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Mr. Merlin, (Whiteface male) To visit Merlin's Page and learn how to pet a tiel CLICK HERE Merlin makes sure I am doing my job correctly. There is NO other Merlin!!!

Penelopeep (Whiteface Cinnamon Pied hen, baby of Mommybyrd and Daddybyrd).

MiniToo (Albino hen, baby from Mommybyrd and Daddybyrd, winter 1997/98 clutch).

Willow, normal gray hen. Hamming it up and laughing for the camera.

Astra, fallow male. He always raids the girls cage.

Squeekers, pied normal male. He is now Mer's best friend and actually chooses when to "slumber party" in Mer's house.

The boys hanging out in their usual favorite spots.

Mini and Willow helping to update the webpage.

Peep working hard.

Mini wanting to be picked up.

Aimee’s Little Land
National Cockatiel Society
American Cockatiel Society
Feathered Kids n Stuff--Cockatiel supplies (Oxyfresh, breeding supplies, food, toys, perches and more)
Visit Cloudcuckooland, home for disabled birds
ANGELFIRE, COOL site to create a webpage
Cockatiel T-Shirts--REALLY cute


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Originals by Lori

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Graphics copyright 1997 by Amy Patria

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This National Cockatiel Society's Notable Cockatiel Sites site is owned by

Originals by Lori

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Graphics copyright © 1997 by Amy Patria

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This Wings Around the World site is owned by Lori Handshy

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Wings graphics copyright 1997 by Lori Bucevicius
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