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Specialising in captive bred arachnids
from around the world

.. Other Invertebrates...

Name Size Price
Texas Giant Vinegarone
(Mastigoproctus giganteus)
LT imports 3"+ $58.
Tanzanian Giant Tailess Whipscorpion
(Damon variegatus)
CB 2"+ $29.
Tanzanian Blue Legged Centipede
(Scolopendra mortisans)
LT import 4"+ $37.
Vietnamese Giant Red Legged Centipede
(Scolopendra subspinipes)
MT import 5"+ $37.
Egyptian Peppered Cockroach
(Archimandrita tesselata)
CB 1/2" - 3" $20.
Mexican Death's Head Cockroach
(Blaberus craniifer)
CB 1/2" - 2 1/2" $10.
Brazilian Glass Wing Cockroach
(Blaberus giganteus)
CB 1/2" - 3" $20.
Central American Burrowing Glass Wing Cockroach
(Eublaberus sp.)
CB 1/4" - 2"+ $10/font>
Madagascar Banded Hissing Cockroach
(Gromphordorhina sp.?)
CB 1/2" - 2 1/2" $15.
Mexican Brown Cockroach
(Periplaneta brunea)
<2" $5.
Mexican Burrowing Cockroach
(Pycnoscelus surinamensis)
<1" $1.66 or less..
Malaysian Blue Striped Walking Stick
(Baculum sp.)
CB 1" - 7" $17.
Chinese Praying Mantis
(Tenodera sinensis)
CB 3"+ $33.

Please note that Canadian residents require permits to keep exotic insects and terrestrial mollusks. This does not apply to arachnids.

* - C.I.T.E.S. paperwork required for shipment out of Canada.
CB - Captive Bred
Short term - recent to 4 months in captivity.
Mid term (MT) - 4-12 months in captivity.
Long term (LT) - 12 months or more (sometimes years!) in captivity.