- Header Card Bag, Big Game Hunter, has Bow (broken needs glue), pistol and two BERGEN animals.


Our scanner was not long enough to scan the entire length of the the above two bagged/carded sets so we made two scans of each set and put them together as seen above.

Picture courtesy Chris Saloman.

Pal Dogs

Pal made at least 8 different hollow body dogs. The husky was found in Eskimo sets while all of the dogs were sold on blister cards as seen in PFPC issue 32 page 25. Usually made in soft plastic white hard plastic examples were sold in you paint them header card bags.

- NONE - PAL Paint a Dog, headercard bag, header torn on right side. Paint probably dried out. Has instruction sheet in back.


O'Brians COLLECTING TOY SOLDIERS #3 has these shown as; "Kilty Soldiers made by Bonnie Bilt" of New York. These GI flats come in two sizes. With the exception of the mounted pose which we have seen only in the small size all poses are found in both sizes. Both sizes can be found in both hard plastic and soft plastic. The hard plastic figures are shades of green while the soft plastic figures are silver. PAL sold hard plastic versions in header card bags as seen above. REMCO included them with some versions of their Bulldog tank. The open window boxed set pictured above contains soft plastic figures but has no manufacturers markings. We believe multiple companies were involved in either the manufacturing or sale of these figures. As Bonnie Bilt was the first to make them individual figures will be listed at the Bonnie Bilt page (All other A-O makers).

NONE - PAL header card bag, some slits in bag, 1950s.


Palmer was a small company located in Brooklyn, New York. They made a nice range of hard plastic model car kits along with five hard plastic "cannon" kits. The barrels of the cannons were somehow coated in brass for a more realistic appearance. Eventually by the mid to late 1970s both Palmer and Payton (also in Brooklyn) were bought by Winneco and in the early 1980s all were bought by H-G Toys. So company name on packaging may vary.

To our knowledge Palmer only made five sets of soft plastic figures as can be seen below. The monsters are eagerly collected and are the most widely known.

The Palmer diver and sea life set is an interesting group. There are; 4 SCUBA divers, 1 deep sea diver, 1 pearl diver, 1 shark and 1 octopus + 12 small accessories in the set including one tiny fish. The accessories come attached to the body of the diver they go with, and many have been lost over the years making them extremely difficult to find. The divers often have mold holes due to poor manufacturing

Fish is less than 1/2 an inch long. Fish photo courtesy David Schafer, photo of divers with attached accessories courtesy Jesse Sanders. These can be found on a Palmer blister card marked AQUA HUNT and a Payton Header card bag marked HEROS OF THE DEEP.

Carded set picture courtesy David Schafer.

Picture courtesy Rush McAlister.

Picture courtesy David Schafer. The owner of Palmer died in 1972 and the company was sold to Winneco Industries we we think also took over Payton also located in Brooklyn. This jobber bag of circus figures was probably produced in this time period. By the late 1970s Palmer and Payton were bought by HG Toys. The Palmer circus (Sideshow) figures seem to be about 60-70mm in scale. Six of the eight figures originally came with separate accessories. These small pieces have had a way of disappearing over time.

Palmer Space Set


Above photos courtesy of Al Hartmann.

This set was sold on a blister card. The one example we have seen had the pieces split into 3 different colors with pieces still attached to the sprue tree runners. The set consists of a four piece space capsule (3 pieces in one color 4th piece (door) sometimes in another color) and 9 figures in 7 poses. There were three of the astronaut walking (in different colors in the one set we have seen) + one each of the space chimp and other five human poses. Made in soft plastic, the set was run in blue, green, red, yellow, white and tan colors. The space capsule does not have a bottom and we think that perhaps the original plan was for it to be similar to the Marx capsule with a place to seat the sitting astronaut (who now has no where to sit in this set).

Picture courtesy John Schebetta.

Blister cards picture courtesy David Schafer.

Photo courtesy of Bruce Redenour


- NONE - Parrot for pirates.

Display picture courtesy Mark Hegeman.

- -


Boxed set pictures courtesy Bruce Redenour


The series one GI walking was modified at some point. His right had gets a revised grip position and his right foot is lowered somewhat. Picture courtesy Rush McAllister.

Peco's made two four figure sets of GIs.


Box set pictures courtesy Roy Richardson.


See DK Plastic Toys & Novelties Corporation.


< HARD PLASTIC, marked PLAST-O-MATIC CORP on front of bases, with some factory paint

HONG KONG copies cake decorations

Hard plastic painted with red shirts & blue caps & pants.


Plas-Trix was located in Brooklyn and nearby Jamaica in the greater New York City area. They are best known for their small plastic sliding puzzles. They started up in the late 1940s but we do not know what happened to them. Lassie sets picture courtesy of Atomic Candy.

Above big Lassie photos courtesy Sharon Elosser. Note on top of collar LASSIE is spelled out.


Test shots made by Present Past. Never made it to market.


Jeep (1 1/2 inches long) is marked with Pyro pennant logo, Cannon has tiny unmarked pennant and sedans are unmarked (License Plate #DP7189), but they were all found at one time so unless other information is forthcoming we will assume that all three pieces are PYRO. Lido's mini jeep seems to be a close copy of the PYRO example. Made of hard Plastic.

Jet fighter, complete.

Tank, HP. NONE.

Space ship. NONE IN STOCK

Truck Cab.



Ray Plastics made plastic bullet shooting Gatling guns, pistols, rifle and dart guns. For targets they made copies of MPC, Lido, Marx and Tim-mee figures.


Ray ACW figures were made with a disc under their bases to attach them to the retail packages for an attractive display. Instructions tell you to cut the discss off so that the figures can stand.

Targets for the Ray Westchester Shooting Carbine were copies of the MPC elk & bear.

Copies of MPC figures.

Copies of Lido figures.


made in red, yellow and blue and sold with bullet shooting toy guns as Untouchables and I Spy TV show tie ins.


- 25.00 #380/381Snub Nose 38, MOC.

- 20.00 #380/381 Snub Nose 38. MOC coming unsealed.




- NONE - 54mm Spear thrower.


Reliable was a Canadian company operating in the 1950s & 60s. They copied other companies such as Bergen and Auburn's work.

Tractor, about 30/35mm, HP.

Steamroller, 30/35mm, HP.

large hollow hard plastic farm animals were made by gluing the two halves together. With factory painted highlights.

Mini Trains and streetcars are made of soft plastic and are about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches long.

Auburn copies


Reliable made toy soldiers in Canada that were close copies of the plug in and sold base styles of Bergen soldiers. Solid base figures were copied using the bodies of Bergen figures but with the figures wearing the British style "pot" helmet. Plug base figures have a small RP (Reliable Products) logo under their base while some of the solid base figures are marked Reliable on their backs.


REMCO was started in the late 1940s by two cousins, Isaac "Ike" Heller and Saul Robbins. The company's original name was Remote Control and the first product made were toy walkie talkies. The company name was compressed to REMCO and they made a diverse line of battery operated toys including Roman and modern ships that moved and science fiction space ships, monsters and submarines. Many of the figures that came in their sets were sculpted by Ewhen "Gene" Salamacha. The company fled for bankruptcy in the early 1970s.

Remco made a nice pair of ancient Roman ships. The Big Caesar was battery operated to roll along the floor with the oars "rowing". The smaller Gallant Gladiator was not battery operated but also had wheels and the oars would "row" when you pushed it. The ships came with a nice complement of 45mm Romans with a chariot + shooting catapults. Picture courtesy David Schafer.

Catapult, tan, HP.

Catapult rock sprue.

WWI Cannon, HP.

About 45mm in scale.

Nutty Navy Submarine, w/box, 1971.

These figures were used in both the Mighty Matilda aircraft carrier and Barracuda submarine sets. They were produced in sets of 25 pieces with one raft and 1-3 of each figure pose as shown above. The sub got one set and the carrier got four sets.

The Mighty Matilda aircraft carrier came with fighters, bombers, helicopters and a plane mover made in dark blue plastic. The above picture shows them life size.

No. 175 SGT Rock vs The Bad Guys The Ultimate Enemy, dated 1982.Contents; large playmat, 2 tanks, 2 jeeps, 37 good guys (SGT Rock's face painted), 37 bad guys in black with their leader "Snake's" helmet painted gold (all figures knockoffs of Processed Plastic/Tim-Mee Vietnam GIs), vacuform; bridge, rock formation and sandbag emplacement. Blow molded sand bags. Small bag of shovels and walkie talkies. Cardboard punchout; scenery, oil drums & mines. Two small sheets of decals + instructions. Official DC comics licensed product.

Cape Kennedy. Complete I think with spring loaded rocket and missile launchers. Figures are copies of their Barracuda sailors and have pegs to attach to the set.

Photos courtesy David Schafer.

Remco made a vehicle driver and six foot soldiers for their Hamilton Invader sets. The figures are about 60mm in size. The seated vehicle driver was made in white and the foot soldiers are usually found in blue. The foot soldiers are also found in red, perhaps for sale in Canada.

- Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, deep sea divers, metallic blue.

- Construction worker, 45mm red.


Thanks to David Schafer for the ID on these figures. They are about 75-80mm in size.

Renwal name may be blobbed over which indicates the plane was sold by Plasticraft after they bought the mold about 1959.

Vehicles are about 3 inches long, made of hard plastic and roll on separate wheels.

Animal Hospital


Reissue Animal Hospital animals, cages and accessories. Each set has; 3 double room cages, 6 animals, 6 food bowls and one waste basket. Colors will vary.

These animals were first made by Renwal in the late 50s for their zoo playset. Renwal decided to get out of the toy business and concentrate on their model kits and sold off their toy molds in the 1959/60 period. Plasticraft bought a number of the molds like the Viking Ship, Panama Canal, drawbridge and zoo sets and sold the items in their own packaging. Pictures courtesy David Schafer.


The "Rubinstein" figures were originally used as cereal and other products premiums. The were made for countries around the world. In the early 1980s Rubenstein then sold them in header card bags in the US. SEE premiums page for availability.


Schaper 1/32 bridge. Two piece, brown, HP, (Airfix figures shown for scale and are not part of the set).


Sinclair gas station used the small Tim-Mee dinosaurs and cave men as give away premiums. Large dinosaurs were made and sold at the 1964 Worlds Fair. The dinosaurs above are solid and similar to those made by Marx. Pictures were made to each be nine inches long so biggest dinosaur, the Brontosaurus, appears to be smallest. This mold moved around in later years with the dinosaurs sold by several companies. In the early 1980s they were included in a Dimensions for Children Co playset. We can not tell the difference between a 1964 made example and ones made in the 1990s so have listed them all together.

The Sinclair Stegosaurus has a very pointy snout when compared to either the MPC (seen above) or Marx (not pictured) examples.

later Sinclair made a new blow molded Brontosaurus with a slot on the top to be used as a coin bank. Note the World's Fair example has gut aways around the legs where as the bank is solid.


Stuart set as sold by Midwest distributor The Toy House.

Photo courtesy Mike Germain.

Figures with horses and accessories


Horses and Tack

Cream and white horses tend to be dirty.

- Horse copy, hollow body, no saddle or reins.


- 2.00 Cow; 1 white and black, 1 cream with brown.

Picture of the family mother courtesy Stad.


Rocket Launcher. Has original box that is in poor shape. Spring shooting rocket works + 2 copies of LIDO GIs. 1950s era.

TICO TOYS, Lido GIs copies header bag.





Tupperware "Busy Blocks" figures. 26 Different figures came with a set of plastic blocks sold by Tupperware. The blocks opened up and the figures nested inside. Each corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. They range from 15-45mm in scale. See News & reviews page for more information. Many come in two slightly different variations usually with different bases.


- Pair of soft plastic monkeys 1/30th scale.

- Woodstock from Peanuts.

- Hollow plastic copy of Barclay skier, NO SKI POLES.

Civilian driver, yellow,

Stryfe Marvel figure 60mm Alien/monster, blue, SP, probably made in Cetral or South America.

60/70mm GI Joe Snake Eyes Timber the Wolf, gray, HP.

- Soldier with grenade and tommygun. About 3 inches tall.

Ardee train as seen above. Maybe "N" scale.

Mermaid, 30/35mm, maybe cocktail glass hanger.

- Dancer doing the swim, about 90-100mm in size, HP, painted.

- 45mm Indian

GI with handie talkie.

Unknown Popsickle stick soldier.


An interesting company they copied the Timmee line for their Cowboys and Indians. They copied Ideal for their GIs. The GIs were made in a plastic very similar to the Timmee figures and it is supposed that a Timmee (or exTimmee) employee was some how involved as Werner was also located in Illinois. One sure way to tell them apart from Tim-mee figure is the mold cavity number found on the back of each Werner western figure.

All 6 Werner Indians

All 6 Werner Foot Cowboys

Mounted or wagon Cowboy.



Wilton of Chicago had several series of figures made for them in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 80s. Some seem to be based on other existing figures.

Four Circus acts.

Baseball Players 54./60mm in scale, hard plastic factory painted dated 1981

Wilton of Chicago made copies of Britains swoppets and Marx Babes in Toyland toy soldiers among other figures. The Babes in Toy Land are made of hard plastic and hand painted.


Made small hard plastic cars sold and at least one horse selling as ALL METAL TOYS.

Cars have a license plate marking of; Y&. which thanks to Tom Wiberg has been translate to mean Y AND DOT a clever company name logo.
