Construction deterioration & building durability glossary
A vertical member of a structure whose horizontal dimension
measured at right angles to the thickness exceeds three times its
- Apron Wall: That part of a panel wall between window sill and wall
- Area Wall: 1. The masonry surrounding or partly surrounding an
area. 2. The retaining wall around basement windows below grade.
- Bearing Wall: One which supports a vertical load in addition to its
own weight.
- Cavity Wall: A wall built of masonry units so arranged as to provide
a continuous air space within the wall (with or without insulating
material), and in which the inner and outer wythes of the wall are tied
together with metal ties.
- Composite Wall: A multiple-wythe wall in which at least one of the
wythes is dissimilar to the other wythe or wythes with respect to type
or grade of masonry unit or mortar
- Curtain Wall: An exterior non-loadbearing wall not wholly supported
at each story. Such walls may be anchored to columns, spandrel
beams, floors or bearing walls, but not necessarily built between
structural elements.
- Dwarf Wall: A wall or partition which does not extend to the ceiling.
- Enclosure Wall: An exterior non-bearing wall in skeleton frame
construction. It is anchored to columns, piers or floors, but not
necessarily built between columns or piers nor wholly supported at
each story.
- Exterior Wall: Any outside wall or vertical enclosure of a building
other than a party wall.
- Faced Wall: A composite wall in which the masonry facing and
backings are so bonded as to exert a common reaction under load.
- Fire Division Wall: Any wall which subdivides a building so as to
resist the spread of fire. It is not necessarily continuous through all
stories to and above the roof.
- Fire Wall: Any wall which subdivides a building to resist the spread
of fire and which extends continuously from the foundation through
the roof.
- Foundation Wall: That portion of a loadbearing wall below the level
of the adjacent grade, or below first floor beams or joists.
- Hollow Wall: A wall built of masonry units arranged to provide an air
space within the wall. The separated facing and backing are bonded
together with masonry units.
- Insulated Cavity Wall: See "SCR insulated cavity wall".
- Loadbearing Wall: A wall which supports any vertical load in
addition to its own weight.
- Non-Loadbearing Wall: A wall which supports no vertical load other
than its own weight.
- Panel Wall: An exterior, non-loadbearing wall wholly supported at
each story.
- Parapet Wall: That part of any wall entirely above the roof line.
- Party Wall: A wall used for joint service by adjoining buildings.
- Perforated Wall: One which contains a considerable number of
relatively small openings. Often called pierced wall or screen wall.
- Shear Wall: A wall which resists horizontal forces applied in the
plane of the wall.
- Single Wythe Wall: A wall containing only one masonry unit in wall
- Solid Masonry Wall: A wall built of solid masonry units, laid
contiguously, with joints between units completely filled with mortar
or grout.
- Spandrel Wall: That part of a curtain wall above the top of a window
in one story and below the sill of the window in the story above.
- Veneered Wall: A wall having a facing of masonry units or other
weather-resisting non-combustible materials securely attached to the
backing, but not so bonded as to intentionally exert common action
under load.
A horizontal member anchored to a masonry wall
to which other structural elements may be attached. Also called head
A bonder or metal piece which connects wythes of
masonry to each other or in other materials.
A rigid, corrosion-resistant metal tie which
bonds two wythes of a cavity wall. It is usually steel, 3/16 in. in
diameter and formed in a "Z" shape or a rectangle.
A strip or piece of metal used to tie a facing
veneer to the backing.
That property of a mortar which prevents the
rapid loss of water to masonry units of high suction. It prevents
bleeding or water gain when mortar is in contact with relatively
impervious units.
A projection of lower masonry on the outside of the
wall slightly above the ground. Often a damp course is placed at the level of the water table to prevent upward penetration of ground water
Barrier which prevents the flow or passage of moisture through porous materials (masonry, concrete, etc.) due to water pressure. It can be succesfully designed for either below or above grade construction.
weath·ered; weath·er·ing/'we[th]-ri[ng], 'we-[th]&-/
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
The action of the elements on a rock in altering its colour, texture, or composition, or in rounding off its edges.
1. Exposure to the open air and / or subject to the action of the elements, with the result of
alteration of color, texture, composition, or form of exposed objects; specifically : the physical disintegration and
chemical decomposition of materials; aging
2. Alternatively used as a noun to
describe a slight construction slope designed to throw off rainwater
3. Changes on the surface of glass caused by chemical reaction with the environment. Weathering usually involves the leaching of alkali from the glass by water, leaving behind siliceous weathering products that are often laminar.
4. Response of materials (which were once in equilibrium within earth's crust) to new conditions at or near contact with air, water, or living matter. Also
- chemical weathering: disintegration, a process by which rock is broken down into smaller and smaller fragments as result of energy developed by physical forces.
- mechanical weathering: chemical weathering - Weathering of rock material by chemical processes that transform original material into new chemical combinations. Thus chemical weathering of orthoclase produces clay, some silica, and a soluble salt of potassium
Openings placed in mortar joints of facing material at
the level of flashing, to permit the escape of moisture.
Wind, like stack effect, is a natural phenomenon. Wind increases the positive air pressure acting against a building on the windward side, and produces a negative pressure on the leeward side and on the walls parallel to the wind direction. The wind also exerts a suction on flat or low-sloped roofs and a positive pressure on the windward side of steeper-sloped roofs
Masonry designed with the higher stresses
allowed under EBM. Requires the establishing of procedures on the
job to control mortar mix, workmanship and protection of masonry
Masonry designed with the reduced
stresses allowed under EBM.
1. Each continuous vertical section of masonry one unit in
2. The thickness of masonry separating flues in a
chimney. Also called withe or tier.
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