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Voter Recommendations for Hawaii Primary Election August 9, 2014

by Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
Hawaii Political Info, June 23, 2014

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Scroll down until you see the blue bar that says "2014 Polling Place Locator." The first item under the bar is "Polling Place Locator - English." Click on that.

The new page starts off with "Find your polling place!". Scroll down a tad until you see the fill-in-the-blanks on the left-hand side. Either fill in those blanks or choose your precinct from the "Select a Precinct" pop-up menu.

Once that's done, your pertinent voting information, such as polling place and senate district will appear on the right. Below that you will see "Sample Ballot." Choose your preferred language, then click the "View Ballot" button to the right of it.

The sample ballot for your neighborhood will appear. It's a great reference for doing your homework and casting an informed vote.

For starters, check out the information in the "2014 Elections block at the right-hand top of this page. There's a wealth of information behind every link. Next, check out the "Events" block at the top left-hand corner of this page. These events are your opportunity to learn more about Hawaii candidates, government and issues.

Below the Events block is the "Helpful Links" block. The links at the top are what HPI considers the most useful ones, followed by other helpful links. Here you'll find links to the Hawaii State Office of Elections, how to find your state senator and representative ("Rep & senator, Find your HI"), alternative news sites, how to write the U.S. President, the U.S. and Hawaii constitutions, and more.


Aloha dear voters, from Ken Conklin

First I'll tell a little about my background so you'll know "where I'm coming from" in making recommendations for the primary election of Saturday August 9, 2014. Then I'll explain how voting in the primary election is focused on each political party choosing its nominee and thus is very different from voting in the general election; but that voting in the OHA contests is non-partisan and outside the parties. I'll also explain that you can cast one or two or three votes among the 16 candidates for three at-large OHA seats. Finally I'll recommend whom to vote for in contests for U.S. Senate and House, OHA, and several contests for the state legislature.

Despite Hawaii's reputation as a place where all racial groups are minorities living together harmoniously in a spirit of aloha, the most important issues in Hawaii are racial. There are more than 850 racially exclusionary programs for the benefit of ethnic Hawaiians, but no corresponding programs for other ethnicities. A project is underway to assemble a list of ethnic Hawaiians for the purpose of creating a race-based government which will then divide the lands and people of Hawaii along racial lines and will seek federal recognition as an Indian tribe. The Obama administration is doing rule-making in the Department of Interior to help create a Hawaiian tribe and to give it federal recognition. And OHA, a branch of the state government, is cooperating with secessionist groups who want to reinvent Hawaii as an independent nation. To understand the threat read the book "Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State", especially Chapter 1 which is available for free at

All the recommendations below for voting in 2014 are focused on defeating candidates who promote racial favoritism, racial separatism or ethnic nationalism. Two candidates in the primary election stand out as defenders of unity, equality, and aloha for all -- candidates who will work to oppose racial entitlements and creation of a race-based government -- Keli'i Akina (OHA at-large) and Marissa Capelouto (Republican candidate for Congress in Congressional district 2). Explanations are provided below.


I am Kenneth Conklin, Ph.D. Hawaii has been my permanent home since 1992. Immediately upon arrival I began studying Hawaiian language, history and culture full-time. During a period of several years I became moderately fluent in Hawaiian language, knowledgeable about Hawaiian history and culture, and participated in several Hawaiian-focused cultural activities including heiau, fishpond, and ahupua'a restoration. At first I was inclined to go along with the views of Hawaiian sovereignty activists because they seemed to be grounded in spirituality and historical fact. But the more questions I asked and the more research I did, it steadily became apparent that historical fact was being twisted to support political demands for racial separatism and/or ethnic nationalism, and a superficial spirituality was actually a particularly zealous and pernicious form of Hawaiian religious fascism and anti-Americanism. By 1998 the pieces of the puzzle finally coalesced and I began to step forth publicly in opposition to both the independence movement and the racial separatist tribal movement. In February 2000 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Rice v. Cayetano that all registered voters in Hawaii, regardless of race, have a right to vote for OHA trustees. I then instigated, and became a plaintiff in, a followup lawsuit (Arakaki v. Hawaii) to make it possible for all registered voters regardless of race to run as candidates for OHA trustee; and I became the first person with no Hawaiian native blood to run for OHA trustee, placing 4th out of 20 candidates for one at-large seat on the OHA board. Since then I have devoted full-time to supporting unity, equality, and aloha for all; while opposing racial entitlement programs, the establishment of a race-based government for ethnic Hawaiians, and the independence movement. For more information about my background see

Below are my recommendations for voting in the primary election of 2014 on Saturday August 9. I am making recommendations only for those contests where there are two or more candidates in either the Republican or Democrat Party, and where those candidates have notable differences of opinion, or differences of personal style and background, related to Hawaiian sovereignty or racial entitlements. If two candidates hold basically the same views on sovereignty and entitlements, then I will lean in favor of the candidate who espouses the more conservative or libertarian viewpoint overall and can be expected to work toward cutting the size and intrusiveness of government.


Remember that the first thing you are required to do on your primary election ballot is to choose one political party, because the purpose of a primary election is for each party to choose who will be its nominee in the general election. Having filled in the oval for one political party, then all of your votes for candidates must be inside that one party (except for candidates who do not declare a party on the ballot because they are running for the non-partisan seats for OHA trustee). Your ballot will be rejected if you vote across party lines.

The OHA contests are all non-partisan, which means the OHA candidates do not run in any political party and therefore you can vote for any OHA candidate regardless whether you chose a Republican or Democrat ballot.

Remember, all voters regardless of race can vote for OHA trustees. In February 2000 the U.S. Supreme Court voted 7-2 to enforce in Hawaii the 15th Amendment of the Constitution which says "the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of race", and ordered Hawaii to stop racial segregation in voting for OHA trustees. OHA is a state government agency, and spends money that comes from all Hawaii's people; therefore we all have a right to participate in electing its board of directors.


Two candidates have my strong support in the primary election and will have it again if they survive to the general election:

1. Please vote for Keli'i Akina for OHA trustee in the at-large (no island residency) contest. OHA trustees run as non-partisans, which means that voters in the primary election can vote for them no matter whether they choose a Republican or Democrat ballot. And remember, all voters regardless of race can vote for OHA trustees. In the primary election there are 16 candidates. The top 6 will advance to the general election, where the top three vote-getters in the at-large contest will win seats on the OHA board. Although a voter can vote for 1 or 2 or 3 candidates in the OHA at-large contest, I strongly recommend you cast only one vote, for Keli'i Akina, and do not vote for any other candidate in the at-large contest. We don't want other candidates to get more votes than Keli'i Akina. Dr. Akina is the only candidate who publicly proclaims he is proud to be an American (the rest are toying with secession) and Akina is the only candidate who opposes creating a race-based government and opposes racially exclusionary entitlement programs.

2. If you live in Congressional District 2 (rural Oahu and the neighbor islands), please choose a Republican ballot and vote for Marissa Capelouto (against David "Kawika" Crowley). Ms. Capelouto came to Hawaii from the Philippines about 20 years ago, became a U.S. citizen, and is a small business owner (trucking). For several years she has been a member of the Kapolei Neighborhood Board. She opposes the Akaka bill, the OHA nation-building project, and racial entitlement programs. Her campaign webpage is
By contrast Mr. Crowley is homeless, has never held public office, and worst of all he favors secession of Hawaii from the U.S. and favors the Hawaiian racial entitlement programs. The amazing thing is that two years ago Crowley actually won the Republican primary! (but then lost to Tulsi Gabbard in the general election).

Here are my recommendations for other contests.


U.S. Senate:

If you chose a Republican ballot then vote for Cam Cavasso, who has always opposed the Akaka bill and reaffirmed his opposition to federal recognition of a Hawaiian tribe in the PBS-Hawaii "Insights" program on June 19, 2014. Cavasso is also the only candidate with actual experience as a legislator, serving three terms in the Hawaii legislature. John Roco was mushy on the issues in the "Insights" program, stammering and waffling. Harry Friel came across as a bleeding-heart liberal strongly supporting federal recognition. Friel also repeatedly mispronounced the politically correct ethnic name "kanaka maoli" in a way nobody else has ever mispronounced it, thereby showing he has not discussed this topic very extensively with actual Hawaiians, or else he has a tin ear: he called them kanaka may-oh-lee instead of the normal kanaka mah-oh-lee or kanaka mow-lee (rhymes with wow-wee). All three candidates said they would support continuing existing racial entitlement programs even though many of the Republicans in the House and Senate oppose those programs.

If you chose a Democrat ballot then please vote for Colleen Hanabusa (against Brian Schatz). Both Hanabusa and Schatz strongly support the Akaka bill, OHA's nation-building project, and Hawaiian racial entitlements. But Schatz is a far-left radical whereas Hanabusa is slightly less leftist. Schatz is already serving on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. He chose June 11, 2013 -- Kamehameha Day -- as the date for his high-profile once-in-a-lifetime maiden speech on the Senate floor, and devoted the speech entirely to push propaganda for federal recognition for a Hawaiian tribe, even though there was no Akaka bill for his colleagues to support and there still is no Akaka bill after a year and a half of the 113th Congress. See my critique of Schatz' maiden speech at
Schatz is about ten years younger than Hanabusa which means he is likely to survive in office ten years longer while pushing his radical agenda. So the lesser of two evils is Hanabusa. She has been an active supporter of racial entitlements during her service in the state Senate; she has attended secessionist political rallies in places far outside her state Senate district; and in the U.S. House she is ranking Democrat on the subcommittee which has jurisdiction over Hawaiian racial entitlements and the Akaka bill. Nevertheless, despite all those negatives, she is the lesser of two evils. Vote against Schatz by voting for Hanabusa.


U.S. House District 1:

If you chose a Republican ballot, vote for Allan Levene (against Charles Djou). In previous Congressional elections Djou loudly and publicly supported the Akaka bill and Hawaiian racial entitlements. He proclaimed that as a Republican he could be more effective than a Democrat in persuading his Republican colleagues to support the Akaka bill and racial entitlements. And he is correct in saying that! Therefore we must NEVER vote for Djou. In the November general election, vote for any Democrat against Djou. For details about Djou and a transcript of his radio interview about Akaka bill and Hawaiian racial entitlements, see "Why it's important to defeat Lingle and Djou for U.S. Senate and House in November 2012" (about 2/3 of the way down) at

If you chose a Democrat ballot, please vote for Will Espero. In the Sunday July 27 Star-Advertiser pullout section, Mr. Espero says NO to fed rec through DOI rule-change, and he mentions lack of consensus among ethnic Hawaiians on tribe vs. independence vs. status quo; and then he ends with "This matter must be thoroughly and carefully discussed with Native Hawaiians AND NON-NATIVE RESIDENTS AS WELL." But he's unclear how such a discussion would happen, and what difference the opinions of non-ethnic Hawaiians would actually make in the outcome. I previously had hope I could support either Mark Takai or Donna Mercado Kim, but their responses to the federal recognition question in the July 27 Star-Advertiser pullout section were very bad. Takai says fed rec "is long overdue ... If elected I will continue to support the Akaka bill." Both Mark Takai and Donna Kim have voted several years ago in favor of resolutions in the legislature supporting the Akaka bill, and in favor of Act 195 of 2011 to begin the Kana'iolowalu process for creating a Hawaiian Indian tribe; but 75 legislators voted that way with only one opposed (Sam Slom). Both Takai and Kim have been mostly silent about OHA's nation-building and racial entitlement programs, going along to get along but not pushing those things as enthusiastically as other candidates. Keli'i Akina has not exactly endorsed Mark Takai, but interviewed him for 50 minutes indicating Akina views Takai as a future leader. See
Do NOT vote for Ikaika Anderson. First of all he's a carpetbagger, living in Kailua (CD2) while running in CD1 to avoid butting heads with the extremely popular CD2 Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Second; he risks nothing by running for Congress, because he has two more years in his current term as councilman and is not affected by the Honolulu "resign to run" law because he's running for a federal office. Third: as a city councilman he strongly supported the Akaka bill and tried (but failed) to discredit Ken Conklin during Conklin's public testimony against the bill. See the 4-minute mini-debate at


U.S. House District 2:

Hopefully you chose the Republican ballot, and if so, then please vote for Marissa Capelouto (against David "Kawika" Crowley); see point # 2 near the top of this webpage for a detailed explanation identifying Capelouto as one of the two best candidates in all Hawaii in the 2014 primary election.

If you chose the Democrat ballot, there is no contest for House District 2, because Tulsi Gabbard is running unopposed and automatically advances to November.



If you chose a Republican ballot, please vote for Duke Aiona who has the most experience and is the most likely Republican to be able to defeat the Democrat nominee in November. It's true that Aiona favors the Akaka bill, the Kana'iolowalu tribe-building process, and racial entitlements from which he and his family benefit; however, what makes him different from Djou is that Aiona is running for the state office of Governor whereas Djou is running for Congress. Former Governor Lingle, who was also a Republican, aggressively lobbied Congress for the Akaka bill, but as state Governor she was not there with them every day in their caucuses and they could dismiss her lobbying as something any Hawaii governor would do to for pork=barrel reasons. So for purposes of opposing federal recognition of a Hawaiian tribe, it's safer to have Aiona as governor than to have Djou as a Congressman.

If you chose a Democrat ballot, please vote for David Ige (against Neil Abercrombie). Abercrombie served in Congress for 20 years, and successfully pushed the Akaka bill through the House on three occasions. After the first time he was quoted in the Honolulu Advertiser of September 27, 2000: "My heart is pounding; I am so happy," Abercrombie said after the House vote. "This is the biggest thing that has ever happened to me in my legislative career. Forty-one years ago, I came to Hawai'i without any idea of serving in Congress on behalf of Hawai'i's people. What I owe to Hawai'i in some small measure has been repaid today. It justifies my life in public service." In March and April of 2005, anticipating the second time the Akaka bill passed the House, Abercrombie gave a 4-part interview to Indian Country Today essentially saying Hawaii should never have become part of America, and all the ceded lands [indeed, the entire archipelago] rightfully belong to ethnic Hawaiians. See a detailed analysis with full text of the Indian Country interview, and numerous news reports about Abercrombie's zealousness in supporting Hawaiian racial entitlements and creation of a Hawaiian tribe, in the webpage "Why it's important to defeat Neil Abercrombie for a second term as Governor of Hawaii" at


Lieutenant Governor:

If you chose a Republican ballot, please vote for Warner Kimo Sutton (against Elwin Ahu). Unfortunately both Republican candidates are likely to support Hawaiian sovereignty and racial entitlement programs. However, Sutton is a respected businessman and has been endorsed by the only Republican state senator, Sam Slom. A friend of mine suggested Mr. Sutton might not actually support creating a Hawaiian tribe and urged me to ask him directly. I did write to Mr. Sutton but received no reply after a week. But I will support Sutton because he is the far more experienced candidate, is a small businessman, and has been endorsed by Sam Slom who has fought valiantly against the Akaka bill and personally went to Washington to lobby the Senators against it at a crucial moment in 2006.

If you chose a Democrat ballot, please vote for Shan Tsutsui (against Clayton Hee). Mr. Tsutsui was President of the state Senate and moved up to Lieutenant Governor when the sitting Lieutenant Governor, Brian Schatz, was appointed to the U.S. Senate to replace Dan Inouye. Mr. Tsutsui's views are nearly unknown, but he has served honorably and has experience in the office where he seeks (re)election.
Clayton Hee should never be entrusted with statewide office. He was OHA trustee for many years, and chairman for most of that time. He sued the State on behalf of OHA. He used claims that Mauna Kea is sacred to Hawaiians to oppose construction of a telescope on the summit, but then tried to extort the state by saying that if NASA would give $20 Million for Native Hawaiian programs, the issue of sacred land would go away. Hee is a racial partisan above all else.


State Senate District 4:

If you chose a Democrat ballot, please vote for Lorraine Inouye (against Malama Solomon) Malama Solomon was appointed to the Senate by Governor Abercrombie to fill a vacancy caused by Abercrombie's appointment of the incumbent to a position in his administration [Abercrombie has done that numerous times!]. Solomon was the primary pusher of Act 195 (2011) which set in motion the Kana'iolowalu process to create a racial registry expected to lead to establishment of a race-based government which will seek federal recognition as an Indian tribe; and she is chair of the Senate Committee which deals with Hawaiian affairs. Solomon is also holder of a Department of Hawaiian Homelands lease which she has illegally subdivided and which has been a focus of news reports about DHHL corruption and mismanagement. Let's get rid of Malama Solomon. Unfortunately there will be no Republican running in state Senate district 4. So if Solomon wins the Democrat primary, your only alternative will be to vote for the Libertarian candidate Alain Schiller, who seems virtually unknown.


State Senate District 23:

If you choose a Republican ballot please vote for Colleen Meyer (against Richard Fale). Mr. Fale has a record of voting with the Democrats in favor of Hawaiian racial entitlements and Hawaiian history-twisting resolutions. See details of his voting record in 3013 at
Colleen Meyer formerly served in the legislature where she generally voted for racial entitlements, but she seemed less far to the left than Richard Fale.


State House District 4:

Please vote for Joy San Buenaventura (against Faye Hanohano) in the Democrat primary. The incumbent is the infamous Faye Hanohano, chair of the Hawaiian Affairs committee, which passed numerous racial entitlement bills and history-twisting resolutions, many of which were sponsored by Hanohano herself. She is noted for her repeated blatant racism regarding the selection of artwork for her office walls by the State Foundation for Culture and the Arts, and her racist browbeating of citizens testifying before her committee. Unfortunately there are 5 Democrats running in the primary election. Thus the vote will be split, and Hanohano could win the primary with as little as 21% of the vote. However, a friend of mine who knows what's going on there says Joy San Buenaventura "is giving Hanohano a real challenge, and may even defeat her in the primary." So please vote for Joy San Buenaventura as the best chance to get rid of Hanohano. In the primary election there is only one Republican candidate, Gary Thomas, who will automatically be the nominee in the November general election. In October we can then compare Gary Thomas against whomever is the Democrat finalist. If someone who lives in the district has information about their views on Hawaiian sovereignty and racial entitlements, please let me know.


State House District 13: If you chose a Democrat ballot, please vote for Barbara Haniliak (against Mele Carroll) Mele Carroll has spent most of her several years in the legislature sponsoring and supporting all manner of ridiculous history-twisting resolutions and racial entitlement bills. That has been her main priority. Let's get rid of her. I don't know anything about Barbara Haniliak; but vote for her just to get rid of Mele Carroll and because a Republican is likely to be less leftwing than a Democrat on most issues.


OHA at-large contest -- vote only for Keli'i Akina and do not use your other two votes. The top three vote-getters in the at-large contest will win seats on the OHA board. In the primary election there are 16 candidates in the at-large contest. The top 6 will advance to the general election. Although a voter can vote for 1 or 2 or 3 of the 16 candidates in the OHA at-large primary election contest, I strongly recommend you cast only one vote, for Keli'i Akina, and do not vote for any other candidate in the at-large contest. We don't want other candidates to get more votes than Keli'i Akina. Dr. Akina is the only candidate who publicly proclaims he is proud to be an American (the rest are toying with secession) and Akina is the only candidate who opposes creating a race-based government and opposes racially exclusionary entitlement programs.


OHA seat representing O'ahu. There are four candidates. All voters in Hawaii can vote in all OHA contests; the seat is labeled "O'ahu" only because the candidates are required to be residents of O'ahu. Voters in the primary can vote for only one of these O'ahu candidates. The top two vote-getters will then advance to the general election in November, unless one of the candidates gets more than 50% of the votes in the primary. The candidates are non-partisan, meaning that you can vote for them regardless whether you choose a Republican or Democrat ballot. All four of them are racialists, strongly supporting racial entitlement programs. But they have slightly different although somewhat mushy views on nationbuilding and federal recognition of a Hawaiian tribe (except Jackie Burke who has previously opposed federal recognition).

Chris Lum Lee is a young man with a strong background in public service, and a masters degree in business administration in 2009. He thinks OHA should be run more like a business, with greater autonomy, to help ethnic Hawaiians become self-sufficient. "I believe that nation building is long overdue, as the Native Hawaiian community deserves the opportunity to attain the federal recognition that was implied as a result of the Apology Resolution." However, he has also appeared on a TV panel discussion in a program favoring reestablishing Hawaii as an independent nation. He apparently believes (but does not openly say so) that federal recognition would allow a Hawaiian tribe to get government handouts while working toward secession. See his impressive candidate website at

Peter Apo is the incumbent running for reelection. He formerly served in the legislature. During the tumultuous month of May he said OHA has wasted a lot of money on nationbuilding that could better be spent helping OHA's beneficiaries, and he supported delaying nationbuilding while taking time to provide more education and get more feedback. But he has waffled on disclosing what his views really are; and at one point he removed a position paper from his website. He seems a bit slippery, disingenuous and vague, like the stereotype of a politician. Keli'i Akina, President of Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, did a 56-minute interview of Peter Apo, available at

Jackie Burke has been a candidate for OHA, either at-large or for the Kaua'i seat, many times over the past decade. But now she has apparently moved to O'ahu and seeks the O'ahu seat. In June 2014 her Facebook page is still geared toward her 2012 candidacy from Kaua'i. She is strongly racialist, and in the past opposed the Akaka bill because she believes it would interfere with demands for independence through international action. In previous years I recommended voting for Ms. Burke only because she was the only candidate openly opposing the Akaka bill. But her background is very weak compared with Apo and Lum, and her failure to create a new webpage in 2014 reflecting her new O'ahu residency displays a laziness that indicates she doesn't see herself as a serious candidate.

Chace Kamaleihaahaa Shigemasa (male) is virtually unknown. A Google search reveals nothing other than a poorly developed Facebook page.

Conclusion: The best candidate is Chris Lum Lee; second-best is Peter Apo. Unlike Jackie Burke, they are not blatantly racialist, and they have a lot of experience working with government agencies. They both seem mellow, and willing to work cooperatively with people of all races. Lum Lee should be preferred over Apo because he is considerably younger, better educated, and has a background in business administration. You have only one vote in the O'ahu contest, so I recommend you cast it for Chris Lum Lee. I predict Lum Lee and Apo with be the two top vote-getters and will then campaign against each other for the November final, forcing each to be more explicit about their priorities. I will reassess my recommendation for the November final election based on what they say after the primary.


OHA seat representing Maui: There are two candidates, so this contest will not appear on the primary election ballot and both will advance to the general election in November. The candidates must live on Maui but all voters in Hawaii can vote for one of these candidates in the general election.

Carmen Hulu Lindsey is the incumbent, having been appointed to fill the unexpired term of Boyd Mossman who resigned to work for the Mormon Church. She is the owner/broker of Lindsey Realty, who was not yet a trustee when the Kaka'ako $200 Million settlement was agreed to, but who later, as trustee, discovered fine print in the agreement which required OHA to abide by a 200 ft. height limit for any buildings. Her experience as a realtor would be useful to OHA in its role as one of the largest landowner/developers in Hawaii.

Mahealani Kamau'u Perez Wendt had 32 years of experience as an administrator and executive director of the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation on O'ahu before retiring in 2009, getting remarried and moving to Maui. Her initially pleasant demeanor quickly gives way to a fairly hostile racialist attitude which now, in her elderly years, is occasionally accompanied by foul language. As head of the NHLC she grew accustomed to receiving government handouts and overseeing race-based lawsuits against the State of Hawaii on issues such as water rights, and providing lawyers to represent ethnic Hawaiians in lawsuits over land titles. She has repeatedly said over the years that after the racially exclusionary "Hawaiian nation" has been created, it might consider opening membership to people with no Hawaiian blood who are married to ethnic Hawaiians or who have made significant contributions to Hawaiian language and culture. However, her sincerity on that point is questionable, and she seems to offer that speculation merely as a way to lull people with no native blood to acquiesce to the creation of a race-based "nation." She has recently served as Maui representative to the Roll Commission which gathered names and proof of ancestry for ethnic Hawaiians who want to participate in creating a race-based government which will then seek federal recognition as a tribe.

Conclusion: In the November general election please vote for Carmen Hulu Lindsey (against Mahealani Kamau'u Perez Wendt).


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