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Sirius Solutions, Inc.

LinkExchange Member

Sirius Solutions, Inc. is an independent consulting firm
that specializes in Year 2000 conversions for the CA-IDMS environment.

We have gained significant experience with the tools developed by
Hybrid Systems, Ltd. (HSL)

These tools enable Year 2000 modifications to be implemented
without expanding database date elements.

The HSL method:

1. Eliminates the need for a database restructure and additional disk space;
2. Frees critical DBA resources;
3. Provides the application developer an efficient mechanism to implement Year 2000 modifications.

An HSL Preferred Vendor:

HSL has recognized Sirius Solutions, Inc.
as a preferred vendor because of our
expertise, experience, and success using the HSL method.

Our Services

We provide the expertise to perform Year 2000 modifications on your IDMS system, including CAS.

We can train your employees and/or consultants in the HSL methodology.

Our training materials are available with or without an on site trainer.

We have developed tools that augment the HSL toolset to assist the application developer with analysis and testing.

Contact Sirius


Stephen J. Lawton
Vice President

Telephone: 970.870.6724
FAX: 303.742.1943
E Mail:
U.S. Mail: Sirius Solutions, Inc.
1815 Central Park Drive
P.O. Box 774000 #349
Steamboat Springs, Colorado

A Member Of The
Independent Computer Consultants Association

A Member Of The Year 2000 Millennium Resource Site Ring.

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updated: 03-November-1998