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You've made it to the 27th Burlington Venturer Group's website! Here you'll find information about us, and Super Nova. As webmaster, I try to update this site when I can, and I'm working on getting more and more photos up here, so come back often!

Registration is now closed... Permanently.
I regret to inform you that Supernova has been retired. The staff and I thank everyone who has sent us thank-you notes, praise, criticism and requests for info on SN2003. It's nice to know we had a following. We love you guys!

SN 2002 went out with a bang! A good time was had by all, including the staff. We'd like to thank all the campers that came out, all the staff that sacrificed their time, energy and sleep and Burlington District and Manitou for being great to work with this year.

Supernova 2002 was April 5th-7th at Camp Manitou!
This site is currently getting updated between the webmaster's 4th year university classes. Photos from Supernova 2002 are up and just a click away on the frame to your left. I'm looking to get the photos recently uncovered from SN2001 uploaded to the site, but SN2002 is gonna have to do you for now! Enjoy!

In case you hadn't gotten this yet:
Supernova is officially closed for good.
I'm sorry guys, we had a good run. The staff did not come to this decision easily, but we just didn't have the staff anymore to run a good camp, and we weren't willing to let Supernova turn to crap. .


October 18th/2002 - Okay, so it's been nearly 6months... I'm sorry guys, but I was in Australia for the summer and updating the site was just not practical! But I do have a scanner in my hot little hands here and am getting some more photos done. I hope to have a complete gallery out soon (including SN2001 photos) and I'll send out an email to everyone in our address book once it's completed. You're welcome to download them if you like.

April 22nd/2002 - Keep an eye out on the site as I have gotten some SN2001 photos scanned, so we can round out the photo galleries. SN 2002 is almost complete, with only Sunday to upload. Supernova might be over, but we're not going to be forgotten! Also, if YOU have any photos you'd like to see added to our website, email them to me at (the other email account doesn't have enough space) and i'll get them up here lickety-split!

April 17th/2002 - Are you interested in getting SN photos? Once the staff have had the chance to root through them, we will be happy to donate the remaining photos to campers! Just email us at the address, and when we've divvied them up, i'll send you any I can!

April 3rd/2002 - Hey folks! Here's your weather update for this weekend! Friday at Camp Manitou is supposed to be a little chilly, considering it will be late when you get there. It may rain, so be prepared with groundsheets for setting up your tents. Expect it to be a few degrees lower than 0. Saturday has a chance of rain, 20%, but that's not much at all. Bring your raincoats to be prepared, but hope for dry weather, k? The high for Saturday is 5 degrees and the low is about -5 degrees. Sunday is supposed to be a little bit warmer at 8 degrees but it has a slightly higher chance of rain, at 30%. So there is your weather update. Dress accordingly, and be prepared to have a GRRRRREAT time!

Mar 28th/2002 - Dear Guiding Groups: You are soooo off the hook! The wonderful Burlington District Scout House Manager Denise (otherwise known as the most organized lady on the planet!) has received a hold harmless and indemnity form from Guiding National office that applies to all Guide Groups for Camp Manitou for that weekend. This means no extra form for you guys! Woohoo! ps. folks, make sure you check the weather before camp. The way things are going I've no idea what to expect!

Mar 21st/2002 - I just found out! Congrats to Steph M one of our wonderful Kingston Rovers Staff!! This week she SHAVED her head for "Cuts for Cancer". Way to go Steph, you rule!

Mar 18th/2002 - Well, only 3 weeks to Supernova guys and all is going well here! Our crests are in, our bouncers and portapottys are booked and the dance is all set! A new casino game is now running again including the triumphant return of all your favourites! We have broken an SN record too! We have the highest number of early registered campers EVER! Over 100 of you have already contacted us and paid registration. We're looking forward to the biggest supernova yet, and we're going out with a bang!

Mar 3rd/2002 - Well believe it or not, Supernova 2002 is a mere 5 weeks away! Remember you only have two weeks to get those early registrations for the last Supernova EVER!!!

Feb 26th/2002 - NEW! Catapult Challenge for this year! Bring a catapult that can launch a tennis ball with you to camp. It has to be homemade and it has to be carried by NO MORE than two people from your group. They will be judged on two criteria: distance and accuracy. The contest will take place saturday morning at opening for a really great prize! Check out 2002 Catapult Challenge for more info.

Feb 17th/2002 - Well, a few of the executive just got back from the 30th anniversary of the wonderful, wonderful Snow Moot. A good time was had by all and from the sounds of it the activities this weekend were GREAT! The exec was there at closing handing out flyers for SN2002, if there is anyone who did not get one and requires more information, just email us here!

Jan 31st/2002 - Well folks, our first registration contest is over and the second one is underway. I will be holding a new contest every 2 weeks until the camp. That's at least 8 more registrations available to be won, and trust me, that number will go up! In other SN news, we're steaming right along with our events getting booked up as we speak. We have confirmed more bouncy attractions, more port-o-lets, more prizes, and yep, you guessed it, more CHEESE! (that is our staffer named cheese... ) Register early, register often, and we'll see you all at camp in April!

Jan 17th/2002 - Dale Williams! In our guestbook?? How are ya buddy? How's school? and more importantly, WHAT IS YOUR EMAIL???? I need to get ahold of Dale Williams, so if anyone has a current email or phone number for him at school, please email me at the supernova account!!! Thanks folks!

Jan 16th/2002 - Welll folks, now that we're into 2002 Supernova is starting to feel a lot closer! 2 new things today:
(1) If you look above for the blue font you'll see our first contest to win yourself some free registration! How does that sound? I'll pick two people from those who email me to tell me what they want to see at our dance! Got other suggestions for SN? Well, I think I'll put you into the contest too then! just email us! The deadline is the 31st of January!

(2) Guiding groups this is soooooo IMPORTANT!!!! At the end of this update I will include the "Hold Harmless and Indemnity" waiver that you must, must, MUST! fill out before coming to Supernova. This is actually a form that the Guiding office needs, contact your DC if you don't know how to use it. You just print it out, fill it out and then it has to be forwarded to your National office for signing. You then have to get it to Burlington District Scouthouse before the event or give it to us on the Friday of Supernova. Okay, here is the form: Hold Harmless form for Guiding Groups

Dec 8th/2001 - Are you in Guiding? Do you want to come to Supernova 2001? Well, the executive have just discovered (as I'm sure your leaders probably already know) a special form is required for Guiding groups to camp on Scouting property. It's an insurance thing, so we're gonna get our hands on this form and post it on the website as soon as we can. Scouting groups DO NOT have to fill this out. Only Guiding groups. I'll have more directions for you guys (or, gals I should say) shortly. Thanks!

Dec 3rd/2001 - Okay Alison and Pat, I've waited long enough, you've had your private time.
I am proud to announce the engagement of Patrick Simpson to Alison Ouellette. This happened just a few weeks ago, and while I have respected their privacy till now, I am just too excited about such a great thing happening not only to two supernova staffers, but two truly wonderful people, and a couple of my best friends. You guys deserve all of the happiness in the world and I can't think of two people more perfect for one another. Congratulations Ali and Pat!

Got an idea for SN 2002? Something you want to see?? Well, drop us a line in the guestbook, or at my email:

Thanks for visiting! Enjoy.

New Sections: Photo Gallery and SN Staff Info Page!
Check 'em out!

Please Sign Our Guestbook when you visit our site. C'mon.... Pleeze??? I like getting messages!

Super Nova 2001     Contact Us

Last Revised April 25th, 2002

Any Questions or Concerns about this Site?
E-Mail the Webmaster, Erika Kuehnel.

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