- by Pete Snidal, (C)1998
If it is, there are a few things you should know about driving
one of these babies in slippery conditions. You may have been driving it
for years without any problem, not knowing that when and if you encounter
a condition of front-end skid, or fwd understeer, you life may well
depend on knowing what to do, and most importantly,
Front Wheel Drive automobiles, although they have been in production in various parts of the world for most of this century, first came to America in any kind of quantity with the advent of the Austin/Morris Mini, first introduced here around 1959. Prior to this time, although there were the odd Tucker, Saab, or Citroen to be found here and there, Front Wheel Drive was a rarity. But what the Minis started caught on, becoming much more popular with the introduction of the Volkswagen Rabbit, and then springing up under the badge of just about every major manufacturer, from Audi to Oldsmobile.
This was a Good Thing for some reasons - the unitized drive line inherent in FWD made production cheaper and easier, for example. And, once you hit the "edge" of adhesion, such as in snow and ice, FWD makes for a much more controllable car - But You Have To Know How To Drive It!
Yet, for some reason, it doesn't yet seem to be popular knowledge that a front wheel drive vehicle is completely different creature to control once the limits of adhesion are reached. I have asked many drivers of FWD cars if they are aware of the different driving style required in event of a skid, and I don't remember finding a single one who knew what I was talking about. I have, however, encountered a few who won't drive their FWD in winter, saying it just acts "too squirrely" on ice and snow.
Rally drivers, for whom the Mini became the ne plus ultra
within a year or two of its introduction, (there were other, less popular fwds,
such as Saab and Citroen) found the differences very quickly. Sports car
magazines of the time were full of praise for the way FWDs "pulled their
way around corners," in slippery conditions, while the best one could do
with the rear wheel drives was to "cross them up" and hope for the best -
using power to the (rear) drive wheels to
Conventional wisdom, and all the driving manuals we studied for our first driving licence, caution against using either brakes or power in a corner or curve. Yet, in the case of the FWD, both of these are used to advantage. Conclusion?:
Right. Are these guys completely stupid, or what? Well, when the book was written, in the time when virtually all cars in North America were Rear Wheel Drive, this advice made sense. When the rear wheel drive car starts to skid, or as the accident reports all say, "fail to negotiate a curve," and the driver follows this advice, let's take a look at what happens:
But in all events, the advice to take your foot off the gas when encountering a skid, is the logical first reaction - in a Rear Wheel Drive Car. Now, let's look what happens when you do this in a FWD automobile:
The car enters a corner or curve. The driver finds that it "fails to negotiate," meaning that it isn't turning the corner like it should - due to driving too fast for the existing road condition, of course. So at this point, which may easily be the first time for the hapless driver of the FWD who has suddenly found himself in over his head. So, he (or she) follows the natural reflex action, which is also the conventional "wisdom," and lets off completely on the gas pedal. Now, what happens?
This time, the rear end doesn't slew around, pointing the car into the curve. No, instead, engine braking having just been applied to the front, steering wheels, they lock up, and ALL STEERING HAS NOW DISAPPEARED. The car proceeds to go in a straight line, off the end of the corner, into whatever is on the outside. On a right hand curve, this will entail first crossing the oncoming lane or lanes, and then, if that has been done without encountering any logging trucks or other fast-moving (in the wrong direction!) obstacles, then there is often a tree, cliff, river bank, or rock face to complicate the experience. On a left hand curve, the car goes off the right hand side of the road, into the ditch, guardrail, snowbank (good), river (bad), or whatever it encounters before stopping. No fun!
Obviously, this was a bad choice. The natural First Reaction, letting off on the throttle, and thus braking the front wheels, and losing ALL of what insufficient traction there was,was the wrong thing to do. Yet, not everybody is a rally driver, and the full-on extreme cornering practice described above is not a skill at everyone's fingertips. So what should the "normal" driver of a FWD car do to prepare him/herself for the day when the car gets into that dreaded "failure to negotiate" mode?
No, the best First Action is somewhere in between - light brake and gas, and remember the drive wheels are trying to get enough traction to pull the front end to where they're pointed. But whatever you do, DON'T JUST LET OFF ON THE GAS AND PRAY. Because if you do, you're very likely to meet the gent to whom you're praying - sooner than you want.
I have sent mail on this subject to my Provincial Ministry of Highways, and to the Governent Car Insurance agency, with each change of government for the past two or three changes, now, and gotten nowhere. (Well, I just did with our latest one - the results aren't in yet on that one.)
So I hit on the idea of making this page available to the planet. If it saves just one life, it'll be better than nothing. But I wish someone would get to the various Highway Safety Councils, etc. all over the planet. Feel free to copy and distribute this information all you like. Tell everyone you know to check the website. It's a long url, but then, _everybody_ doesn't have a domain name, like (www.fwd-death.com) Till ] then, I hope you never need to know this, but if you do, remember:
Disclaimer: All the above is my opinion only; if you decide to try this out for yourself, as I have many times, and things don't work out for you, well just remember there are many other factors in keeping your butt where it belongs when you hit slip city. Exercise caution and discretion in all matters.
Come to think on it, if you feel like suing somebody, how about the people who are still putting out manuals that tell you to take your foot off the gas in all cases, with all cars?
Besides, you don't want to sue me, anyway. I have no money, but I _do_ have a Pit Bull with AIDS, who, in the words of Mick Jagger, is "Dyne......... ta meetcha."
While you're here, why not take a look at another good idea for drivers? My Pro-Ma Performance Products Pages mail me here if you like