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The UFO Chapter of F.E.M.A 

The official FEMA Manual (Chapter 13).


This firefighter manual goes into detail on the procedure to take when dealing with UFO's and their occupants. It explains the  dangers of being near a UFO. It explains the kind of serious harm that can come from touching or being near a UFO while hovering at a low altitude. It goes on to explain that there's a Federal law that empowers NASA to impound anyone who touches a UFO or its Occupants


It cites to principal hazards with relation to UFO's and they are related to powerful electrical fields that can be projected an the effects it may have on the local area and its inhabitants. Causing severe psychological effects. The physical effects are said to be burns, radiation poisoning, loss of consciousness, memory relapse and submission to the occupants. To see the manual for yourself go to the link below.


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