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"Weird World Magazine"
2003 Jan Issue 

First cloned baby "born on 26 December"
New Scientist

Well it has happened, the first cloned baby was born on the 26th of December.  A company named Clonaid has claimed responsibility.  No official confirmation has been made from outside sources.

Clonaid says that the cloned baby is a girl named Eve and was cloned using the mothers genetic code. The baby girl was born by Caesarean section at 11:55 EST.  The president of Clonaid, Brigitte Boisseleir, said the birth went very well, and that the  baby weighed in at 7lbs.

Clonaid is a company formed in 1997 by the Raelian cult. The cult believes people are clones of aliens.

Related Links:  Clonaid  The Raelian religion  

Parent's Beg Driver to Please Give Up"

The parents of a six-year-old girl who was killed in a crash with a stolen car have appealed for the driver to give himself up.

The collision, at 10.45pm on New Year's Eve, in Ashington, Northumberland, killed Rebecca Sawyer, six, and left her 18-month-old sister Kirsty fighting for her life. Her parents said the next 48 hours would be crucial.

Father Steven, 33,  badly bruised and with cuts to his face, alongside his wife Sharon, 33, said this message to the driver. "You must  give yourself up. You have ruined our family and now you're just making this agony linger. You are going to get caught, the police know who you are. Just come in now. Turn yourself in." His wife Cindy added,  "that's just not one of those things you expect to find when you get up in the morning. It's just one of those one-in-a-million things."

 Weird Link of the Month!  See  Bush Dancing .

Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC)!

Spontaneous human combustion is the process of a human body catching fire as a result of heat generated by internal chemical action. There have been several incidents where investigators have determined the cause of death could have only been cause by SHC. Although no one has actually seen it for themselves. Many of the SHC stories have originated with police investigators who have been perplexed by partially ignited corpses near unburnt rugs or furniture. "What else could it be?" they ask. The physical possibilities of spontaneous human combustion are remote. Not only is the body mostly water, but aside from fat tissue and methane gas, there isn't much that burns readily in a human body.

For further research on this subject I suggest the following sites. They will give you a lot more insight on this phenomena.

Spontaneous Human Combustion. Thoughts of a Forensic Biologist

New Light on Human Torch Story:

FBI Debunks Spontaneous Human Combustion Despite Investigation, Believers Still Cite the Supernatural 


"Headache turns out to be gun shot wound" New York Post.

Keishan Scudder of Paterson, New Jersey, made his way to his cousins house on Christmas Day for help. He was covered in blood after being beaten and robbed. When his cousin opened the door and asked him if he was alright, Keishan answered that he felt a really bad headache. His cousin took him to the hospital and it was later discovered that the headache was caused from having been shot in the head.

It wasn't until he was X-rayed at a local hospital that doctors found Scudder had a bullet lodged in his head.

Villagers attacked Indian man who returned from 'death'

Indian man almost dies after showing up several days after he was thought to have died. The residents mistook him for a ghost.  Ravindran returned to Poovam near Pondicherry about 40 days after supposedly hanging himself.

Startled villagers couldn't believe their eyes and started throwing stones at him, .

Police say the man who hanged himself was mistakenly identified as Ravindran before the body was handed over to his family for cremation.

Sites of the Month

Mysterious Reality: This nicely designed site explores the unexplained: UFOs, ghosts, strange creatures and places, human mysteries, and unnatural events. Registered users can report their own strange encounter A one-stop shop for all things paranormal, including investigation reports, discussion forums, and annotated links grouped by topic.
A one-stop shop for all things paranormal, including investigation reports, discussion forums, and annotated links grouped by topic
The Skeptic's Dictionary: Don't want to believe? Find more than 400 skeptical definitions and essays on occult, paranormal, and pseudoscientific ideas, with references to skeptical literature as well as links and humor.

Ghosts Ghosts Ghosts!!!

Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts? What do you see in this picture? The person who took this photo swears that it appears to be the shape of a small boy or girl. This picture was take at Findlay Cemetery in Ada. 

The following links provide further information on Ghosts. These links are really good.

Find A Ghost.Com: In addition to a catalog of hauntings in the U.S. and England, you'll find current ghostly news from around the world, a listing of upcoming ghost shows on TV, and links to ghost resources.
Ghost Watch UK: "What is a ghost? Can it harm me? Can I be possessed?" Find the answers to these and other paranormal questions, along with equipment recommendations for primo ghost watching, and more
Paranormal Voices
Explore the phenomena of floating trumpets, ectoplasmic voice boxes, and electronic recordings of whispers from beyond the grave. With samples for you to listen to.