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Country Cabin Crafts

Rt. 1 Box 382

Blanchard Okla. 73010


Welcome to our website. We're glad you found us, and hope you enjoy your visit.

We design and produce lots of different types of crafts, but we specialize in Primitive Birdhouses, and Birdhouse Lamps.

Just about everything we make is "Primitive Country". We also take great pride in Recycling. Most of the lumber we use, is recycled from Old Barns.

Barns are a part of our heritage and should restored whenever possible. But when they can't be, we reclaim them, and create crafts that will hopefully be passed on to future generations.

If you see something you like, or have any questions or comments, please E-mail us.

Thanks for Stopping by.

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This thing was last updated:Feb.1st, 2001

Copyright 2001 Country Cabin Crafts

All Images are copyrighted. They are not to be concidered Public Domain !