The Bulletin
1)Dr Jaffar M Al Bareeq 2) Dr. Mohammed A Al Khalifa 3)Dr Ali A Al Khalifa 4)Dr Faisal R Mosawi 5)Dr. Hassan H Al Arrayed 6)Dr.Fayek AH Al Hilli 7) Dr. Najeeb S Jamsheer
1)Dr Jaffar M Al Bareeq (Chief Editor) 2)Dr.J K Dhaliwal(Assistant Chief Editor) 3) Dr. Hakima Al Hashimi(Assistant Chief Editor) 4) Dr. K S Ratnakar (Assistant Chief Editor) 5)Dr Shaikha Al Arrayed(Assistant Chief Editor) 6) Dr Ali M Fahro (Senior Editor) 7) Dr Hassan Al Arrayed (Senior Editor) 8) Dr Abdulrahman O Musaiger (Senior Editor) 9) Dr Ghazi Al Mahroos (Senior Editor) 10) Dr Siraj M Zakzouk (Senior Editor) 11) Dr Abdalla A Malki (Senior Editor) 12) Dr. Faisal Mousawi (Emeritus Editor) 13) Dr. Mohammed A Al Khalifa (Emeritus Editor) 14) Dr Ali A Al Khalifa (Emeritus Editor) 15)Dr Najeeb S Jamsheer (Emeritus Editor) 16) Dr Fayek Al Hilli (Emeritus Editor) 17) Dr. Reem Al Bareeq (Assistant Editor) 18) Dr Huda Ahmed Al Mohri (Assistant Editor) 19) Dr Ehsan Ahmed Haider (Assistant Editor) 20) Dr Jaffar Al Khuzaie (Assistant Editor)Aims and scopes
The Bahrain Medical Bulletin is a scientific publication devoted to the advancement of biomedical, clinical and other health related sciences. It is published by an independent Editorial Board. Submission of works either in Arabic or English are invited. The scope of publication includes original research articles, reviews, case presentation, short communication, letter to the Editor, medical quiz, editorials, views and news, book and journal review, report and proceedings of conferences. Articles on medical education, health report, history of medicine, personal views can also be considered.
Instructions to Authors
The Editorial Board of the Bahrain Medical Bulletin welcomes works in the field of biomedical, clinical and other health related sciences. Submitted manuscripts should be divided into sections each of which should be started on a new page. The sequence of heading should be as follows: title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references, tables, figures and legends to illustrations.
Abstract: This is required for all manuscripts except editorials and letters to the Editors and should be no longer than 250 words. The abstract should be factual and comprehensive containing the essence of all sections of the paper. The abstract of original articles only should have a structured format. The following are typical headings; objective, design, setting, subjects, main outcome and measures, results, interpretation and conclusion. It should not contain references.
Introduction: Describe briefly the problem. State the purpose of the study and summarise previously related publication and deficiency of knowledge.
Methods: Describe sampling procedure, design, equipments, methods of study, statistical analysis in sufficient details to allow reproduction by other workers.
Results: Present results in logic sequence. Avoid repetition between text and illustrations. Numbers should match with all sections of the paper. Use uniform unit of measurement.
Discussion: Provide implication and interpretation of findings and their limitations. Relate observations to relevant study and present status of knowledge. Do not repeat data from introduction or findings from the results section unless warranted.
Conclusions: Recapitulate the main findings and their interpretation affirming clearly the message of the paper.
Bahrain Medical journal was established by independent board of directors headed by Dr. Jaffar M Al Bareeq in 1979.
The Bahrain Medical Bulletin is distributed to all doctors in Bahrain and to all medical and teaching institutions in GCC countries and around the world.