FREE Banners From DarkMagic

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Hi, looking for a banner for your homepage?,looking for animated banners? SailorScout banners? or just plan Banners?,well,you can find Any Kind of banner here!!animated,plan,link,picture,i Make the banners with: Paint Shop Pro3.1 & Paint Shop Pro5.1,and i make the animated banners with a Paint program i made.this is how you can get a FREE banner from me: 1: Please e-mail me for the form:= exp: Name: Type Of Banner: Name To Put On Banner: What To Say On Banner: What Link To Put On Banner: E-mail: Address: Type Of Computer: ===thats the form.please e-mail me for the form,and i will send the form,then you fill it out & send it back to me,then i shall start the banner!and if you dont know what you want,just ask me to Think Up a banner,and i'll see what i can do!! 2: you just have to put my Banner on your homepage,please e-mail me for HTML Code.. 3:all you gotta do is just say where ya got the banner!!thats all of what you have to do to get a Free banner from me,and what i mean by free is,no money & you dont have to do much to get it..Simple 1-2-3,follow the 3 steps,and ya get a banner!!!have fun!!& Enjoy!!!!!DarkMagic4
