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...Such stuff as dreams are made of...

"You've never felt the rain, my friend, 'til you've felt it running down your back..."
---Paul McCartney, "Mamunia"

The Field has its own list! Join today!

A berry Strawberry 'ello to all you Beatlemaniacs, SPLHCO'ers, Rmb'ers and Writers out there! Welcome to Strawberry's Field, the place that has "such stuff as dreams are made of" and by this I mean the Beatles, their music, and a collection of stories. Please enjoy your stay in the Field. Cheers!

I am now hosting Beatles fan fics! SEND me your stories and any special instructions you want me to do with them and I'll be happy to do that for you!

Yes, loveys, I am BACK!!!! I have been updating the main page (Strawberry's Field: New & Improved) and it's about time I stuck my nose in around here. I'll be fixing links and whatnot but please, e-mail me suggestions and stories---I need something to advertise!

I am currently pouring much time and energy into a new page for Unexpected in Time. This has been an ongoing, 1 1/2 year long arduous process. (We writers are fussy folk.) For those of you who are in the least bit interested, I have been writing this story for five years now (bet that makes some original BFF'ers feel a little old...). The story continually changes and now has not only a Ballad-map but also its own language and two sequel possibilities. If you're curious about this madness, click here. I'm still working on it and most of the story is not posted but when it is, it will be the most currently revised and edited form, complete with pictures, a dictionary, etc.

I've totally turned this page around! I've gotten rid of quite a few extra pages and I hope that this site is the better for it.

This is now a Beatles page full of pics and fan fic, a story page with some of my own stories, and a page for everything, because it's a field, right? And you can find quite a lot in a field, not to mention this one....

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
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Please vote for me in the Beatles Top 50!

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In ever-cheerful sisterhood with the Happy Rishi-Kesh Cafe, Project Neptune and the Blue Sub

Copyright: Lissa Michelle Supler/Strawberry Sunshine

Come 'ead, luv...mail me...I'd love it, really!

You are listening to "In the Mood"---the Beatles mood, that is!

Page design: J&S Productions