The Recording Of Bleach
Bleach was recorded in 3 different sessions, for the first sesion Krist Novoselic had a Hohner bass that he
borrowed from Greg Hokanson and a PMS amp, but appeared to be using a black w/white pickguard FenderJazz Bass at the time.
For the second and third session Krist Novoselic used an Ibanez Black Eagle Bass through a Fender Twin Reverb
The Recording Of Nevermind
Krist Novoselic used a SVT Bass rig.
Krist Novoselic used a Gibson Ripper Bass through an Ampeg SVT400 head .
In the In Bloom video the you can see an Ampeg bass amp which belongs to Nirvana guitar technician Earnie
Bailey. Krist Novoselic used a ProCo Rat pedal for Breed and Endless, Nameless.
The Recording Of Incesticide
This album is a collection of rare B-sides, BBC sessions, outtakes and demo songs from various studio sessions
Dive was recorded with Butch Vig so Krist probably uses the same gear as on Nevermind, Most of the other songs
the gear used would have been similar to either Nevermind or Bleach.
Krist Novoselic used a ProCo Rat pedal for Turnaround (4)
The Recording Of In Utero
Krist Novoselic used his Gibson Ripper again through a 200 watt Hiwatt head (converted to use KT90 tubes)
through a Marshall cab.
On the In Utero tour Kurt Cobain and Krist Novoselic both went with 8 cabs each, all running fully wide open.
The Recording Of MTV Unplugged
In November of '93, a few weeks before the taping, Alex Coletti (MTV Unplugged producer) flew up to a Nirvana
gig in a remote part of New England, somewhere north of Boston. He was armed with rough sketches of the stage
set which embodied Cobain's ideas, and with his own personal Ovation semi-acoustic bass guitar. The latter was
meant to be loaned to Krist Novoselic in the event that the Nirvana bassist didn't have an "Unplugged bass" of his
own. In the end, Novoselic didn't use Coletti's Ovation bass, but rather a Guild acoustic/electric bass rented from
S.I.R. in New York an instrument that has been used on other episodes of Unplugged.
Krist Novoselic also played Accordian on Jesus doesn't Want Me for A Sunbeam it is a Dobren.
It was Kurt Cobain's, it was also the first instrument Krist Novoselic learned to play.
The Recording Of From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah
This is also a compilation album featuring live songs from 1989 to 1994. The Nevermind tour (1991) according to
Australian Music Trader says Krist Novoselic used a Gibson Ripper Bass through an Ampeg SVT400 head. for
the recording of Nevermind and that became his live rig. On the In Utero tour Kurt Cobain and Krist Novoselic
both went with 8 cabs each, all running fully wide open but I am not sure of the Basses he used.
Krist Novoselic was seen during the end of the Nevermind tour (22/6/92- 30/8/92) using a Gibson Thunderbird IV.
Also during much of the early Nevermind tour (??/9/ 91 through ??/4/ 93) he used a Gibson Artist Bass this can be
seen in a lot of live photos.
Krist Novoselic can also be seen using a Gibson Thunderbird on the cover and in the liner notes of From TheMuddy Banks of The Wishkah.
200 watt Hiwatt head (converted to use KT90 tubes) through a Marshall cab.
Ampeg SVT400 head.
Fender Twin Reverb.
Mesa/Boogie Road Ready speaker cabs.
Krist Novoselic used a ProCo Rat pedal for Breed and Endless, Nameless on Nevermind.
ProCo Rat distortion Pedal was used for Floyd the Barber at the 10/31/91 show.