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Healthy Balance Weight Management Program

Susan Woolley, RN

111 Virginia St.
Crystal Lake IL 60014
Phone(815) 477-2214

e-mail me at:

The Healthy Balance Weight Management program is an educational and motivational approach to weight control. Individuals benefit from the support of weekly meetings with a focus on sound nutrition. Attitude and lifestyle adjustments are discussed and encouraged to maintain long term, healthy behaviors. Proper food selection and preparation are taught with an emphasis on good taste.

The philosophy at Healthy Balance is to add to the quality of your life by improving your relationship with food, and by learning the proper respect and appreciation for your body.

Many people are looking for weight loss magic. Liquid diets, pills, pre-packaged foods and drugs can be dangerous and may not help you manage your weight. THE FACT IS NO SUCH MAGIC EXISTS! There is no quick fix to achieving safe, effective, long term weight control. The MAGIC comes from within, the willingness to take permanent steps toward a lifetime of healthy habits. "Turn your lifestyle around!"

Class Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Wednesday Mornings 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Please call to schedule an appointment.

Children's class available (ages 8-12) Child must be 20 lbs. overweight and have physician approval. Please call for details.