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Phillips Command Dogs is a dog training facility located in Olean, New York. For all breeds of dogs, we offer both group and private obedience training, personal protection training, tracking and trailing training, narcotics detector dog training, and custom problem solving and behavior modification training. We also can help you locate the right dog for your needs. Narcotics Detection Services is a seperate section of Phillips Command Dogs that offers private drug searches using trained and certified narcotics detection dogs and handlers in Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania. This service is available to private industry as well as schools. We believe the periodic inspection for illegal controlled substances is a possative saftey program as well as an excellent deterent program for private business and schools. The training director, Stephen B. Phillips, is a New York State licenced, United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration certified narcotics detection trainer with twenty years experience in dog training. We use a combination of inducive and compulsive training, custom tailored to your dog in all but our narcotics training, which is all inducive. We can find the right dog for you and deliver it green, partially or fully trained in any breed and any type of training you may require. We can also train your dog if that is what you need. We also do seminars and consultation in all phases of the training. Stephen B. Phillips is a certifying representative for The International Canine Narcotics Detection Foundation and is able to certify both police and civillian narcotics detection dogs and handlers. He is also a tester observer for Therapy Dogs Inc., and can certify Therapy Dogs and handlers. Mr. Phillips is also a app. tester for The American Temperment Testing Society, a member of the Board of Directors of The Olean Kennel Club and The SPCA In Cattaraugus County and the personel commitee chairman. He has written articles on dog training and dog related issues for many local, as well as national publications. Also, Mr. Phillips has appeared several time on local television shows to talk about dogs and training. He is a correspondent for Dog World Magazine in the Police Canine and Narcotic Detection Dog sections. He has also trained shelter personel, as well as vets and groomers in the proper handling and "reading" of dogs. Our experience and honesty will save you time and money! If we don't have it, we can find it. So, anything you need in dogs, training, or dog related items, call us and let us show you how easy it really can be. Not all professional dog people are trying to take advantage of you. Call us! A BAD DOG NEEDS TRAINING, A GOOD ONE DESERVES IT!!!! PHILLIPS COMMAND DOGS 322 NORTH 13th STREET(office) 128 SOUTH STREET REAR(training center) OLEAN, NEW YORK 14760 (716)373-3146(phone/fax)
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Dr.P's Dog Training
Dog World Magazine
Training your dog with the Monks of New Skete
Dog Sports Magazine
IPSCA Homepage
Special Canine Services
Chomi's Detection Dog Applications
Drug Dog Homepage
Police Dog Homepage
Texas K-9 Police Assn.
The Dog Obedience and Training Homepage
