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Smokey and Bandit's Family

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Aaahhh Philadelphia
Life in the Fast Lane
Hussian School of Art
Our Family
Our Photo Album Page 1
Page 2
Sandy's Place
The Cat Gallery
The Cat Gallery Page 6 Bandit
The Cat Gallery Page 3 Smokey
Donna's O.T.'s Friends


If I could have a lifetime wish,
And dreams that could come true,
I would pray to God, with all my heart,
For yesterday and you.
A thousand prayers can't bring you back,
I know because I've tried,
And neither will a million tears,
I know because I've cried.
You left behind my broken heart,
And happy memories too,
But I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.
Author unknown

Hi. Here we are.

Two cats, Smokey and Bandit Werblun. We've never had a webpage before. Our mom is Charlotte and the rest of the family is listed above.

Bandit is a White and gray tiger with a Valentine Heart on his left shoulder. One cool cat. He is 13 years old (born August 1985 and he is my older brother. I, Smokey am 11 years young (born August 1987) and part Persian and Maine Coon Cat. We sure do make Mom's day,we start between 5 & 6AM. The Paper man makes noise and wakes us up and besides that we are on a diet,so we're hungry. But she loves us.

Bandit was born in the mountains of Harrisburg. Pa. Mom's friend brought him to her at age 3 months, she tells me he was so cute. He is a little more independent than I am. I came along in 1987 at 6 weeks of age, a bundle of fur. I came from a shelter. Mom likes to save shelter cats. Unfortunately we live in an Apt. so Mom is limited as to how many we can have.

Bandit and I are both males, but Bandit played Mommy to me, tried to carry me in his mouth and cleaned and took care of me. We love each other. Bandit thinks he is a dog, at least he eats like one. Slurps it all up including what I leave. Mom has to put some of my food on the counter where he can't jump to get it. He weighed 23 pounds last year and was put on a diet and lost 7 pounds. I'm cool, I eat like a cat, only what I need. Mom just realized that there is really a pecking order with us. I won't eat until Bandit comes in and when it comes to the treats, I sit and wait till he gets there, cause he is first. Course Mom sometimes gives me a few more.

Mom went on a vacation in March and left us in the care of her friend Eleanor. She would come down and feed us in the morning(she made us wait til at least 9am) and then again around 6pm. We are spoiled and did not like to wait, but we had no choice. Eleanor likes Bandit the best(guess cause I am a little uppity) That's ok. Mom was gone 10 days so we finally got used to the schedule. We just laid in bed all day, no one to bother us. It was great and I know Mom was glad to get away from us for a while. She could sleep better. Well Mom's home now and we are getting her up at 5am again. Then she locks us out of the room and goes back to sleep. As long as our tummies are full we are ok for a bit. Oops, got to go, it's snack time.

Golly gee. Mom and I just found out that Bandit has a kidney problem. The Dr. came to the apt. to check him out. He was drinking a lot of water and going alot. Doc. took blood from Bandit(had to sedate him). While he was under, he had the tartar taken off his teeth and his nails clipped. Doc and Mom finally caught me and cut my nails. I don't like that. Bandit is now on a special diet and takes Potassium. Of course I try to taste his food.(not bad). Mom has to sit with us to make sure Bandy eats his and not mine. We still get her up at 5AM. We like to switch bowls. I hope he is okay. He is still playful and seems a little better???? Doc will be back in July to check him out again.

Guess what??? Doc didn't come back in July because Mom went into the hospital cause she was having trouble breathing. It is called COPD.To read about COPD visit OLIVIJA'S WEBPAGES

Mom was in the hospital 4 weeks and in rehab for 2 more weeks. She is feeling better now, but using oxygen until she gets stronger. I like to play with the long tubing. Haha. Aunt Eleanor took care of us again. She is so nice and she really loves us. I am not so uppity with her now, so she rocks me in the rocking chair. Now that Mom is home we are back to eating early, but at 6:30 instead of 5AM. We missed sleeping in bed with Mom. Every day she gets a little bit stronger. Bandit is doing pretty good with his special Kidney Diet. He likes it and so do I.

Bandit didn't feel too well this week and the Doctor had to come back. Wasn't eating or drinking much. He gave him a needle to make him groggy and then drew blood for testing. Ugh. Doc tried to catch me, but I was hiding under the sofa and it's too heavy to move. Haha. As soon as I heard the phone from downstairs and Mom shaking the Pounce Treats, I knew to run and hide. Mom says they are going to get me next time. I don't believe them. More later...

Well, we made it to the year 2000. Now Bandit isn't feeling well at all. His Kidney Disease is making him not eat and he is losing sooo much weight. Poor Bandy. Mom is giving him anything that he can eat. He does a little bit of Bumble Bee Tuna, but gets too tired to finish, so of course I try to eat it. Mom is really upset. It is very sad to see him like this. Meow..

Sorry to say our Bandit went over the Rainbow Bridge on 1/29/2000. Mom and I go to Angels Bridge to visit him. We will always love him and we will miss him very much. Mom is very sad. Me too, there is no one for me to play with like Bandit and I used to do.

Mommy met a new friend from Germany, Gisela, she raises Burmese Cats. Meow, they are sooooo purrrty. Gisela put Bandit and Me on her page 2 of Furiends under her links. Mom has a another new friend, Eve Riser-Roberts and she put Bandit on her page 6 of the Cat Gallery and I am on page 3 of the Cat Gallery

Guess what? Mom got an email from Donna who knew Steve, Arthur and Barry when they were much younger (1980's), she is an artist too. Donna has a cat website called Tom_Cat and we are on O.T.'s Friends Page....... Mommy just got an email from putting my photo on their website for Maine Coon Cats. Gee, I do look pretty under my trusty umbrella. hope you like it......
For the rest of our story go to Page 2 There is a lot to add. Check it out and I will tell you all about it. It is still under construction.

To see our Photo Album click the kittie.

Cute "Cats'n'Kittens" Pages. Greeting cards too. Check it out.

If you enjoyed your visit, please give us a vote.

Mom's interests are her family, animals, taking photos of us, the kids and scenery. Loves sunsets. Mom likes to make pure Beeswax candles. They are so pretty and smell so good.They make great gifts. Mom hasn't made too many since she got sick. Since Mom uses oxygen, she can't burn the candles anymore. She is so busy on the internet, she doesn't have time either......Meow.....Maybe she will start again.

Favorite TV Shows are The Practice, Law and Order, ER, Homicide Life on the streets, which was taken off the air. Jeopardy and all nature shows. Mom likes the Art School that Steve went to,The Hussian School Of Art, which is listed above. She has some of his trial Illustrations on her home page. He has covered the OJ Simpson Trial, Rodney King, Heidi Fleiss, Michael Jackson and others. To see Steve's Artwork, click on Mommy's picture.

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