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The House

NAME: Chris/

comments: When I was about 8 years old, my family and I moved to a small house by small municipal airport close to Dallas, Texas. Well, before we had completely moved into the house, my older brother and I thought it would be cool if we could stay there by ourselves. Well, the night was going well until I heard what sounded like bricks being slammed together. I thought it was my brother outside messing with me, cause he knew I would get scared easy, but he was in the bath tub, and he was hearing the same thing thinking it was me. I ran to the bathroom door to ask him if he was doing that, and he said no, to go and get his gun. I was more than happy to get his gun for him. I sat in the corner of the bathroom while he finsished his bath and got dressed. Soon after that the noise stopped. The next day my brother and I went outside next to the fence where we had heard the noises. Next to an old water well, there was a pile of old red bricks. I knew exactly what is was then. That ! was the only time I had ever heard anything like that at that old house. But on a seperate occasion when I was a little older, I was in the back yard playing alone. My parents had went to town to go grocery shopping and left me there. Well, I was playing by that old water well, when I looked up and saw and old man with white hair, and one of those old cowboy hats on. The man walked down the sidewalk leading to the back door, when I said, "can I help u"?? The old man did not respond to me whatsoever, but kept on walking, and went on into the house. I went into our house and looked all around in every room for him, but he was no where to be seen. Immediately after that I ran outside and awaited my parents return. I was so scared after that, and so happy to finally move away from there. I also have another story about a ghost I saw when I was in Lake Jackson Texas visiting my sister one summer when I was about 12. My sister lived in a real nice 2 story house. I always stayed in t! he same room as my nephew, but we got in trouble that night, so my sis decided to seperate us. He stayed in his room, and I stayed in another room that was vacant except for a bed. Anyways, I was asleep in the bed, when something woke me up. I opened my eyes to see a woman in a bright white gown standing at the foot of my bed. Immediatly I knew it was not my sister, and it scared me, so I put my head under the covers and cried myself to sleep. Thata was the first and only time I ever saw anything like that in that house. I left shortly after that and never spoke a word about, until one day when I was about 18, my sister told me that there had been a murder in that house, a mother and 2 kids. She told me about blood stains on a wooden floor in her closet in her bedroom, with little marks all above the door, and on the wall. She said she put 2 and 2 together one day and went and checked it out at the library and come to find out that a man had killed his wife and 2 kids by stabb! ing them to death in that bedroom. It was very freaky learning about that after I had saw that lady. But anyhow, I saw your web site, and read the stories, so I decided to tell u mine. These r very true, and I hope u will submit them. Thanks alot.