Each kit contains material for two complete gelatin face molds. Each mold can be
used over and over again for different occasions throughout the year.
Each kit is only $19.95 postpaid from Biohio Research, P.O. Box 21179,
Cleveland, OH 44121. Visa, Mastercard or Discover card call toll free 1-800-618-5640.
Edible gelatin molds can also be made from other body parts!
Here Is Just A Sample Of The Many Uses Of Chocolate Perfume!
It is a scientific fact that just the smell of chocolate is a male aphrodisiac and causes arousal! (According to neurologist Alan Hirsch of the Smell And Taste Treatment And Research Foundation in Chicago).
It is the only perfume that may actually help make you thin! Recent research indicates that just the smell of chocolate may actually fool your brain and satisfy your craving and appetite as if you'd actually eaten some chocolate! It's the perfect diet aid. (Your Health Magazine, March 8, 1994 p.21-22) Indulge in the pleasures of chocolate with none of the high fat guilt.
Customize greeting cards and personal letters with the aroma of chocolate, the second most popular romantic expression of love. (Flowers are first)
Its' the perfect special occasion or holiday gift instead of or in addition to expensive chocolate candy. The aroma of chocolate perfume lasts 100 times longer than the taste of chocolate candy!
Add one drop to your bath, hot tub or sauna and get ready for a new sensual dimension to relaxation.
Instead of potpourri, use chocolate perfume wherever the aroma of lucious chocolate is desired. One drop on a light bulb will "flavor" the whole room. One drop inside a vaccum cleaner bag will chocolatize the whole house!
Candy stores, ice cream stores, real estate agents... The list is endless... can use chocolate perfume to stimulate sales when sprayed into the air.
Chocolate perfume is a great novelty gift item for all ages - kids to adults - men and women - all love the smell of chocolate.
10. Don't ever attend a chocoholics anonymous meeting while wearing
9. Don't stop too long at an ice cream store, they'll put up a new
8. Don't use nicknames like Candy or Coco- People might get the wrong idea.
7. Don't loiter around the coconuts at the supermarket.
6. Don't wear brown!
5. Don't walk into a chocolate shop. They don't like the competition.
4. Don't ever exclaim, "Oh Fudge!"
3. Remember, chocolate and nuts go well together.
2. Never wear edible underwear and Chocolate Perfume at the same time.
1. Never say, "Well I'll be dipped!!"
A 1/3oz. glass bottle is only $19.95 plus $3.00 shipping for up to five bottles. Call Toll Free 1-800-618-5640 with your Visa, Mastercard or Discover card. Or Mail your order to: Biohio Research, Box 21179, Cleveland, OH 44121.
Want to know why you sometimes crave chocolate? According to the journal, Good Medicine, chocolate contains chemicals similar to those in marijuana! Anandamide. N-oleoylethanolamine and N-lineoeoylethanolamine are natural cannabinoids found in chocolate. Chocolate also contains caffeine and phenyeathylamine, which have a mild amphetamine-like effect. And you thought chocolate just tasted good!