In business at Elmhust 73 L.I. NY.

A partial western set is shown above. All 8 figures, 13 of 16 horses and 5 of 6 fence pieces. Missing both metal wagons, but we may have at least the body of one around here. Box has issues with two split corners and a hole in the bottom. Advertises "NEW Soft Unbreakable Plastic" so circa 1954-56. Neat early set.


These figures were made for Archer in the 1952/53 time frame. They had them made in metallic green hard plastic for their space sets. They were also sold separately in small boxes in army green hard plastic and it seems some in soft plastic as well. When Archer decided to quit selling toys and work on child guidance/educational products in the 1956-63 time period they sold the mold to Plastic Craft (Plasticraft)who made the soldiers in soft plastic.


UN26 Standing shooting rifle; NONE.

UN27 Kneeling shooting rifle; NONE.

UN28 Marching w/ rifle; NONE.

UN29 Throwing grenade; NONE. UN31 w/ Pistol, in gas mask; NONE.

UN32 Clubbing w/ rifle; NONE.

UN33 Run w/ rifle x waist; NONE.

UN34 Standing shooting bazooka; NONE.

UN35 Advance w/ rifle x waist; NONE.

The 4 inch Archer space figures date back to the 1950s. The mold survived and more figures were made circa 1991 by Glencoe Models. We can't tell the originals from the later recasts. These figures are made of hard plastic. Please note that the above picture has one spacewoman pose twice to show color variations.

Hard plastic unless marked SP = Soft Plastic.

5.00 EACH Bronze HP (may be 1991 issue), 7.00 EACH All other colors

Spaceman both hands up, device in right hand; 1 silver HP, 2 bronze HP, 1 light blue SP, 1 green SP, (1.00 MISSING WIRE; 1 metallic green HP).

Spaceman with rifle x waist; 1 bronze HP, 1 red SP.

Spaceman with pistol; 1 bronze HP.

Spaceman marching with rifle; 1 bronze HP, 2 red SP, 1 green SP (2.00 SHORT RIFLE; 1 lavender..

Spaceman throwing grenade?; 1 red SP, 1 light blue SP.

Robot hands up; NONE.

Spaceman walking arms down; 2 red SP, 1 green SP.

Assume the women are 1991 issue.

7.00 Spacewoman with baby; NONE.

7.00 Spacewoman hands away from body; 1 light green, 1 darker green.

7.00 Spacewoman hands on hips; NONE.

8.00 Space boy; NONE IN STOCK.

May be 1991 issue

5.00 Helmet. (10)

2.00 Helmet, with cracks. (8)

10.00 Slot hand spaceman looking to his left, arms up; NONE.

10.00 Slot hand spaceman head forward, two slot hands;NONE.

10.00 Slot hand looking to his right, two slot hands; 1 green.

10.00 Slot hand spaceman head forward, right slot hand facing forward; NONE.

10.00 Slot hand spaceman looking to his left arms down; NONE.

10.00 Slot hand spaceman looking forward both arms up; NONE.

If you collect space toys you NEED to own the book!!

6.00 EACH

A. Paralyzer; NONE.

B. Atom rifle; NONE.

C. Neutralizer; NONE.

D. Force gun; NONE.

E. Ray gun; NONE.

F. Disintegrator; NONE.

G. Space scope bag with strap; NONE.

H. First aid kit; NONE.

I. Space dust; NONE.

J. Radio; 1 black, (2.00 SPLIT STRAP; 1 black).

K. Geiger Counter; NONE.

L. Ammo case with strap; NONE.


Many companies copied Bergen products so it is hard to tell who made what between these companies. Here is an example;

The above four hard plastic horses all look pretty much the same. In fact they are all slightly different and marked by four different makers. The black horse is marked AJAX, top gray marked ARCHER, bottom gray marked LIDO and the brown marked BERGEN! It is believed that Bergen (Beton) made the horse first the the rest are all pirated copies. Usually these horses are found in soft plastic and are assumed to be for T. Cohn (Superior) brand cowboys and Indians. These companies obviously shared, stole, or copied some Bergen/beton molds including the Lido/Ajax/T.Cohn small mounted cowboys, Indians and horse see above). In addition Superior was never the name of the T.Cohn Toy company but only used as a slogan or brand.


3.00 ARCHER "Bergen/Beton" style running horse, HP; 3 black, 3 browns, 1 gray, 2 CREAM/white, 2 gray with wagon holes..

3.00 AJAX "Bergen/Beton" style running horse; , HP; 2 white.

3.00 MADE IN USA (made by AJAX), "Bergen/Beton" style running horse, HP; 15 black, 13 white, 5 brown, 7 butterscotch, 5 redbrown, 2 SP black, 1 SP redbrown.

3.00 LIDO "Bergen/Beton" style running horse; SEE LIDO SALES PAGE FOR AVAILABILITY.

3.00 No Markings, HP, "Bergen/Beton" style running horse, HP; 4 black, 1 marblized brown, 5 white, 2 gray, 5 tan, 4 browns.


Interesting note, in the Corral set one of the 3 horses has an interior belly divider but the other two do not.

NONE - Junior Corral set.

- 5.00 Unknown hard plastic cowboy with horse. Similar to Bergen.

Hard plastic versions are marked Archer while soft plastic versions such as those in the Corral header card set seen above have no markings. Gate does not open.

4.00 Gate, HP. (3)

3.00 Gate, SP. (2)

2.00 Fence, HP. (7)

1.00 Fence, SP. (14)

3.00 BERGEN/BETON bucking horse; NONE IN STOCK

3.00 LIDO "Bergen/Beton" bucking horse, HP; SEE LIDO SALES PAGE FOR AVAIALABILITY.

3.00 ARCHER "Bergen/Beton" bucking horse; 1 cream HP.

3.00 AJAX; 1 gray with remnants of plating.

3.00 MADE IN USA (AJAX) "Bergen/Beton" bucking horse; 1 brown, 1 white with factory paint.

3.00 No Markings bucking horse; 1 goldbrown HP, 1 graybrown SP.

A number of companies also made a standing horse. We have not seen examples marked Bergen or Lido but have seen those marked Ajax and Archer. Some unmarked ones have been attributed to Caldwell (short tail in cream, inner side marked MADE IN USA), but we do not have enough information to list them as such. There seem to be two basic varieties; those with long and those with short (bobbed) tails.

3.00 Standing horse marked AJAX; 1 cream, 6 black.

3.00 Standing horse long tail marked ARCHER; 1 dark brown, 1 light brown, 1 tan.

3.00 Standing horse long tail NO MAKERS NAME; 1 gray.

3.00 Standing horse short tail NO MAKERS NAME; 5 black, 1 brown, 2 redbrown, 2 with worn chrome platting, 11 greenish swirl, 2 white, & 1 pink swirl with attachment foot pegs.

1/32 scale AJAX horse - NONE IN STOCK

A larger version 5 3/4 inches long also exists. Photo shows the big bruiser next to the common 45mm version.

15.00 Big standing horse, HP, gold.

5.00 54/60mm Version standing horse, soft plastic; 1 translucent mother of pearl, (2.00 Ears ground down mother of pearl).

Many early plastic toy makers such as Acme, AJAX, Lido, T.Cohn & others made western wagons that used horses like the ones above. We do not know how to ID them. They are all hard plastic.

5.00 Pegs coming out sides; NONE.

5.00 Half circle connector in front of chest;; 2 tan, 2 cream, 1 white.


Bergen sold out in 1958 and by 1959 Banner of East Paterson NJ had bought the molds and was making the figures in polyethylene plastic. The figures were unpainted and made in bright colors. They sold them in header card bags under their own name, their subsidiary Alden or with no name to be wholesaled to distributors such as William Shaland.

I will list those figures with a makers mark first. BETON = BErgen TOy and Novelty comapany.

ID numbers are from Collecting Toy Soldiers by Richard O'Brien (a great book).

Bergen Logos -





6.00 BT148 Standing Horse, HP; 3 brown, 1 tan, 1 butterscotch with brown paint, 1 brown with gray paint, 2 white, 2 offwhite, 1 charcoal gray, 1 butterscotch, 2 brown with black paint, 2 tan with redbrown paint, 1 black with white paint, 1 graybrown, 1 tan with black paint, 2 white with black paint, 2 khaki with black paint.

3.00 BT148 Standing horse; 1 brown with collector white paint, 1 white remnants of collector brown paint, 1 cream rough condition, 1 white melt mark on chest, 1 brown.

6.00 BT166 Trotting Horse, HP; 1 black, 1 dark tan, 2 black with collector white paint, 1 dark brown with gray paint, 1 tan with black paint, 1`white, 1 khaki with black paint.

3.00 BT147 Running Horse (the pose everybody copied); 4 black, 5 white, 4 gray, 3 butterscotch, 1 dark browns swirl, 5 lightbrown/white swirl, 1 white/black swirl, 7 cream/white swirl.

Bergen Style 45mm Mounted Figures

Most figures have factory paint to enhance their finished look.

3.00 BT39 Cadet; NONE.

3.00 BT48 US Cavalry in helmet; NONE.

3.00 BT48 US Cavalry in helmet, NO MARKINGS MAY BE LIDO OR ARCHER; 3 khaki, 1 red, 1 red/black.

3.00 BT49 Cadet; NONE.

3.00 BT49 Cadet, NO MARKINGS MAY BE LIDO OR ARCHER; 4 blue, 5 gray.

3.00 BT50 Indian with bow; NONE.

3.00 Indian with tomahawk, NO MARKINGS BUT CAME WITH BERGEN HORSE; 1 red.

3.00 BT52 Cowboy pistol to the right; NONE

3.00 BT52 Cowboy pistol to the right, NO MARKINGS BUT CAME WITH A BERGEN HORSE; 7 white, (1.00 PISTOL TIP GONE; 3 white, 3 yellow, 1 darker green).

3.00 BT53 US Cavalry officer in cap (MAY BE BT55),no marking, HP; 1 white with black & flesh paint short toes.

3.00 BT54 Mountie, painted, NO MARKINGS MAY BE LIDO OR ARCHER; 1 khaki with flesh & black paint.

3.00 BT78 Cowboy waving hat; 13 black, 4 brown, 2 white, 1 yellow, 1 lighter green.

3.00 BT154 Cowboy with rifle across waist; 2 pink, (1.00 RIFLE TIP GONE; 1 yellow, 1 brown, 1 pink).

3.00 BT156 Cowboy with guitar; NONE.

3.00 BT159 Cowgirl; 1 white.

3.00 Cowboy with lasso; NONE.

3.00 Cowboy with lasso, NO MARKINGS BUT CAME WITH BERGEN HORSE; 1 yellow, (1.00 LASSO GONE; 1 white, 2 darker green, 2 lighter green.


Bergen made these foot figures first with separate bases as can seen above (note BT24 & 26 in picture are later solid cast based figures. Under the bases they are marked BETON & MADE IN USA. Several paint variations exist for each figure. Due to labor costs the molds were reworked to add bases to the figures (as seen above BT24 & 26).

Earlier western figures with separate bases

4.00 BT18 Indian leader with club & knife; 1 legs and body brown aqua green loin cloth, 1 white with brown & dark blue paint, 1 brown with light blue paint, ( 1.00 CLUB MISSING red with white paint or green with blue & flesh paint).

4.00 BT19 Indian with arrow; NONE.

4.00 BT20 Indian with spear; NONE.

3.00 BT21 Chief with spear; 1 white with yellow accents, 1 yellow with flesh & green accents 1 redbrown with pale blue and white accents, 1 brown no paint, 2 black, no paint, (1.00 1 brown spear tip gone yellow green accents.

4.00 BT22 Indian warrior with tomahawk; 1 greenish brown, no paint.

4.00 BT23 Indian with drawn bow; 3 greenish brown, no paint.

8.00 BT24 Masked bandit; NONE.

4.00 BT25 Cowboy with lasso;

Earlier thin oval base with warping; 1 blue shirt tan pants,(3.00 1 gray shirt tan pants split in rope loop.)

Later rectangular base; 1 yellow with aqua green accents, 1 white with red and aqua green accents.

4.00 BT26 Highwayman; NONE IN STOCK.

3.00 BT27 Cowboy, hand on holster, RECTANGULAR BASES; 1 red with pale green paint, 1 brown with red hat, 1 brown with light blue paint, 1 yellow with green hat, (3.00 EACH; 1 looks oxidized and needs to be painted, 1 smaller size brown with stress cracks).

Figures with solid cast bases

At some point BT 18,19,20 & 24 seem to have been phased out (BT24 first in 1950). Ajax copied the more common six figures and their figures will NOT have a logo under the base. Rel is reputed to have taken over the Bergen line in 1958 but Banner Toys was sell Bergen figures by 1959. Any figure without a logo should be assumed to be made by Ajax. Both the Bergen and Ajax figures can be found in hard plastic both painted and unpainted as well as unpainted soft plastic. SEE AJAX PAGE FOR AJAX AVAILABILITY

4.00 - BT18 Indian holding club up, HP painted; NONE.

4.00 BT19 Indian holding bow and arrows,HP painted; NONE.


4.00BT20 Brave with spear & peace pipe; NONE.

4.00 BT 21 Indian Chief with lance, with Bergen Logo; HP; 1 pink with light blue & brown paint, 1 pink with light green & brown paint, 1 gray with green and dark tan paint, 1 white with blue & brown paint, 1 gray with black & brown paint,

SP; 1 pastel green, 1 red.

3.00 BT22 Indian w/ tomahawk, with Bergen Logo: HP; 1 yellow with green and redbrown paint, 2 light green with brown and yellow paint, 1 gray with black & brown paint, 1 brown with green paint,


4.00 BT23 Indian w/ bow, with Bergen Logo; HP; , 1 brown with green paint, 1 green with yellow and redbrown paint, (2.00 1 white painted missing feather),


8.00 BT24 Cowboy bandit both arms out, with Bergen Logo; NONE.

4.00 BT25 Cowboy with rope with Bergen Logo; 2 green with paint, 6 brown with paint, 2 black with paint, 1 red SP, (2.00 white with paint SPLIT IN ROPE).

3.00BT26 Highwayman holding one pistol, drawing other, with Bergen Logo; HP; NONE, SP; 1 waxy white.

3.00BT27 Cowboy about to draw pistol, with Bergen Logo; HP; 1 gray with dark red & flesh paint, 1 gray with yellow and flesh paint, 1 red with pink & flesh paint, 5 white with paint, 2 green w/ paint, 5 brown with paint, 2 yellow with paint,



The earlier hard plastic horses usually have factory paint. Later horses are made of soft plastic and unpainted.

5.00 EARLY BT120 Large hard plastic"running" horse with saddle; 2 black, 1 black with white paint highlightd.

3.00 LATER BT120 Large oft plastic 'running" horse with saddle; 8 white.

5.00 EARLY BT162 Large hard plastic standing horse; 1 black, 1 redbrown, 1 cream, 1 gray with pained redbrown highlights.

3.00 LATER BT162 Large soft plastic standing horse; NONE.

Indian with flag (feather lance) and shield.

NONE - Green with yellow and brown paint.

NONE - Blue with yellow & brown accents.

NONE - Red with yellow & black accents.

NONE - White with brown & light blue accents.

NONE - Brown with green & white accents.

NONE - Brown with green paint.

NONE - Darker blue with white & brown paint.

Indian with Lasso

NONE - White with green paint and black lasso & feathers.

NONE - Dark blue with yellow lasso.

NONE - White with light blue lasso.

NONE - Gray with light green lasso.

NONE - Yellow with blue lasso.

NONE - Rust with gray lasso.

NONE - Green with yellow lasso.

5.00 EACH; BT93 Man in top hat, fox hunter;

Gray outfit & black hat. (1)

Red & white outfit (1)

Dark blue outfit. (NONE)

White outfit & black hat (NONE)

Red outfit (1)

Gray/brown outfit & green hat. (NONE)

NONE BT129 Polo player, blue shirt.

4.00 Cowboy waving hat; 6 red outfit, 1 blue shirt, white pants & hat.

5.00 BT142 Jockey; OUT OF STOCK.

4.00 BT135 Earlier painted mounted officer; NONE.

NONE IN STOCK - BT135 Later mounted officer perhaps boots painted.

3.00 BT135 Later mounted officer in polyethylene, unpainted; 1 yellow.

4.00 BT113 Mounted Cadet; NONE.

3.00 BT113 Mounted cadet, unpainted soft plastic; 1 yellow.

5.00 BT134 Mountie; NONE.

The above picture shows some of the color variations seen in the mounted cowgirl (BT136). Earlier versions have more details painted while later ones have little or no paint.

Earlier painted versions

4.00 Cowgirl, white with; black jacket & shoes, redbrown hair & flesh paint.

Later little or no paint versions

3.00 Later cowgirl, red with boots painted black. (3).

3.00 Later cowgirl, green with boots painted black. (3)

3.00 Later cowgirl, graygreens with boots painted black. (2)

4.00 EACH BT171 Earlier production figures painted lady equestrian;

White pants with red coat, yellow hair, black boots & hat, flesh painted. (2)

3.00 EACH BT171 Later production figure lady equestrian with only boots painted; 1 red, 4 green.


WWII and Modern Military Figures

Pre 1945 Figures

Pre 1945 figures have oval bases and in our opinion do not quite have the detail as those produced post WWII. In the above picture only the ammo carrier BT4 is marked. Under his base is marked "BETON CARLSBAD NJ USA". The other figures and horses are unmarked unlike those made post WWII. The early trotting horse has a rifle in scabbard on the right and sword in scabbard on the left sides.

NONE - BT54 Mounted Canadian Mountie + horse.

NONE IN STOCK - BT55 Mounted Traffic Officer + horse.

NONE Horse. ()

NONE - BT2 Infantryman charging.

NONE - BT4 Munitions (ammo) Carrier, paint faded.

3.00 BT6 Prone machine Gunner. (2)

NONE - BT9 Rifleman standing shooting.

NONE - BT10 Rifleman marching;.

NONE - BT34 Patrolman.

2.00 BT116 Wearing gas mask, holding rifle, short rifle rectangular base.

Post WWII Figures made of earlier stiffer plastic with factory paint. About 60mm with Bergen logo under base. Variations with bases are older and may be different sculpt than the ones with integral "peanut" bases.

3.00 BT60 Bugler, "PEANUT" base; NONE.

3.00 BT85 Drummer, "PEANUT" base; NONE.

3.00 BT99 Throwing grenade, "PEANUT" base; NONE.

3.00 BT106 Walking with flag, "PEANUT" base; NONE.

4.00 BT110 Running with rifle, looking forward, red, factory painted, "PEANUT BASE".(NONE)

3.00 BT111 Running with rifle, looking to his right, factory painted, "PEANUT BASE"; none.

3.00 BT112 Walking w/ bazooka pointed up "PEANUT" base; NONE.

3.00 BT113 Saluting,"PEANUT" base; NONE.

3.00 BT114 In gasmask, with pistol, "PEANUT" base; NONE IN STOCK.

3.00 BT115 Kneeling looking through binoculars, "PEANUT" base, factory painted; NONE.

3.00 BT115 Kneeling looking through binoculars with separate base, factory painted.; NONE,(2.00 1 MISSING BASE).

3.00 BT116 Standing with rifle, wearing gasmask, factory painted, "PEANUT BASE"; NONE.

3.00 BT118 Kneeling with MG, "PEANUT" base; NONE.

3.00 BT123 Standing with MG, khaki with separate base; NONE.

3.00 6.00 BT123 Standing with MG, khaki "PEANUT" base; NONE.

4.00 BT123 Standing with MG, red, factory painted, "PEANUT BASE". (NONE)

3.00 BT124 Prone with MG; 2 factory painted khakibrown.

3.00 BT126 Carrying ammo cans, "PEANUT" base; 1 green helmet, 1 khaki helmet.

3.00 BT126 Carrying ammo cans, Separate Base; NONE.

3.00 BT141 Marching with rifle, "PEANUT" base; NONE, (1.00 2 khaki with short rifle, 1.00 smaller scale green helmet real short rifle).

3.00 BT144 Standing shooting rifle, "PEANUT BASE"; NONE.

5.00 BT151 Signaler; NONE.

Examples of Bergen Soldiers

Later unpainted soft plastic soft plastic WWI or II GIs, BT logo under base, 60mm. These may have also been sold by Banner & Ajax with Bergen Logos!!

NONE BT85 Drummer.

2.00 BT99 Throwing grenade; 4 green.

2.00 BT104 Walking with flag; 3 green.

2.00 BT107 Walking w/ parachute; 1 green.

2.00 BT108 Walking w/ radio telephone. 6 green.

2.00 BT109 With flamethrower; NONE IN STOCK.

2.00 BT110 Running with rifle x waist, head facing forward; 2 green.

NONE BT111 Running rifle pointed forward, head turn to right.

2.00 BT112 Walking w/ bazooka pointed up. 4 green.

NONE BT113 Saluting.

NONE BT114 With gas mask and pistol.

NONE BT116 Wearing gas mask, holding rifle; NONE.

2.00 BT123 Standing w/ machine gun. 2 green.

NONE BT124 Prone w/ machine gun.

2.00 BT141 Marching w/ rifle; 3 green.

2.00 BT144 Shooting rifle; NONE.


20.00 Header Card bagged set, 4 blue & 4 white marching with rifle cadets.

8.00 Soft plastic cadet mounted jumping fence; NONE.

2.00 Soft plastic marching cadet; 5 white, 4 blue.

3.00 Marching cadet with plug base; NONE .

3.00 Marching cadet, white with factory paint, integral base. (3)

3.00 BT165 Lion Tamer; NONE.

3.00 BT169 Clown hands up, HP; NONE.

2.00 BT169 Clown hands up, SP; NONE.

3.00 BT84 Dancing girl; NONE, (2.00 with hand and or foot damage; 4)

4.00 EACH BT88 Circus Elephant, HP, painted;

A. Gray with green blanket, NO HOLE. NONE

B. Tan with blue blanket, WITH HOLE. (NONE)

C. Gray with red blanket, NO HOLE. (NONE)

D. Tan with dark red blanket (WORN), WITH HOLE. (1)


3.00 BT32 Fireman, plug in base; NONE.

3.00 BT33 Policeman HP, solid base; NONE.

3.00 BT33 Policeman HP, plug on base; NONE, (2.00 MISSING BASE).

Bergen started using polyethylene plastics before they went out of business, but we think most of the unpainted figures in these pastel and brighter colors came after the molds were run by Banner who bought Bergen out in 1958. Note the fireman's ax head seems to have been deleted at this point.

3.00 BT32 Fireman (ax head not molded) SP unpainted; 1 blue 1 yellow.

3.00 BT33 Police traffic officer SP unpainted; 1 red, 1 blue.

3.00 BT34 Police Patrolman SP unpainted; NONE.

Train Station People


3.00 BT35 Shoeshine boy; 1 brown outfit, yellow cap, 1 white & red outfit blue cap, 1 red pants white shirt & blue cap.

4.00 BT36 Engineer with PLUG BASE; NONE.

3.00 BT36 Engineer; NONE.

4.00 BT37 Conductor with lantern with PLUG BASE; NONE.

3.00 BT38 Porter with whisk broom; 1 white uniform black hat; NONE.

4.00 BT39 Red Cap with luggage with PLUG BASE; NONE.

3.00 BT39 Red Cap with luggage; NONE.

4.00 BT40 Salesman carrying coat with PLUG BASE; 1 rectangular base, gray with flesh painted.

3.00 BT40 Salesman carrying coat; 5 white outfit.

4.00 BT41 Businessman with cane, PLUG BASE; NONE .

3.00 BT41 Businessman with cane; 1 brown outfit, 1 white outfit.

4.00 BT42 Secretary with notebook with PLUG BASE; NONE.

3.00 BT42 Secretary with notebook; NONE.

4.00 BT43 Debutante in shorter skirt with PLUG BASE; NONE.

NONE BT44 Matron in longer skirt, feather in hat.

4.00 BT45 School girl with PLUG BASE; 1 oval base red outfit, 1 rectangular base gray outfit, 1 rectangular base white/cream outfit.

3.00 BT45 School girl; 3 white outfit, 1 brown outfit.

4.00 BT46 School boy with PLUG BASE; 2 gray outfit.

3.00 BT46 School boy; 2 HP darker green outfit, 3 HP white outfit, 2 SP blue outfit.

3.00 BT47 Newsboy; 1 white outfit, 2 blue SP.

Train Station People in unpainted Soft Plastic

These may be Banner era production.

Domestic/Farm Animals

Farm items

Figures are made in a base color and then have accents like face, arms hats etc... painted.

4.00 BT89 Boy holding rabbit; 1 brown with factory paint, 1 blue with factory paint.

4.00 BT90 Girl with watering can; 2 dark blue outfit, 1 red outfit.

4.00 BT91 Farmer with shovel & potatoes; 1 gray with factory paint, 1 blue with factory paint, 2 red SP.

4.00 BT92 Older girl with feed basket; 1 khaki brown outfit.

Some animals are hard plastic and may have factory paint, others are soft plastic in primary colors without paint..

2.00 BT56 Kid (baby goat), HP; 2 brown.

2.00 BT56 Kid (baby goat), SP: NONE.

9.00 BT61 Bull, HP; NONE.

6.00 BT61 Bull, SP; NONE.

2.00 BT69 Calf, HP; 3 white, 1 waxy tan.

2.00 BT69 Calf, SP; NONE

2.00 BT72 Chicken pecking, HP; NONE.

2.00 BT72 Chicken pecking, SP; NONE.

3.00 BT74 Colt; HP; 2 black, 2 white, 1 gray, 4 butterscotch, 4 brown, SP; NONE.

6.00 BT76 Standing Cow; HP; NONE.

4.00 BT76 Standing Cow, SP; NONE.

6.00 BT77 Running Cow; HP; NONE.

4.00 BT77 Running Cow, SP; NONE.

3.00 BT86 Duck; HP; 1 redbrown, 1 brown, 1 light brown swirl, 1 black, 1 dark gray swirl, 1 gray.

3.00 BT86 Duck, SP; NONE.

5.00 BT87 Duckling, HP; 3 black, 1 gray, 2 white, 2 white with black swirl, 1 light redbrown, 3 redbrown.

2.00 BT95 Goat, male, HP; 1 brown, 2 gray, 1 white with gray paint.

1.50 BT95 Goat, male, SP; 4 yellow, 2 bright green, 4 blue, 1 red.

2.00 BT96 Goat, female; HP; 2 brown, 1 white.

1.50 BT95 Goat, female, SP; 3 yellow, 2 green, 4 red, 1 blue.

2.00 BT97 Goose, HP; 2 tan, 1 redbrown, 1 dark brown, 2 brown, 1 dark gray.

2.00 BT97 Goose, SP; NONE.

3.00 BT98 Gosling, HP; 1 brown.

3.00 BT98 Gosling, SP; NONE.

2.00 BT119 Lamb, HP; 1 black, 3 gray, 1 brown.

2.00 BT119 Lamb, SP: NONE.

2.00 BT128 Piglet, HP; 1 brown.

2.00 BT128 Piglet, SP; NONE.

2.00 BT131 Ram, HP; NONE.

1.50 BT131 Ram, SP; NONE.

3.00 BT146 Rooster HP; 1 black.

2.00 BT150 Sheep HP: NONE.

1.50 BT150 Sheep, SP: NONE.

9.00 BT152 Cow lying down, HP; NONE.

6.00 BT152 Cow lying down, SP; NONE.

2.00 BT163 Swine, HP; 2 dark brown.

1.50 BT163 Swine, SP; 2 yellow, 4 green, 4 red, 1 blue.

2.00 BT167 Turkey, HP; 1 brown.

2.00 BT167 Turkey, SP; 1 red, 5 green, 1 blue, (1.00 wing damage blue).

1960 Banner Ad set # 1983 - - Same header -

NONE - Smaller Banner era header bag, 6 farm animals, as seen above.

Wild Animals

Wild animals seem to be made in both hard plastic and soft plastic. Some may have factory paint.

Many paint color schemes exist for some of the animals. We will give you what we think is the best example when you order.

3.00 BT57 Bear, HP, painted;

A. Painted black. (2)

B. Painted white. (NONE)

C. Browns with dark brown paint. (4)

D. Gray with redbrown paint. (1)

F. Peach with brown paint. (1)

I. Brown may not be painted. (1)

J. Light brown, may not be painted. (1)

3.00 BT57 Bear, SP, unpainted; NONE.

4.00 BT59 Buffalo, HP, painted;


3.00 BT59 Buffalo, S, unpainted; 1 yellow.

4.00 BT70 Camel HP, painted;

A. Painted rich tan, collector?. NONE

B. Gray, unpainted. (1)

C. Light brown with darker brown paint. NONE

D. Dark Brown with lighter brown paint. NONE

3.00 BT70 Camel SP unpainted; NONE.

5.00 BT82 Alligator, HP, painted;


5.00 BT82 Alligator, SP, unpainted; NONE

5.00 BT94 Giraffe, HP, painted;


4.00 BT94 Giraffe, SP, unpainted; 1 red, 1 green.

4.00 BT117 Kangaroo, HP, painted;

A. Redbrown with light gray paint. (1)

B. Silvergray with dark gray paint. (1)

C. Greenishtangray with redbrown paint. (1)

D. Light brown with brown paint. (1)

E. Fleshpeachtan with redbrown paint. (1)

F. Redbrown with black paint. (1)

3.00 BT117 Kangaroo, SP, unpainted; 2 green, 2 yellow.

3.00 BT122 Lion, SP, unpainted; 1 blue, 1 red.

5.00 BT125 Moose, HP, painted;

A. Redbrown with brown paint. (1)

B. Black with gray paint. (1)

4.00 BT125 Moose, SP, unpainted; 1 royal blue.

Sold by Bergen as both a Tiger and a Panther.

4.00 BT164/127 Tiger/Panther, HP, painted;


3.00 BT164/127 Tiger/Panther, SP, unpainted; 1 red, 2 blue, 1 yellow.

5.00 BT132 Reindeer, HP, painted; NONE.

4.00 BT132 Reindeer, SP, unpainted; 3 green, 1 red.

4.00 BT149 Seal, HP, painted;

A. Butterscotch with redbrown paint. (1)

B. Light brown with darker brown paint. (1)

3.00 BT149 Seal, SP, unpainted; 6 red.

4.00 BT168 Zebra, HP, painted; 1 gray with black stripes.

3.00 BT168 Zebra, SP, unpainted; 3 red, 2 blue, 2 yellow.

5.00 BT170 Rhino; HP, pained;



During WWII Bergen was only allowed to use so much plastic due to the war effort. As they had more business than they could handle they helped Plastic Toy Inc set up operations to help satisfy their own toy demands. Plastic Toys Inc went out of business in 1956. The Plastic Toys Inc figures have round bases while the Bergen figures have oval or peanut shaped bases.

Small Cowboys were sold in small boxed sets. All Plastic Toy Inc. cowboys and Indians, have factory paint on top of base color. We will list base color.

5.00 Smaller Cowboy hands at waist; 1 yellow, 2 white, 2 off white, 1 brown/gray swirl, 1 brown, 1 pink, ,(3.00 SAME but chip in hat front; 1 dirty off white)

The larger figures seem to be harder to find.

8.00 Crouching cowboy; NONE.

8.00 Cowboy with rifle; NONE.

8.00 Indian chief with peace pipe; 4 off white.

10.00 Cowgirl with lasso; 2 off white.

Plastic Toy Inc. also made GIs based upon Bergen poses.

Photo of boxed set courtesy of Richard Patenaude.

Factory painted, face and hands flesh & weapons, belts black;

4.00 With gas mask & rifle NONE.

4.00 Marching with rifle; NONE.

4.00 Standing shooting rifle; 2 khaki, 1 white.

4.00 Kneeling with machine gun; NONE.

4.00 Running with rifle; NONE.

4.00 Bugler; NONE.

4.00 Throwing grenade; 4 khaki

4.00 Standing with tommy gun; 3 khaki, 2 army green


3.00 With gas mask & rifle; NONE.

3.00 Marching with rifle; NONE.

3.00 Standing shooting rifle; NONE.

3.00 Kneeling with tommygun (made without a base); 1 white, 1 cream, 1 red, 1 khaki.

3.00 Running with rifle, looking to the right; NONE.

3.00 Blowing bugle; NONE, (3.00 BUGLE NOT COMPLETLEY MOLDED; 1 light green).

3.00 Throwing grenade right hand, rifle in left hand; NONE.

3.00 Standing with tommygun across waist; 1 army green SP.

Trade ad photo courtesy of Roger Meservey.

Plastic Toys also made a set of eight farm animals roughly 54mm in scale. The four fowl all have a hole (see green duck above)in the rear (to save on plastic we assume) and the larger 70mm animals are all hollow belly. These were made of hard plastic in a variety of colors.

Two variations of the horse exist (note ears. Most likely two horse cavities in the mold. Gray horse in picture is in soft plastic which is unique for these animals. Picture courtesy Sharon Elosser.

6.00 Horse; 1 blue, 1 red, 2 yellow.

5.00 Calf; 1 brown, 1 white, 2 light gray, 1 yellow, 3 blue, 1 white with pink swirl.

4.00 Pig; 1 yellow, 1 dark gray, 2 blue, 2 lavender, 1 light blue blue, 3 off white, 1 gray & red swirl.

4.00 Sheep; 3 blue 2 yellow, 1 yellow & green swirl, 1 yellow & blue swirl, 1 cream with light yellow swirl.

4.00 Turkey; 2 blue, 1 green, 1 cream, 1 gray with pink swirl.

4.00 Duck; 4 blue, 2 white, 1 red, 1 white with light brown swirl.

4.00 Chicken; 6 red, 2 white, 3 yellow, 1 pale waxy pink, 1 green, 9 blue.

4.00 Rooster; 1 white, 2 yellow, 1 red, 2 blue.
