you.

When you're going through tough times, find a strength or piece of knowledge (knowledge is power, you know) that you would not otherwise have were it not this particular trauma.

Sometimes values conflict. In that case, practice role playing with a friend and explore the various consequences of each action. Then choose what feels best for you.

Do something that makes you feel good--something that's just for you--every day.

Take a course. travel to a new place--it's easier to try out new facets of your personality when you are away from the familiar. As you meet new challenges, you gain new confidence and enhance your sense of accomplishment.

Dispute your pessimistic beliefs. Think of misfortunes as temporary and specific instead of permanent and general. For example, "All managers are jerks" is permanent and pervasive, a view that can lead to feeling hopeless about a particular problem you've encountered. "He was in a bad mood this morning" is an explanation that takes the temporary/specific viewpoint. It allows hope for improvement.

When somebody behaves in a manner that you find rude or abrasive, that tells you something about that person and how he or she is feeling at the moment. Try to see the pain or fear the other person is experiencing and tackle it from that perspective.

See the humorous side of life's everyday calamities. When you can see both the serious and humorous side of a given situation, your perspective and your approach will be more balanced. So lighten up. You'll bounce back from disappointments and embarrassing moments more quickly, and more people will like you better, too.
Practice these positive measures to reinforce your own belief in your self worth and increase your self-esteem. Then you'll have the master key to you own success.


Every day in every way I'm getting better, better, and better.
Everything is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
I am a radiant being, filled with light and love.
Perfect wisdom is in my heart.
I love and appreciate myself just as I am.
I accept all my feelings as pert of myself.
The more I love myself, the move love I have to give others.
I am now attracting loving, satisfying, happy relationships into my life.
My relationship with ____________________ is growing happier and more fulfilling every day.
Abundance is my natural state of being. I accept it now!
The more I give, the more I receive, and the happier I feel.
It's okay for me to have fun and enjoy myself, and I do!
I am vibrantly healthy and radiantly beautiful!
I am open to receiving all the blessings of this abundant universe!
I find it easy to focus on thoughts, feelings and sensations in my body.
It is easy for me to totally relax and let go.
I am totally relaxed; every muscle in my body is in a state of complete surrender.
I, ____________________ , am ready to forgive myself now.
I, _____________________, am ready to forgive those I used to blame for wronging me for some reason.
It is safe for me, ____________________, to forgive those I once blamed for wronging me.
I, _____________________, am ready to give up all my anger and resentment now.
I,___________________, am ready to relax and accept the energy that is total love.
I,__________________, can safely accept love for myself and offer forgiveness to myself and others.
All the cells in my body are daily renewing themselves, therefore I am growing stronger and stronger.
It is safe for me to accept the differences of others.
Because I love myself, I no longer need, demand, or expect other to be like me or do things my way.
Demands and expectations of others are no longer necessary, because life supplies me with my every need.
Being treated unfairly is okay with me.
I am fully responsible for everything in my experience.
I am my own greatest Hero.
Courage, I have an unlimited supply of courage.
I love every aspect of myself and am a beautiful person.
Because I love myself, I love other people.
I forgive my parents and others for their ignorant behaviour towards me.
I forgive myself for my ignorant reactions towards (parents, spouse, friend etc.)
I forgive myself for carrying all that resentment for so long.
I have the right to say no to people without losing their love.
I am totally in charge of my own life.
It is safe to be me, the way I am and the way I want to be.
I feel safe to express my feelings.
A negative attack from others is my chance to affirm my own self-love.
I no longer ask permission to do things I know should be done.
My body is in perfect health because I want it to be that way.
My body has the power to repair and heal every disease, injury or sickness in the world.
Health and happiness is my natural state.
Where I am, what I'm doing right now, is meant to be and I love every moment of it.
My life is wonderful and it is getting better all the time.
Today, positive, beautiful and loving things are going to happen to me and everyone I meet.
Today, I happily accept and am thankful to everything in my life.
Everything I give is returned to me 100 fold.
I exercise it in ways that are fun. I recongnise my body as a wonderful and magnificent machine, and I feel privileged to live in it.
I love lots of Qi.

I recongnise my body as a good friend. Each cell in my body has Divine Intelligence. I listen to what it tells me, and know that its advice is valid. I am always safe and protected and guided. I choose to be healthy and free and make choices that are beneficial for me.

The past has no power over me because I am willing to learn and to change. I see the past as necessary to bring me to where I am today.

I see and feel myself changing moment by moment. I am doing the best I can. Each day gets easier. Today is a wonderful day. I choose to make it so.

I am willing to change. I choose to change my thinking. I choose to change the words I use. It is easier for me to forgive than I thought. Forgiving makes me feel free and light. The more resentment I release, the more love I have to express. Changing my thoughts makes me feel good. I am learning to choose to make today a pleasure to experience.

Each moment of my life is new and fresh. I use my affirmative thinking to create what I want. This is a new day. I am a new healthy me. I think differently. I speak differently. I act differently.

I live in harmony and balance with everyone I know. Deep at the center of my being, there is love. The use of love makes me feel good, it is an expression of my inner joy. I love myself, therefore, I take loving care of my body. I feed body with nutritious foods and nourishing beverages and my body responds to me with vibrant health and Qi.

Only You Know What Is Best for You

You cannot listen to what others want you to do.
You must listen to yourself.
Society, family, friends do not know what
you must do.
Only you know and only you
can do what is right for you .
So start right now.
You will need to work very hard.
You will need to overcome many obstacles.
You will need to go against the better
judgment of many people and you will need
to bypass their prejudices.
But you can have whatever you want
if you try hard enough.
So start right now and
you will live
a life designed
by you and
for you and you will
love your life.


Things to Always Remember... and One Thing never to forget...

Your presence is a PRESENT to the world.
You're unique and ONE of a kind.
Your life can be what YOU want it to be.
Take the days-just ONE at a time.
Count your BLESSINGS, not your troubles.
You'll make it through WHATEVER comes along.
Within YOU are so many answers.
Understand, have COURAGE,
Don't put limits on YOURSELF.
So many dreams are WAITING to be realized.
Decisions are too IMPORTANT to leave to chance.
REACH for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
Nothing WASTES more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem, the HEAVIER it gets.
Don't take things TOO seriously.
Live a life of SERENITY,
not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a LONG way.
Remember that a lot . . . goes FOREVER.
Remember that FRIENDSHIP is a wise investment.
Life's treasures are PEOPLE . . . TOGETHER!
Realize that it's NEVER to late.
Do ordinary things in EXTRAORDINARY ways.
Take the time to WISH upon a star.
And don't EVER forget . . . For EVEN a day . . . HOW VERY SPECIAL YOU ARE!


"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.
It is more important than the past, than education, than money,
than circumstances, than failures, than success,
than what other people think or say or do.
It is more than appearance, giftedness, or skill.

It will make or break a company... a church... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes."


Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a effort.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.

I Have Learned

I've learned
that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.

I've learned
that no matter how much I care,
some people just don't care back.

I've learned
that you should always leave loved ones
with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them.

I've learned
that we are responsible for what we do,
no matter how we feel.

I've learned
that either you control your attitude
or it controls you.

I've learned
that learning to forgive takes practice.

I've learned
that there are people who love you dearly,
but just don't know how to show it.

I've learned
that sometimes when I'm angry
I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I've learned
that just because someone doesn't love you
the way you want them to
doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned
that no matter how good a friend is,
they're going to hurt you every once in a while
and you must forgive them for that.

I've learned
that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I've learned
that no matter how bad your heart is broken
the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I've learned
that just because two people argue,
it doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue,
it doesn't mean they do.

I've learned
that two people can look at the exact same thing
and see something totally different.

I've learned
that even when you think you have no more to give,
when a friend cries out to you,
you will find the strength to help.

Live Your Life

The past is gone, but Now is Forever.
The future does not lie in our hands,
But the future lies in the hands of the Presents.
Go out and grasp the seconds of the day
As if you had only that day to live
Experience and enjoy the moments of your life.
We only have one life to live,
So live it like a champion.
Everyone was put here for a purpose,
So let that purpose rise up above and show
Every what you're made of.
I'm not telling you how you should live,
But how you should feel when you look back
at the memories of a once-upon life of yours.
Don't regret things later.
If you feel it is right, do it.
It's your life and nobody else's.
Make decisions that please you.
Let nobody put you down.
Don't live in anybody's shadows or dreams.
If you do have a dream, act on it
And it will probably come true.


Reach out

Our life is a journey, we've often been told.
With our future ahead, not sure what it will hold.
This uncertainty seems to breed skepticism and fear.
As we search for answers and want things to be clear.
Life is a journey that we must vigorously embrace.
Enabling us to deal with the opportunities
and challenges we face.

So you see my friend,
walls that we build to protect us from others.
May actually keep us from
getting to know our sisters and brothers…
Our family, our friends and even ourselves.

Because our dreams and desires
have become dormant on shelves.
To learn, to grow, and to understand,
each of us must learn to REACH OUT.

Even when our lives seem so complicated
and embedded in doubt.
REACH OUT to those around you who show
that they care.
Despite what you think at times
those people are there.
Break down the walls that we all hide behind.
Take some chances,
get involved and to others be kind.

Spend time with family and friends
and build a foundation.
Because caring is what will help strengthen
our struggling nation.

There is no magic answer,
as many people want to believe.
It's up to each of us to pursue the things
that we want to achieve.

So rather than build walls,
let us build bridges each day.
It will help us look at life's journeys
and challenges in a whole new way!


Be Kind to Yourself

There will always be times when it's hard
to remember your strengths.
These are the times when you need to give yourself
special attention.

Be kind to yourself…
Kindness nurtures and gives hope to growing dreams.

Respect yourself…
Listen to your needs, and treat yourself as you would to a friend.

Encourage yourself…
Remember what you truly want, and fight for it as you would
for your life.

Appreciate yourself…
Don't take for granted the qualities that make you unique.

Focus yourself…
It is with discipline and motivation that you will move towards your goals.

Be giving towards yourself…
In that way, your strength will thrive,
and you'll be realizing your goals a day at a time.


Ways to make your life happier

Every day…
Share a kind word with a friend.
Give away a smile.
Listen to what someone has to say.
Listen with your heart.
Try one new thing.
Forgive one person who has hurt you.
Forgive yourself for past mistakes.
Realise your imperfections.
Discover your possibilities.
Make a new friend.
Accept responsibility
for everything you do.
Watch the sunset.
Cherish what you have.
Cherish who you are.
Stay positive;
let go of negative feelings.
Count your blessings.
Look at the funny side of a situation.
Let the other person win sometimes.
Be honest with people.
And help them if you can.
Be strong and decisive
But remain sensitive.
Love you life.

Please remember to forget
When unkind words are said
Please remember that you are loved
when you turn in for bed
Please remember to forget
A hurt you felt today
Please remember that you are needed
Each and every day
Please remember to forget
the anger that you feel
Please remember that in time
That those hurts will heal
Please remember to forget
when you feel alone
Please remember you have friends
You have but to phone
Please remember to forget
When love has been untrue
Please remember when I say
I'm so in love with you
Please remember to forget
The bad things from the past
Please remember I am here
And my love will last
Please remember to forget
The way things used to be
Please remember you are loved
Please remember me


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