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Malachi's Mail

Malachi's Maille

* * * U P D A T E D ! ! ! * * *

* * * N E W S F L A S H ! ! * * *

I'm now on Facebook! Click here to check out my pages and pics!

Check out my other items on eBay! I have MANY MANY more items there!

Have a look at my eBay store
for special one-of-a-kind items!!!

Here are a few of pics of the shop at an SCA event called Pennsic XXXIII. (Including one of yours truly...*G*)

To place an order or if you have any questions...simply click here to e-mail me.
It's that easy! *S*

Malachi's Maille: Specializing in the manufacturing and selling of stock and custom-made,
hand-woven chainmail costumes, jewelry, belts, accessories, erotic and biker wear.

Greetings, salutations and welcome! Let me introduce myself by saying that I am Lord Malachi Halfhand
(aka Don Stoughton), a poor, humble, fighter, chirurgeon, and merchant, dealing in fine chainmail jewelry,
accessories, goth, biker, and erotic wear. I have been a member of a historical re-creation organization called the
Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA) for about 32 years now, where I learned my trade of maille-making
and manufacturing. My business is very small, a one man operation, and everything I make is handmade.
Most of my items I sell at SCA events and on e-Bay, while the rest is custom or from my catalog.
I do keep a selection of stock on hand, however the larger pieces can take as much as
three months to make and are made to order only. Below you will find some examples of my
work as well as links to other sites and web rings.

My works are generally made of 14 gauge brass, 16 gauge copper, nickel and sterling silver, 18 gauge aluminum,
19 gauge stainless, and 14 gauge steel wire, ranging from 1/4" to 3/8" inside diameter rings.
Chains used in headpieces and other jewelry items are of copper, nickel, sterling silver, and brass.
All of my french hook earrings are of surgical steel.
I have a selection of beads and crystal that I can incorporate into almost any piece, at an additional cost.
At the time you place your order, I will give you an estimate of time that will be required to finish
your piece. Please be patient, chainmail is very easy to make, but very time and labor intensive.

The gemstones I currently carry are: Amethyst, Malachite, Agate, Yellow Tiger Eye, Onyx, Red Tiger Eye,
Turquoise, Hematite, Blue Aventurine, Carnelian, Sodalite, Moonstone, Amber, Smoky Quartz, African Jade
Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli and Garnet with more to arrive soon.

For additional pieces and prices or to obtain a catalog and price list by snail-mail, you can write me at the e-mail address below.
USUALLY, if it can be made of fabric, it can be made in chainmail. I do custom orders frequently and would be happy to
discuss any ideas or specific requests. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line.

My address is:

Malachi's Maille
221 N. Washington St. Apt.5
Butler, PA. 16001
(Telephone by request)

Or at my e-mail address below

Slave Bracelets/Handflowers
Lady's Wear/Belts
Barefoot Sandals/Slave Anklets


All images copyright by Malachi's Maille and may not be used or reproduced without permission.