Firestone Software

I am redoin my page due to the account...IT SUCKED!!!

I have alot planed with this page however...I plan on makin it kewl az shit... first up, I ain't gonna put all tha game projects on the main page...I plan to make a PROJECT PAGE... Also,I am gonna make a diffrent background too...itz gonna be bout it... And each member of firestone will have there own personal page bout them...
Game Projects
The members
Joinin Firestone Software

Bout tha pages...

Game Projects - These are the game we are workin on...

Members - This iz about our selves...

DC GAMES - ever wanted ta make your own games? Dcgames will give you a simple utility that will make game programmin easy...

Joinin Firestone Software - Well,if you can draw good art or have programming experiance...or even make midi should join...

After each page iz made,it will become a link...till then,itz all juss text...

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