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Holy Trinity College and Seminary

of the Southern Episcopal Church

Holy Trinity College and Seminary is dedicated to:

"An unchanging faith, in an ever-changing world"

Degrees Offered by Holy Trinity College and Seminary
are solely for religious vocations!

  • Bachelor of Religious Education, BREd

  • Bachelor of Theology, ThB

  • Bachelor of Divinity, BDiv

  • Master of Religious Education, MREd

  • Master of Theology, ThM

  • Master of Divinity, MDiv

  • Doctor of Religious Education, DREd

  • Doctor of Theology, ThD

  • Doctor of Divinity, DD

  • also, degrees in Christian Education

    Holy Trinity College and Seminary was formed for the purpose of training men and women for service in the traditional, Bible based theology of the Church of Jesus Christ. We seek only to provide education that will help conservative, Bible believing Christians in their ministry for our Lord. We are traditional Anglican in our theology, having received this from the Apostles of Jesus Christ, through the continuing work of the Holy Spirit. We stand firm for the apostles' doctrine, and discipline. We teach the virgin birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We believe He died on the cross, arose on the third day and ascended into heaven and that He is coming again to claim His own, for without that belief, the rest is nothing. We believe men should be trained to serve God and answer their call to personal righteousness.

    We offer distance studies for those who want to do Seminary studies, but must continue to work. If you are a pastor or minister, and can't afford the time from your committment to the Church. We are here for you. We offer life experience credit for men in the ministry. Contact us and see if we may not be able to help you.

    Holy Trinity College and Seminary is a religious degree granting institution.
    The degrees from Holy Trinity College and Seminary are only for use in religious vocations.

    If you feel a call to the ministry of our Lord, we will try to help you.

    Almighty God, help us to serve you and seek your will in all we do, that we may bring praise and honor and glory to thy holy Name. Provide us men who love you for work in your Kingdom. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    For information or a catalog, write,

    Office of the Registrar
    Holy Trinity College and Seminary,
    1611 Keene Road South,
    Clearwater, Florida 33756

    Or call:
    Dr. H. C. Manning - President, 615-834-8726

    An Overview of Studies

  • Bachelors Studies
  • Masters Degree Studies
  • Doctoral Degree Studies
  • Application for Admission
  • Diaconate Studies
  • Holy Trinity Catalog
  • The Church Home Page

    "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed..."

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