Gardening for some is a way of life, and for others is a nice hobby to keep them
occupied. Regardless of the purpose of your garden, I have created this web page
to offer methods of gardening as well as some helpful gardening tips to any whom
may be interested.
I have come up with ways of gardening that uses less water consumption and provides pest free
gardening that yields some of the freshest tasting vegetables I've ever had. I am experienced in both Hydroponics
and Organic gardening. Contrary to popular belief, you CAN grow crops year around using the systems.
The system above has been in use year around for the last 3 years in the South West and has been very successful in producing
several varieties of vegetables for consumption.
If you are interested in learning more about gardening and how to set up your own in this hot desert sun, take a look at the links below, as I have provided information on how you can get started, as well as some helpful hints with managing your garden.