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Welcome to Vendiack

To All Who Came Before Me

I honor you, my Ancient Ancestors. May your Wisdom be felt within my soul, always.

The Witches

by Robin Skelton

When we were cursed we versed ourselves in the tidals
When we were bound we found ropes reached the sky
When we were racked we hooked our hands on mountains
When we were burned we learned that life is a flame
And when they said we were dead, we bled into the rain that feeds us all
And called ourselves the future
Seeking farther, farther
And we were born
again, again, again...

Many of you know me as Windwalker. I am still Windwalker, just have a new home in cyberspace. I am going to change my page, as it is now "our" page. My cousin/mother Monica, (Affectionately known to me as "Ralph") and I are creating this new page together. Allow me to re-introduce myself, and introduce Monica to you all.

My name is Raven Cyndi Black. YES this is my real name. I walk the Red Road of my Ojibway/Tsalagi Ancestors. I also walk the Wiccan path, and I am studying Celtic Shamanism. The reason for this is that I am bi-racial, and I feel that true balance cannot be obtained unless we know and accept all of who we are. I wish to honor all of my Ancestors, Native and White alike. Thats all for now. :)

Monica is also my son Kairo's Grandmother (Nokomis). She is a Traditional Native (Ojibway) teacher. She speaks the Ojibway language, and teaches the Red Road of our Ancestors to those who are sincere and honest in their quest. We learn alot with each other. We fast together, and spiritually we walk parallel paths. We learn the most together. We welcome those who walk many paths. We love to LAUGH! That's it for now.

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