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Veracruz State

HerMorMex RealState

Country residence for sale

Country house for rent

City house for sale


Xalapa and Coatepec area

          In the center of Veracruz state capital city Xalapa,
it's close to the mountains and the weather is moderated to warm,
with many trees all around and pleanty of green areas makes a very
comfortable and peacefully place but with every advantage of a big 
city. Coatepec it's connected to Xalapa via a freeway this make's 
a 5 minutes trip to and from downtown Xalapa.

More information about the zone

Distances from interests places

Hacienda Santana museum          2 miles
Xico Falls                      10 miles
Carrizal hotwatersprings        18 miles
Jalcomulco rafting-river        30 miles
Antigua & Chachalacas beach     50 miles
Veracruz city & Intnl. airport  60 miles
Filobobos archeaology-zone     100 miles
Tajin     archeaology-zone     150 miles
Mexico city                    300 miles

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