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Arnold Vosloo Resource Page:

Interview with Arnold Vosloo (March 18, 2002)

by Lori Van Ekeren

Arnold Vosloo sits in his 10th floor hotel room, overlooking a snowy Montreal cityscape. He claims its snowing so hard that it almost looks like its blowing up as well as falling down. He's in Canada to film "Veritas", a 2 hour pilot for ABC. Montreal is, in this case, doubling for Paris, but if the pilot is picked up this fall, the show will be filmed entirely in Los Angeles. Arnold is obviously relieved at the prospect of working so close to home. Production will wrap at the end of April, and by the end of May, ABC will decide whether or not to order an entire season of this adventure show. If so, Arnold will be busy from August, 2002 thru to March, 2003.

Arnold plays Vincent, the 'muscle' of a father/son headed archeological team. When asked how he would describe Vincent, Arnold admits he doesn't really know the character yet. He says he's a bit of an enigma and if the show does get a full order, his character will be explained more in depth. Taking on the role of Vincent was a conscious decision on Arnold's part to start playing more 'good guy' roles and roles where he gets to speak English. A factor that often surprises Arnold's Mummy fans. Arnold is even sporting short, cropped hair for this part.

And what about those Mummy fans? Good news is on the way. James Jacks, producer, contacted Arnold a few weeks ago to discuss the possibility of starting filming on "The Mummy 3" next summer. This will fit nicely with Arnold's new television schedule. Stephen Sommers will likely be writing the film, but whether or not he will direct is unknown. Other cast isn't known at this point. Arnold has 'heard' that Brendan Fraser might be interested in returning as well.

Late last year, Arnold found himself in Lithuania. He went over to film "Warrior Angels" with Rutger Hauer and Joanna Pacula, and ended up staying to film "Endangered Species" with Eric Roberts and John Rhys-Davies. Weathering temperatures of -17F, by having a hair dryer blow on his face in between takes, made filming arduous at times, but Arnold has nothing but positive stories to tell of his experiences.

"Warrior Angels" casts Arnold as the 'good guy/mercenary', helping a mother retrieve her son from an evil warlord (Hauer). Arnold describes the film as basically a sword and sorcerer-type 'kids' movie'.

"Endangered Species" is a sci-fi adventure movie, in which Arnold plays an alien game warden. Another 'good guy'. The game in this case, describes the human race on earth. His character hooks up with Eric Roberts who is playing a human cop. Arnold has been a fan of Eric's since "The Pope of Greenich Village" and describes him as an 'American treasure'. He reports that they got on famously.

Arnold does not know for sure, but he assumes that due to the small budget of these two productions, they will likely not be theatrically released.

"Con Express", filmed last April in Utah with Sean Patrick Flanery, is still waiting to be sold. Arnold just completed further looping on that 3 weeks ago.

Just for fun, I asked Arnold about his Oscar predictions.

Arnold was amazed that production designer Alan Cameron (The Mummy Returns) wasn't nominated. He marvelled at the quality and detail evident in both "Mummy" productions.

As he watches the snow fall, Arnold happily plans a late spring trip to visit his family in South Africa. If "Veritas" finds success this fall, he'll not have time for travel for many months to come. For fans who've been missing him these past few months, publicity-shy Arnold has this to say.... "its going to get crazy, I promise you."
We look forward to it Arnold.

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Photographic credit: Gregor Toerzs