These three German companies often sold each others figures under their own names. So it it is somewhat difficult to tell who made what. We have made our best guess. Please see books page for figure guides to Dom and Manurba.
Like most European companies the American West was covered to quite an extent. Dom-Plastik made both generic American West figures as well as figures modeled after the Karl May western books.
Bust of Geronimo, white, SP.
More modern issue knights;
- NONE - Medieval Lady, tan.
The American Wild West
Indians are all red or redbrown in color. Names are on the top side of the base. Name is not always present.
The first 3 poses are considered 60mm and the last 3 poses 54mm in scale. Redbrown unless noted.
Figures are a light tan, peach or yellow. Names on top of base.
Mounted cowboys were made in a yellow plastic.
Dom-Plastik Horses
It is not believed that saddles were ever made.
30mm mini horses shown with normal size Dom horse.
We have seen these horses with the western figures as well. They have hollow bodies.
Farm animals about 45mm in scale scale.
Dom-Plastik American Buffalo (Bison)
A nice range of American Buffalo was made by Dom-Plastik. The are a bit smaller than Atlantic so we have assigned them a scale of 54mm. They come in a variety of redbrowns and browns.
Also sold with the American west figures was a nice range of bears.
These were probably sold by both Dom & Manurba.
Unsure of who made the conical gray teepee, but it came with a lot of Dom figures.
Dom made a small cabin similar to the ones made by Payton.
Mounted Arabs can ride on series 2 & 3 horses as well as the camels.
Photo courtesy Detlef Heerbrand.
Abu Seif, Hadschi Hale Fomar, Harem Dancer, Lord Linsay, Machredsch Von Mosul, Mohammed Emin
Farm woman 45mm, green SP. -
- 4.00 35/40mm Chariot with frogman
Dom-Plastik Wild + some farm Animals
These animals are 30-45mm in size.
DOM dogs
Of course first run and sold in Germany, but in later years this mold was sent to Mexico where it was run and the dogs used as cereal premiums. We think the black, brown and white dogs are from DOM production in Germany and the red, yellow, blue and also some white from the Mexican production.
I know little about this company and it was an article in PLASTIC WARRIOR magazine that allowed me to identify the maker. Owned by a family whose last name was Lay they were in business from about 1934-1978. Interesting in that all of the foot cowboys are usually green or yellow, while the foot Indians are red or blue. The lone mounted cowboy was red. These 54mm soft plastic figures probably date from about 1970-78. Some poses are known also as Manurba so the two companies had some sort of sharing agreement. The original mold(s) is now in Mexico and reissues were made in the 1990s. Made in red and blue they were included in some Lincoln Log sets in the late 1990s.
Manurba, Leyla, and Don-Plastik all seem to be somewhat related. It is sometimes hard to determine who made what as they shared items.
Manurba Nativity set, 8 different figures in tan, about 54mm. This set can be confusing as Manurba wholesaled the figures to Jean Hoeffler to be sold with Jean's hard plastic stable. Plus Linde made a similar set up. Thanks to Andreas Dittmann for the information.
Example of Manurba Knight
Manurba made a nice series of western figures that were made of two pieces and can swivel 360 degrees. There are 10 different body poses and 10 different leg poses for both cowboys and Indians.
There are 10 distinct tops and 10 different legs.
GIs in 5 poses.
1/72 Raft. ()
Eight Manurba animal flats, silver,40-45mm, SP.
These 24 figures are about 50-54mm and made of red or pink flesh colored soft plastic. They are Manurba poses but may be copies. They were sold during the Montreal Summer Olympics of 1976.
Header card bag with 24 figures.