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Drink Til She's Cute - But Stop Before The Wedding!

Drunk man

DownHomers Ken  Reta

Newfoundland Sunset

Welcome You To Their Down Home Web Site

Welcome to our web site. Take a look around! Meet Ken & Reta. Have a look at our photo albums for pictures of family, friends, Newfoundland, Springhill, Military and more. I am currently working on these new pages, so some pages and photos may not be ready for viewing just yet. Please check back again as I am working hard on getting them finished.

Also Check out our links page for links on Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Canada, Panic and anxiety, Astrology, Business and lots more.

Visit Ken's Military page. Here he talks about his time in the Military, along with pictures of friends, and places that he has seen.

I am currently working on my panic & Anxiety page but check it out. I hope to have lots of helpful information and links. My links pages has several really good links for panic & anxiety that are very helpful. If you have a story that you would like to share, please e-mail me and I will include it on my page. Together we can beat this.

If you are looking for free places to promote your web site or business, check out our free advertising page. It has tons of places to promote your site. There are some really good places to post free ads or promote your web site.

I am also going to add a page on cooking which will include recipes, tips and pointers, and some other stuff. If you have a favorite down home recipe you would like to add send it to me.

I also am working on a page about my home town, Springhill Nova Scotia. That will be up and running shortly so check back soon.

That's about it for now. We hope you find something interesting here. Please sign the guest book to let us know that you stopped in.

Thanks again for stopping in to visit DownHomers ~ Ken & Reta's Place.

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