The death of the pope Léon XIII (1903)
5,56 : The death of Léon XIII, in 1903, to the venerable age of 93 years. Election of Pius X. His little of interest for the material business of the Vatican. His huge work at the level of the canonical rights. The possible recognition of his greatness.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,56 quatrain
The forty years of peace (1871-1911)
1,17 : The forty years of peace (1871-1911) More likely about a future drought of 40 years. followed by forty years of floods.
1,63 : The forty years of peace (1871-1911)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,63 quatrain
The Balkan wars (1912-1913)
1,98 : The Balkan wars (1912-1913) and the downfall of the Ottoman empire (1912).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,98 quatrain
Beginnings of World War I (1914)
1,87: World War I, the Germany-Russia confrontation and fights of the Marne (1914).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,87 quatrain
3,18: Reims bombarded by the German aviation (20 September 1914). The sacrilegious reach of the attack. The forty years of peace having preceded World War I.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,18 quatrain
10,63: The assassination attempt in 1914 against the son of François-Joseph 1st, François-Ferdinand, heir of the throne after the disappearance of Rodolphe, victim of a nationalistic Serbian and the events that triggered World War I, or physicians without border in territories occupied by the Turkish descendants (of the previous verse 10,62).
Original editions with good translation for this 10,63 quatrain
The invasion of France via Belgium (1914)
4,8: The invasion of France via Belgium (1914) and the Battle of Saint-Quentin. Germans threaten Paris of their position entrenched behind the Marne.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,8 quatrain
The invasion of Turkey (1915-1916)
2,1 : The invasion of Turkey by the French-British forces (1915-16) and floodings in the Netherlands (1916).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,1 quatrain
5,35 : The attack of British on the strait of the Dardanelles in 1916. The retirement of Gallipoli, January 8, and the biting resistance of Turks in spite of their weak means.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,35 quatrain
The intervention of the United States in the first world conflict (1917)
1,91 : The apparitions of Fatima, the entrance in war of the United States and the Russian revolution (1917).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,91 quatrain
3,29 : The military intervention of the United States to the conclusion of World War I. The defeat of Germany of the Kaiser.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,29 quatrain
Lenin and the Russian Revolution (1917)
1,3 : The French Revolution (1792) or the Russian Revolution (1917).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,3 quatrain
2,24 : Lenin and the business of the " leaded " wagon. His journey through Germany, at the beginning of the year 1917. The breathless Germany at the end of the conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,24 quatrain
Hitler and the treaty of Versailles (1919)
2,80 : Guillaume II of Germany and World War I. The treaty of Versailles and the extreme nationalism of Adolf Hitler.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,80 quatrain
The work of Cologne by English (1919)
6,4 : the work of Cologne by English after the end of World War I. The city becomes cosmopolitan but preserves his/her/its language and his/her/its culture.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,4 quatrain
The fall of the Ottoman empire (1920)
1,56 : The tribulations of the Ottoman empire (XIXe and XXe centuries)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,56 quatrain
2,21 : The dismantling of the Ottoman empire (1920) and the victory of the Triple-understanding on the Triple-alliance (First world War).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,21 quatrain
3,97 The birth of the Zionist movement at the end of the XlXe century. The Balfour declaration (1917) and the bootjack of the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. The fall of the Ottoman empire in 1920.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,97 quatrain
5,19 : the fall of the Ottoman empire in 1920. The enrichment of the Middle East during the Second world war thanks to its oil. Jews get settled in Palestine. The war of Six-days. The terrifying confrontations, between Jews and Palestinians, that occured since.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,19 quatrain
The advent of Mussolini (1923)
3,70 : The birth of the Italian fascism. The advent of the " Duce " Mussolini (1923). The invasion of Italy by Allies, the July 1943.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,70 quatrain
7,32: The humble origins of Benito Mussolini. His little interest for arts in general. The doubtful policies decreed against the Italian middle class. The famous march of the Italian Fascists of combat, October 30, 1922. Anguishes of World War II on the divided country.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,32 quatrain
The murder of Mattéotti (1924)
9,2 The murder of Mattéotti brought a general protest in Italy and deputies retired in block on the Avetin mount to force the king to free the dictator's Italy in 1924.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,2 quatrain
Earthquakes to Éphèse and Corinth (1928)
2,52 : The earthquakes of March 30 and April 22, 1928 in Smyme and Corinth. The confrontation Constantin 1st - Venizélos and their personal vision of Greece.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,52 quatrain
3,3 : The earthquakes of 1928 in cities of Corinth and Éphèse. The ideological confrontation between the Greek Venizéloses and Constantins.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,3 quatrain
The stock crash of 1929
3,34 : The solar eclipse of 1927, prelude to the stock crash of 1929. The political beginnings of Hitler Adolf.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,34 quatrain
The decay of XIII Alphonse of Spain (1931)
6,88 : The decay of the king Alphonse XIII of Spain, April 14, 1931. The rapid succession of republican governments between 1931 and 1936. The murder of the chief of the royalist party, July 13, 1936, triggers to the civil war of Spain. An earthquake provokes the death of 25 000 people in Pakistan at the end of the month of May 1935.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,88 quatrain
The murder of the president Doumer and the abduction of the Lindbergh baby (1932)
3,72 : The political murder of the president French Paul Doumer and the abduction, against ransom, of the son of Charles Lindbergh. The death of the child and the mystery having surrounded this affair.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,72 quatrain
The political beginnings of Hitler Adolf (1918-1933)
1,97 : The period between the first two world wars, speeches of peace of Adolf Hitler (1918-1939).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,97 quatrain
3,81 : Hitler, chancellor of Germany in 1933. His taking in charge of the army five years later. His war, his defeat. The harbor of Remagen, symbol by excellence of the western Ally victory.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,81 quatrain
4,56 : The accession to the power of Hitler Adolf. His false pacific air to all; the beginning of his mandate at the title of Chancellor of Germany. The Second world War and the genocide of Jews.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,56 quatrain
6,67 : The advent of Hitler Adolf and torments endured under his domination. Governments imposed inside the conquered countries. The character compared to the bloodthirsty Néron (1936-1945).
Original editions with good translation for this 6,67 quatrain
The Marshal Hindeburg delivers the power to Hitler (1933)
10,85 : At the age of 86 years old, captive of the power game, the old marshal Hindenburg delivers the power to Hitler.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,85 quatrain
The civil War of Spain (1936)
2,39 : The accession to the power of Adolf Hitler in 1938. Deladiers preside the Council of Framée in this same year. Franco and his dictatorship in Spain. Italy in World War II and massive elimination of Jews by Nazi.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,39 quatrain
3,8 : The civil war of Spain of 1936. The European nations ingerence in this internal conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,8 quatrain
5,51 : The Spanish civil war (1936-1939). The alignment of the various nations of the globe in this conflict. The creation of the international Brigades.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,51 quatrain
6,7 : The civil War of Spain (1936-1939). The major role of troops of Hitler and Mussolini in the conflict. The final victory of Franco's nationalists.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,7 quatrain
6,19 : The beginnings of the civil War of Spain (1936). Seville becomes the iron of spear of the Revolution. The massacre of the religious of the country by republicans. Franco's final triumph.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,19 quatrain
Édouard VIII gives up to break his/her/its union rather than to reign (1937)
10,22 : Édouard VIII, preferring the love to the crown, abdicates in favor of his brother and is going into exile to marry the Simpson lady. Compromised by his/ relations with Nazi Germany, he was named governor of the Bahamas of 1940 to 1945, so far from the Nazi manoeuvre during all the duration of World War II. After the war, he settled in France where he died.
The reunification of Germany (1938)
1,82 : The Anschluss, Adolf Hitler and the unification of Germany and Austria (1938).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,82 quatrain
5,94 : Adolf Hider and the big Reich. Work of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria and invasion of Belgium. The Führer partner to Armenia and the Aryan race (1936-1940).
The election of the pope Pius XII (1939)
3,65: The discovery of the tomb of Saint-Peter. Election of the pope Pius XII, March 2, 1939. His lawsuit of beatification and the notorious interventions of the Jewish because of his passive attitude with the German concentration camp holocausts.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,65 quatrain
6,66: The discovery of the tomb of Saint-Peter in 1935 and earthquakes in April of the same year. Consecration of the Nazism during the convention of Nuremberg (15 September 1935). Possibility that racism is associated, one day, to the Beast announced by the apocalypse.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,66 quatrain
Early beginnings of World War II (1939)
1,47: The league of nations and its failures of conciliation (1920-1939).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,47 quatrain
1,92 : Adolf Hitler and business of the central Europe, prémiceses of the Second world War (1939).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,92 quatrain
5,4 : The pact of non-aggression intervened August 24, 1939 between Germany and Russia. The invasion of Poland by troops of Hitler Adolf.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,4 quatrain
6,58 : The economic crisis known by the United States and by countries of Western Europe between years 1929 and 1936. The strange concluded alliance between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. during World War II. Countries most touched by the conflict: Great-Brittain and Italy, recover peace thanks to their conjugated efforts.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,58 quatrain
7,34 : The unconscious French leader optimism at the nearing of World War II. The torment of the work to count of June 1940. The stern rationing imposed to the population.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,34 quatrain
9,52 : The pull back of Germany from the Conference on disarmament of the League of Nations that had for mission to avoid the war. Illegal annexations of Austria, then of Czechoslovakia and in short of Poland, by Hitler's Germany and the one of Ethiopia by the Italy of Mussolini, condemned by The League of Nations. The attack and the occupation of France that followed.
The invasion of Poland (1939)
3,7 : The invasion of Poland, at dawn of the second world conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,7 quatrain
The big flight economic of the Middle East thanks to his/her/its oil
4,15 : The big economic takeoff of the Middle Orient thanks to its oil, at the dawn of the second world conflict. The major role of Britain and the United States in the economic development of this region of the globe.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,15 quatrain
The defeat of Allies in Dunkerque (1940)
2,64 : The starved Switzerland during the Second world War. The Convention of Geneva and the powerlessness of Allies to maintain themselves in Dunkerque (1940).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,64 quatrain
Mussolini and Hitler (1940)
2,30: Mussolini and the fascist Italy. Adolf Hider and his visceral hate of Jews. The Nazi propaganda.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,30 quatrain
7,33 : The arrival to power of Mussolini and the few of scruples demonstrated in the systematic elimination of objectors to the regime. The intervention of Scorca and of Ghandi (1943), to convince the Duce to persevere in his war. The hunt to the fascists triggered after the surrender of Italy.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,33 quatrain
Hungary joins itself to Germany and Italy (1940)
2,32: Hungary 1940. Its union with the germano-italo-Japanese tripartite pact. Yugoslavia invaded by Germany (April 1941) or event to come.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,32 quatrain
The invasion of Greece by Italy (1940)
1,69 : The invasion of Greece by the ltalie (1940)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,69 quatrain
3,40 : The Italian invasion of the Greece (1940), follow-up of the one of Germans the year after. The political murder of Metaxas.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,40 quatrain
The invasion of Belgium and France (1940)
2,50 : The neutrality of Belgium at the dawn of the second world conflict revives a centennial rivalry. France conquered under the observant eye of Belgium.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,50 quatrain
4,19: The capitulation of Belgium at dawn of the Second world War. The evacuation of Dunkerque by Allies. France quit to his/her/its fate.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,19 quatrain
4,80: The construction of the Maginot line (1927-1936). invasion of Paris, in 1940, in spite of the presence of this imposing system of defense. The joining of the nearly totality of armies of the world in the Second world War.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,80 quatrain
9,47 The occupation of France in 1940, the armistice signed by Huntziger and Keitel to Rethindes June 22, 1940, and the election of Government Pétain that will ratify this agreement. The terrifying consequences for the Jewish and the resistant.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,47 quatrain
The invasion of Denmark (1940)
6,41: Denmark and Germany agree to a mutual pact of nonaggression. The invasion of the country by Germany a few months later (10 April 1940) constrained the British Islands and Holland to invest massively to protect the borders of the Netherlands. The illusory intervention of the United States, in Italy, to prevent the climbing of the conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,41 quatrain
The conquest of Belgium (1940)
6,30 : The surprised invasion of Belgium, by the German troops, May 10, 1940. The neutrality displayed by the country ridiculed by the aggressor. The uncomfortable position of Liege during the advance of the armies of the Reich.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,30 quatrain
The battle of England (1940)
2,18 : The bombardments on England (1940) and the aerial fights of the second world conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,18 quatrain
3,71: The battle of England of August 1940. The stubborn resistance of islanders, symbol par excellence of courage. The defeat of Germany in 1945. Costs of the surrender. Final balance of the war.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,71 quatrain
6,34 : The English city bombardment during the fall 1940. Churchill and the population in general benefit a renewal of vitality and of national pride.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,34 quatrain
The naval war of the Atlantic (1939-1942)
2,40 : The naval war of the second world conflict. The importance of fleets in presence and the bitterness of fights.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,40 quatrain
The invasion of Greece from Yugoslavia (1941)
4,82 : The invasion of Greece by Hitlérian troops in 1941. Their passage by Yugoslavia and the organization of the Resistance under Tito. Hitler associated to the fatal name "destroyer".
Original editions with good translation for this 4,82 quatrain
Pearl Harbor and the war of the Pacific (1941-1945)
1,30 : The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (1941)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,30 quatrain
3,1 : The war of the Pacific of the second world conflict, between the Japanese and American fleets.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,1 quatrain
9,100 : The attack of Pearl Harbor bringing the destruction of the American fleet December 7, 1941. The impact of this confrontation on the progress of the war in Europe, until there, and that, henceforth, became worldwide.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,100 quatrain
Pétain and the occupation of the free zone (1942)
3,14: The French marshal Pétain. His long descent into hell and the general de Gaulle emergence.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,14 quatrain
3,69: Adolf Hitler and Philippe Pétain. The work of the free zone November 11, 1942. The French troop final surrender, the scuttling of the fleet at the end of the month.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,69 quatrain
3,82 : The devastations in cities of Fréjus, Antibes and Nice. The German invasion of the free zone in 1942. The liberation of the coast in 1944.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,82 quatrain
7,35: The armistice concluded between France of Pétain and the Nazi Germany, in June 1940. The big disappointment of the population facing policies of the old marshal equals to the one of this last before agissementses of his compatriots.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,35 quatrain
8,65: The belated promotion of Pétain to general's rank, at the age of 58 years. The character's political ascension to the head of the French nation. His government under the occupation (10 July 1940 to March 1942). The disloyalty of his successor, Pierre Laval.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,65 quatrain
Bombardments of Dijon (1943)
1,80: The aerial bombardments on Dijon, the birth of a monster (1943).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,80 quatrain
The fall of Mussolini and Italy ravaged (1943)
3,19 : The fall of Mussolini and the devastation of the ltaly, to the last days of the Second world War.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,19 quatrain
4,35 : The Italian fascists and their collapse in 1943 after the invasion of Sicily by Allies. Victor-Emmanuel finds shelter in the Vatican following the invasion of Rome by Germans.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,35 quatrain
9,95 : Mussolini dismissed of his functions of chief government by the king July 24, 1943 after the ally landing in Palermo the 10. His temporary exile.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,95 quatrain
10,77 : At the time of the American landing of 1943 in Italy, the lawsuit of about thirty fascist leaders to be condemned publicly, their seized possessions and then their exiles, incarcerated thereafter probably on the American bases outside of Italy.
10,78: Mussolini, delivered of his confinement September 12, 1943 by an operation by the SS, and comes back to direct a crueller Italy that ever, even slaughtering those of his own family, until April 27, 1945, whereas he capitulated flee and hid before being finally found and dejected by partisans.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,78 quatrain
The invasion of Italy by Allies (l943)
2,5 : The invasion of Italy by Allies (1943), from Sicily.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,5 quatrain
6,16 : The landing of Sicily (1943). The retreat of Germans in Italy. The S.S. take vengeance on the Resistants. The big joy of the Milanese by the success of the landing of Normandy (1944).
Original editions with good translation for this 6,16 quatrain
6,87 : The adoption in Frankfort of the program aiming the extinction of the Jewish race. The dismissal of the thesis by the Milanese. The surrender of the Italian peninsula accelerates the withdrawal of the Germans at the end of the second world conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,87 quatrain
8,81 : The Grand Reich of Adolf Hitler. The premises of his downfall appear in 1943 by the defeat of Stalingrad to the hands of the Soviets and by the invasion of Sicily by the Allies. The last days of the Pétain regime in France.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,81 quatrain
10,25 : The battle of Monte Cassino that was perpetuated in Central Italy, begun February 15, will end May 18, 1944. Allies, having achieved the junction with their head of bridge of Anzio and Nettuno (landing of January 22) walk finally on Rome, where they will enter June 4.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,25 quatrain
The landing of Normandy (1944)
1,20 : The ally landing in France (1944)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,20 quatrain
1,29 : The ally landing in France (1944)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,29 quatrain
2,14 : The ally landing of 1944 and the liberation of the French cities of Towers and Giens.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,14 quatrain
3,33 : The occupation of Paris by the German armies during the course of the Second world War. The landing of Normandy of June 6, 1944. The conquest of Italy by Allies.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,33 quatrain
4,81 : The landing of Normandy (June 1944). The liberation of Belgium by troops of Montgomery in days that followed. The symbolic of the number seven in the progress of the business.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,81 quatrain
5,34 : The onset of the Overlord operation aiming the invasion of coasts of the Normandy (1944) from the English harbor of Portsmouth. The last German resistance pocket in the region of the Gironde and its defeat in 1945.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,34 quatrain
The liberation of France
4,46 : The liberation of France to the conclusion of the Second world War. The particular roles of the cities Tour, Nantes and Reimses in the beginning and at the end of the conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,46 quatrain
The conquest of Italy and the landing of Provence (1943-1944)
1,72 : The occupation of the south of France (1942) and the landing in Provence (1944)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,72 quatrain
2,4 : The invasion of Italy by Allies (1943), the German troop withdraw and the landing of Provence (1944).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,4 quatrain
2,54 : The work of Rome by Allies (June 1944) and the Italian Social Republic of Mussolini.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,54 quatrain
2,59 : The ally landing of Provence (15 August 1944).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,59 quatrain
6,76 : The last days of the fascist Italy at the conclusion of World War II. The resistance offered by citizens of Rome after the invasion of the city by Germans. Their liberation by Allies and the experienced reprisals against the last partisans of the Duce: Benito Mussolini, aka the Guide.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,76 quatrain
6,77 : The invasion of the ltalie by Allies at the end of the second world conflict. The three lines of defense erected by Germans to prevent the progression of Allies northwards. Mussolini and his followers executed after a summary lawsuit, in April 1945.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,77 quatrain
The German city of Dresden razed (1945)
5,8 : The destruction of the German city of Dresden, February 14, 1945. The devastating incendiary bomb effect used. The city left without defense and the extraordinary luck of the RAF and Allies in this murderous raid.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,8 quatrain
Pius XII and the war (1939-1945)
1,100 : Pius XII, the gray dove of the Second world War and Roosevelt's death (1939-1945).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,100 quatrain
Adolf Hitler, the SS and the Gestapo (1939-1945)
1,64 : Adolf Hitler, the SS and the Gestapo (1939-1945) or future events
Original editions with good translation for this 1,64 quatrain
The final solution of Hitler and the attempt against him (1942-1944)
9,53 : Hitler and the organization of the "the final solution", that is to say the elimination of the Jews January 20, 1942, at the Head office of Interpol. The three ovens structures to this end in Auschwitz, Dachau and Birkenau. The tentative of elimination of Hitler with a bomb July 20, 1944.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,53 quatrain
The death of Hitler Adolf (1945)
3,58 : Adolf Hitler, his dark birth, his struggle against Communism and his death judged doubtful. The political opportunism of the persnnage.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,58 quatrain
The destruction of cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945)
2,6 : The destruction by atomic weapons of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,6 quatrain
2,70 : A punitive measure against a people described as proud that would make this nation regress. Possible allusion to the destruction of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second world War, or event to come.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,70 quatrain
2,91 : The destruction by atomic weapons of cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,91 quatrain
2,92 : The destruction by atomic weapons of cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,92 quatrain
6,90 : The United States blamed for the destruction, by atomic weapons, of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even the American headquarters revolts against the president's decision. The justification of the attack supported by the traditional stubbornness of nipponese troops.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,90 quatrain
The lawsuit of Nuremberg (1945)
2,38: The lawsuit of Nuremberg (1945) and the sharing of Europe at the end of the second world conflict.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,38 quatrain
The deposition of the king Italian Humbert II (1946)
6,13 : The short reigns of the king Italian Humbert II in spite of the unanimous support of the people. The intervention of republicans, sustained by the Allies, provoke his fall. The exile of the king and his end in solitude.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,13 quatrain
The creation of the state of Israel (1948)
2,19 : The creation of the state of Israel (1948) and conflicts between Palestinians and Jews for the possession of the territory.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,19 quatrain
10,76 : The UN will realize the importance of the Israelis as a nation, and, after the tentative of holocaust, and after their defeat & hunt by the Nazis, in November 1947, the world organization will share Palestine with them.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,76 quatrain
Gandhi and India (1919-1950)
1,50 : Gandhi the Big Soul (1919-1950)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,50 quatrain
4,51 : The independence granted to the lnde in 1947. Gandhi and the civil disobedience, measure par excellence to dislodge the English occupant. The role of the Bengal in the final confrontation.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,51 quatrain
4,52 : The independence of India (1947). The country assured henceforth no more to undergo the shame of the occupation.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,52 quatrain
The Hungarian insurrection (1956)
2,90 : The civil war in Budapest (1956). The insurrection masted by Russia. Nagy, ex-chief of the government, disappears without leaving any trace.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,90 quatrain
The Turkish Revolution (1960)
1,94 : The Turkish Revolution, Menderes executed (1960).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,94 quatrain
The crisis of Congo (1961)
3,13 : The political murder, in (Belgium) Congo, of the leader Patrice Lumumba and the international crisis that resulted (1961).
Original editions with good translation for this 3,13 quatrain
The crisis of Cyprus (1963)
3,89 : The confrontations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots (1963). The Greek component of the island counts on the support of the mother homeland. Constantin disregards his brothers of blood. Wedding of the king with Anne-Marie of Denmark.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,89 quatrain
The murder of John Kennedy (1963)
4,49 : John's political murder Fitzgerald Kennedy. The discovery, one day, some plot having surrounded the crime. Events to come.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,49 quatrain
Constantin II, king of Greece (1964)
5,52 : The accession of Constantin II to the throne of Greece in 1964. His political clumsiness raise the laughter of the people so much so that he had to go into exile and renounce his crown in 1967.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,52 quatrain
The Haitian Revolution (1965)
2,78 : Haiti and the Revolution of 1965. The intervention of USA.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,78 quatrain
The war of the Six Days (1967)
3,22 : The war of Six-days (5 to June 10, l967) brings in Jews and Arabs. Its consequences on the relations between the two peoples.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,22 quatrain
The advent of Sadate in Egypt (1970)
2,86 : Sadate follows Nasser in Egypt (1970). Jarring, representative to the Middle-East in the UN.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,86 quatrain
The drought of Ethiopia and the crisis of Cyprus (1973)
4,58 : The important drought lived by Ethiopia in 1973 and 1974. Italy then lives dark hours and blood flows in streams. The crisis of Cyprus to the same moment.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,58 quatrain
Juan Carlos 1st on the throne of Spain (1975)
4,97 : A descendant of Henri IV of France called on the throne of Spain. This monarch's main characteristic would be to have been elected to his charge in a democratic system. Strong probability that it is about Juan Carlos 1st. His pacific reign. Contemporary events and to come.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,97 quatrain
The rebellion of Mgr Lefebvre (1976)
3,17 : The rebellion of Eminence Marcel Lefebvre. The Vatican withdraws him his bishop's privileges in 1976. His stubbornness to pursue his crusade.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,17 quatrain
The big wave of terrorism in Italy (1978)
1,11: The birth of terrorism in Italy (1978).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,11 quatrain
The death suspected of Jean-Paul 1st (1978)
10,12 : The death of Jean-Paul 1st and the shade of suspicion on the circumstances of the pontiff's death.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,12 quatrain
The election of the pope Jean-Paul II (1978)
5,92 : The reign of Pius XI of a seventeen year length. His five successors, of which the last, Jean-Paul II, called to not to be too much compliant with the tradition. The short reign of his predecessor.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,92 quatrain
The Iranian Revolution (1979)
1,70 : The Iranian Revolution and the shah's fall (1979)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,70 quatrain
3,59 : Khomeyni and the shah's fall in 1979. The defense of the traditional Islamism, warhorse of the dictator and motive for multiple executions in Iran.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,59 quatrain
3,77 : The alliance of 1727 between Persians (Iranians) and Ottomans to resist the expansionist pressures of Russia. The Iranian Revolution of 1979. The shah's flight in Egypt. The bloody repression in Iran. The war Iran-lrak.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,77 quatrain
3,78 : The Iranian Revolution of 1979. The American hostages taking at the US embassy of Tehran, November 4th. The ransom paid by USA. The intervention of leaders from all over the world for their liberation. The role of the duke of Édimbourg in the solution to the impass.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,78 quatrain
5,86 : The exile or the death of the great of Iran at the time of the Revolution of 1979. Major flooding in Belgium July 22, 1980.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,86 quatrain
10,21 : In 1975, the shah announced the end of the multipartism and the formation of an unique party; in 1979, supporters of the ayatollah forced the shah to exile, and Khomeiny came back triumphally in Tehran. It is whereas one learned that the Shah was dying, and that the transfer of powers would have been imminent had not been the revolution.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,21 quatrain
The soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979)
3,90: Russian invasion of Afghanistan (1979). Iranian revolution and opening of hostilities Iran-lrak, The flight to Aléria (Corsica) of an Afghan army chief.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,90 quatrain
The war Iran-Iraq (1980-1988)
1,55 : The Iran of Khomeyni and confrontations with Iraq (1980 -)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,55 quatrain
Some Christian armies gather to borders of Iraq (1991)
3,61: The armies of the Christendom gather on borders of the lrak. Syria observes an interested œil. Events of 1991.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,61 quatrain
10,49 : The pursuit of Kurdishes by Saddam Hussein who gave place to the zone of skimming interdiction in Iraq after the capitulation at the time of the operation Desert Storm.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,49 quatrain
10,86: Either it is about the war of the Gulf Desert Storm, if the Seer means Occident by "Europe", or the Iraqi regime will be besieged again this time by Europe.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,86 quatrain
Slaughtering of bovines because of the illness of the mad cow (1996)
9,74 The English government orders the slaughtering of bovine thousand for éradiquer the illness of the mad cow in 1996 whereas au same moment has attends to the stake to the day of a record number of graves and the désacralisation of many cemeteries. André Malraux enters to the Pantheon November 23 of the same year. (to be reviewed)
Original editions with good translation for this 9,74 quatrain
The conflict in Bosnia (1992)
10,82 : The 200 000 deaths of Bosnia, surroundings " planted " with tombs by Serbians. The last line would refer to the incredible murders by snipers, massacres that culminated with Sarajevo, whereas make-believes of retreat didn't occur until heavy aerial bombardments.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,82 quatrain
The creation of the G-8 and the fall of the Asian markets (in 1997?)
4,50 : The possible supremacy of the United States on the world. The guaranteed security of the Asian markets until the Group of the Seven is modified into the G-8.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,50 quatrain
The selling out of liberal policies of President Clinton by the abandonment of Social Welfare by the USA and the Monica Lewinski affair
8,14 : The boosting of the economy by the elimination of support for the poor unemployed (after 2 years) by the democrats pseudo-liberal regime provokes a momentary monetary prosperity and the president of the US is impeached for lying about having an affair at the White House.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,14 quatrain
The conflict to the Kosovo (1999)
10,1 : The drama that was played in ex-Yugoslavia in 1999, with exactions of the ethnic cleaning to the Kosovo of which Slobodan Milosevitch was the craftsman.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,1 quatrain
Engagement of China on the nuclear test ban during a long awaited visit of Zian Zemin in France
10,72 : In 1999 between the mi-October and the mi-November, will come by plane a big king who causes fright, Jhiang Zémin, in order to consult the president Chirac, and to announce the agreement of China on the understanding of nuclear test ban that will make so that, before and after wars, reigns to occur without the subsidiary radiations, that is, in the good fortune.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,72 quatrain
End of the 20th Century