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of Mankato, MN

The money spent by the world on weapons in one week is enough to feed all the people on Earth for a year. When millions of people go hungry each day, how can we spend another dollar on war? If you feel that people need food more than bombs, we want you to call us today, or come to a meeting. The next few years could profoundly change the world for generations and Food Not Bombs is working to make those changes positive for everyone.

The Food Not Bombs organization is starting several projects in the Mankato area:

  • Free food distribution to local people in need.
  • Literature tables to provide information about food, peace, and justice.
  • Providing hot meals at demonstrations and events
  • Organizing creative actions in protest of war and poverty.

    We invite you to work with us to provide desperately needed services and information to our community. You can make a difference!

    Food Not Bombs will also be organizing several benefit shows with punk and ska bands in the Mankato area. All proceeds will benefit Food Not Bombs. Keep checking this site for updates!

    If you agree with what Food Not Bombs stands for and what we're working to achieve, please feel free to attend one of our weekly meetings, every Tuesday, 7-8 p.m., at the Mankato Valley Regional Library.

    Or feel free to contact us:

    P.O. Box 3614
    Mankato, MN 56001

    Sam @ (507) 625-1450


    Food Not Bombs is a volunteer-only non-profit organization. We do accept donations of food and cash at local meetings. If you wish to make a donation, but can't make it to a meeting, please don't hesitate to write, call, or e-mail us. We can always use support and you can make a difference!

    Keep checking this website for more information and updates on Food Not Bombs, including announcments for local meetings, servings, benefit shows, and demonstrations.

    If you'd like to be notified via e-mail about website undates, please send a message to with the subject "subscribe food not bombs"

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