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Although I love ebay and have enjoyed shopping there,
you DO need to be very careful about what you bid on and who you buy from!
Make sure you ask questions and CHECK feedback! Keep records of ALL transactions
including emails from the seller and pictures on the auction site!
Buying after the auction is over by contacting the seller leaves
you on your own! Ebay won't be there to help out if you get taken!

This is my story
It's sad but true: It happened to me, it can happen to you!

This was an auction on ebay: However, it could have been any auction site or private sell online.

Fashion Queen with dress. Item #266962423
seller: (23) (basha45 )

Description: Fashion Queen with outfit shown and three wigs with stand. Doll in mint shape, never been played with. Headband still on the doll. (Below is the picture included on the auction site.)








I sent an email asking what the reserve price was a couple hours before the auction ended.

1st email from basha45:
Hi the reserve price was 100. If you want the doll let me know so i don't relist it. Thanks for bidding. Michael

At first I thought it was too high, but I really wanted the doll and from the description I decided it was worth it. So I sent another email telling him I would buy the doll for $100.00

2nd Email from basha45:
Hi, Just read your mail. You can send a check to for 105.00 to: (His address here) If you can send me your address so I can get the doll ready to mail out. Thanks a lot Mike If you can send the item # when you send the check because i am listing 30 more dolls and don't want to get them mixed up.

I sent him another email with my address. Also asked if he had any other auctions going.

3rd email frombasha45:
hi, i will let you know when i send your doll out. I have more dolls you can look under the screen name basha45 . Those are my dolls I also have a color magic and some nice # 3s and 3 bubble cuts in boxes if you are interested. Thanks mike

So I sent out a money order for a total of $105.00 with shipping and waited to hear when doll would ship.

4th email from basha45:
Received your check and mailed out the doll today. Thanks a lot Mike

I was sooooo excited! Maybe I should have wondered why he said he received my check? I sent a money order!
I received my doll 3-4-00. I was so glad she had gotten here, but I had just walked in the door from work and had my 3 year old hanging on me so I didn't get to take a very good look at her. I sent another email letting basha45 know that my doll had arrived!

Upon taking a closer look after getting my lil one settled down, I noticed first that she was very dirty! She was not wearing the headband that was supposed to be still on her head. She also had several scratches including some under her clothing on her back a couple of marks on both hands that could almost be teeth marks and her right arm seemed to be loose. DRAT! This is supposed to be and I quote "mint shape, never been played with. Headband still on the doll." Also the wigs that he sent with her were NOT the ones in the auction picture!

Terribly disappointed I sent another email explaining the condition of the doll was not what he had listed. Also that the wigs were not the ones pictured.

5th email from basha45:
Hi. I am not a barbie expert. I bought that doll for 150. I have 3 sets of wigs and they all look the same to me. You got a good deal. I have another one the same with a different outfit i am going to list that i might have got it mixed up with.If you want i am going to list 20 more dolls this week if you see anything you like i will give you a good deal. MIke

Well now, ebay wouldn't appreciate him giving me a good deal on a doll that he had already placed on auction! So that was not expectable to me. Furthermore, what I wanted was the doll I paid for!
I sent another email: Letting him know that although I myself am not a barbie expert (especially with vintage dolls as this was my 1st) I could see the difference in the wigs and I could surely see that this doll had in fact been played with and that there was NO headband. I included his picture and one that I took of the doll and wigs when they arrived. (See both pictures below) the smaller picture on the left is the sellers.









6th email from basha45:
ok send the wigs you have back and when i receive them i will send the other set to you. Mike

My Reply:
"I am generally a trusting person (after all I sent you a money order for $105.00 in good faith believing that I would receive the doll and wigs as pictured/described.) However, since I feel somewhat taken advantage of in this situation I would prefer to hold on to what I have until I receive what I have already paid for. If you would send the wigs and headband I will gladly return the 1st set of wigs you sent."

7th email from basha45:
The only difference in the wigs is one wig isdifferent the one with red hair. So just send that one back and i'll send you the other. As far as the head band goes , I took all the pictures of the dolls and used a friends computer to list them, so i made a mistake by saying it had the headband and confused it with another doll. That was just my mistake and i'm sorry about that. Mike

My reply:
"Well, if the headband doesn't exist then I guess I can't do anything about that. I will go ahead and keep the wigs I have as they are in nice shape just not the ones I was expecting. It was a disappointment. Also, I would not have paid as much had I not believed the doll was in MINT/ NEVER PLAYED WITH condition and had I known there was no headband. I feel I should get a partial refund although I don't expect it at this point. I had also hoped I had found a decent seller that I could look to for future purchases however I won't be bidding on any more of your auctions. You really need to be more organized if you plan to keep selling and ever hope to have repeat customers. One more thing, if you intend to keep buying and selling vintage Barbies, you may want to take a little time to learn about them!"

I just don't feel I could trust this guy to send the right items. Although the headband might have actually been a mix-up he should have made it right without all the fuss! He said he had 20 more dolls that he is listing this week! I wonder how many will have the wrong descriptions or will get mixed up or switched! Well, I still like the doll (even though I feel I over paid, which is partially my own fault). So I guess I am going to keep her after all. I would hate to send the wig back and get something that may be in terrible shape. I will avoid who now is using screen name basha45 from now on though! He seems pretty incompetent! First his description is totally inaccurate and then he says he mixed the dolls up? Now he mixed up pictures? geeeeeeeeeee, I had hoped to find a couple sellers that I could do repeat business with. This guy is definitely not one of them.

basha45 could change his ID again so be CAREFUL bidding on items from sellers with NO feedback!
His email was also basha45 ( and his address was in New Jersey
Name is Mike Topal

Although this was a bad deal and things didn't work out, I have bought several other dolls on ebay with great satisfaction!
So while I will be more careful in the future I won't stop Ebaying!

If this helps at least one person from being taken then it was worth the time spent.

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