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Pleasant Picks: Try These Sites

Here are some interesting sites that MEP Publications thinks you'll appreciate. Don't miss the chance to learn about events or to order books on Mary Ellen Pleasant(MEP)on the main page below at

MEP and African-American History sites

Mary Pleasant (MEP) main site: online ordering, presentations, links, more
The Pleasant story in outline form
Awardwinner: The MEP story illustrated (by Bibbs)
Susheel Bibbs' homepage
Susheel's Presentations Page
Lest We Forget: Award-winning black-history site
Site on black business and history
Site on African American Culture

Important related sites to see

Authentic New Orleans Voodoo shopping
Magical shop online
Author/Priestess Luisah Teish's homepage
Site on Ifa/W. African religion
OSHUN magazine (Voodoo Info, free copy, more)
TV show on California history and sites