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This website is brought to you courtesy of Prevention Foot Safety Insoles. Our puncture proof, light-weight, comfortable insoles with a built-in arch provide excellent protection for anyone exposed to foot injuries or hazards, from both inside the shoe and outside, such as:

Construction Workers - Diabetics - Neuropathy Patients - Joggers - Tradesmen
E.M.T.'s - Firefighters - Health Care Workers - Industrial workers -
Outdoorsmen - Mechanics - Miners - Policemen

A well-known sneaker company reported 40,000 punctures from children and joggers.

**IMPORTANT** - Please Click Here Before Continuing

Prevention Foot Safety Insoles are useful for anyone who works on hard flooring, such as concrete or around hazardous material. They help provide more support and stability, and they pass the standards set by ANSI, the "American National Standard for Personal Protection-Protective Footwear", Regulation ANSI Z41-1991, section 5. Sole Puncture Resistant Footwear. Physician and Podiatrist approved. MADE IN THE U.S.A.

My Story of How I Found These Insoles

John August


More than 50% of all foot/leg amputations are caused by diabetic complications and most are caused by foot injuries/ulcers ect. We have a product that protects from invasion of the sole of the foot from both outside penetration and injuries from inside the shoe itself and virtually no one knows about it. That's the reason I started this website. I feel so strongly about the need for this information to be available to those who can benefit from these insoles and the lack of information and resources available.

Certified Safe Shopping Site

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Diabetic/Neuropathic Amputation Prevention and Support Site

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This site presented in conjunction with Diabetic Friends Action Network

AAA Matilda United States

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John August's Personal Website

Pair of Happy Feet have passed through this website since February 1, 1998

This Site Created By TMG WebSite Productions - (c) 1998


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