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Good Afternoon and Welcome To

Steaming Engine Steaming Engine

Jerry Quinn
Classic Trains & Toys

1329 Blackhorse Hill Rd. / Coatesville, PA 19320
Phone: (610) 383-1931
Train Line

Star Lionel Value Added Dealer Star MTH Electric Trains Authorized Dealer
Star American Flyer Star Marx Trains and Toys
Star Williams Electric Trains Star K-Line Trains and Accessories
Star Plasticville Star Road Champs Die-Cast Vehicles
Star ...And Many More!

Blue Line

Need an answer to a question right away?
Call 610-383-1931 and speak directly with Jerry Quinn!

Candy Line

Online Catalog

Click the "Show All" button below to view all current MTH products

Come check out our complete ONLINE CATALOG! This "Virtual Train Store" represents almost everything you will find in our store. To add to your shopping experience, hundreds of pictures are being added of our collectible items. If you would like a picture of something that does not have a picture link, just ask us and we will get one for you! Now, browse through our Online Catalog.

Use our Mail-Order Form to order!

Candy Line

Train Repair & Maintenance Service

Bring Your Old Trains Back To Life!

Take Your Trains From This:

To This!

Old Train New Train

Do you have old trains and accessories that you once loved, but now do not run well, or at all? Well, if so, then we can help. We offer the most experienced train repair and restoration service available anywhere. Plus, all of our repairs are
Call us with a proposed job at 610-383-1931!!
Let us help "Unlock The Magic Of Your Old Trains!"

Blue Line

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You are our Page Counter visitor since November 18, 1997!

This Page Last Updated On November 7, 2010

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[ Jerry Quinn Classic Trains & Toys Main Page | New Items | Register for Our Mailing List | Store Hours & Directions | Catalog Main Page | Freight Sets | Passenger Sets | Engines | Transformers | Automatic Accessories | Motorized Units | Individual Cars | Buildings & Building Kits | Platform Accessories | Platform Vehicles | Bridges, Trestles, & Tunnels | Track, Switches, Lock-Ons, etc. | Literature | Pedal Cars | Miscellaneous Items | **Mail-Order Form** ]

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Wonderful Memories of Christmas Mornings Past