UPDATE:This is HUGE!!! I NOW HAVE MUSIC VIDS UP!!! GO WATCH THEM!!! They are created by me so run to the Video Arcade!!!
Summaries to the first three seasons of Sailor Moon, illustarated scripts for the R and SuperS movies.
The Chosen Sailor Senshi and the available characters. Lots open!
Image galleries. Under Construction.
A page of Rants. I hoped I wouldn't need one. Oh well. ^_^;
A page of Links to other pages.
OLD UPDATES: October 02, 1999
Hey everybody! I know it's been a long time but I now have music vids and stuff up so check it out! Hopefully I'll be on anipike soon!Ja ne!
Sept. 05, 1999
Konnichi-wa mina-san! I'm sorry that I don't really have much time to update but I will have a big update comming in about two weeks or so. Check out new info in my Video Arcade! Ja ne!
July 26, 1999
Hello! I've updated this page ALOT! I have some Animated Gif's up and my image galleries are really big! CALLING ALL SAILOR MOON FANS!!! Would you like to see Sailor Moon back on the air in Canada? I'm sure you would! I've just sent an e-mail to Teletoon about showing Sailor Moon. If I need people to give me so-many-signatures I'll let you know. Don't wait! Go to this site to fill out a form and tell them yourself! Get involved Canada and Sailor Moon can go back on the air! I want to thank my good friend Haruka AKA Tayath for the banners. If you see them on another page, it's probably hers. Once again I don't have legal permission to do this, blah, blah, blah. Arigato Mina and enjoy your visit to Bunny Moon's Senshi Domain!! P.S. My e-mail addy is at the bottom of the page, along with the counter.
A long time ago...
Hi! This page isn't completely up yet but I'm sure it will be soon. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring this whole thing out. I want to have lots of graphics and eventually, I'm going to be offering a Sailor Senshi Club of sorts. If you have ever wanted to be a senshi, then this is for you! All you will have to do is apply for a position as one of the characters and answer some basic Sailor Moon questions. Pretty easy huh? If you are the chosen one, I'll send you an e-mail and let you know. you will be given the e-mail addresses of the other Senshi and from then on you will be that character. Well...I hope this gets up and running soon. I have a really awesome site planned. Also, if you see any pics up here that are from your website, e-mail me and I'll give you credit. Until then..sayonara! From Tsukino-Usagi. Oh yeah! I should mention that Sailor Moon was NOT created by me. It was created by Naoko Takeuchi and I, of course, don't have any legal permission to use their names and pics and all that boaring legal junk that EVERY SM page has so they don't get sued blah blah blah! ^_-
Well, much has happened. We have new senshi, as well as the R movie has come out in english. Also, this is major, the seiyu for Seiya Kou has died. T_T I think that my page has needed a major update. I'm doing a illustrated script for the SuperS movie now, you'll see it soon! Ja ne! Usagi ^_^