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Computer Taming



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My Background

Peter Conrad Cumminsky, consultant, ASEE, CET, Team OS/2

I am recently retired from a full-time position as Academic Technologist from a large northeastern college. Among my skills are System Administration, Network Administration, System Integration, Computer Systems Technician, Desktop Publishing, Senior Programmer (several languages), Project Director, Web Publishing, Technical Manual Writer/Editor and Graphics Creation. I have been working in the Computing field since 1978 with microcomputers and UNIX workstations.

Contact Information

Computer Taming is a true "virtual storefront" company. We do not offer a phone number for contact, relying strictly on electronic communications. The benefits of doing this results in lower costs for us and lower fees to you! The majority of users on the Internet need little, if any, additional assistance when purchasing technical services. Computer Taming targets this group of savvy and value conscious customers.

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Last modified: Thursday, May 12, 2005