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Anne's Golden Retriever Page

My F*R*I*E*N*D*S Page
Pictures of my Puppy
Pictures of me
Pictures of my Kittens
Pictures of the Marching 100

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Hi Everybody! My name is Anne and I live in Illinois. I am 15 years old. I have blond hair, green/blue eyes, and I'm 5'2. If you can't already tell, I love golden retrievers. I have a golden puppy. Her name is Sandi and she is 1 year old. I have 3 cats, Cricket, Lily, and Jack. I have some horses. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Chris. I enjoy walking the dog, riding horses, playing sports (golf, softball, whatever), playing the french horn in the Marching 100, and just running around. Some of my best friends are Ellen H., Cynthia P., Julie O., Lauren B., Sarah N., Sarah S., Erica C., Amber P., Adrian N., Jenny H., Stacey G., Amber G., Danny R., Jimmy S., Kevin B., Mike H., Kory H., Emily J., and if you are my friend and I forgot to put you, e-mail me. Sometimes I am like that :-).
Shoutouts!! Julie~ I have a secret...I have a tissue!~ The po-lice are coming!~ Didn't I tell your momma not to sink her teeth into my brand new breakfast?~ Oh look! Here's my name! What's yours?? Adrian~ Oh look! He's coming over here!~ I have a joke!~ Did you grow your own hair?~ What are we playing? The french horn! Amber~ The Thursday night practice where I ran away from you know who!~ Would you like some vitamin C pills?~ Let's eat at Fazoli's! Kevin~ And he had a black eye!~ And she went on a trip!~G,O,O,D...M,U,S,I,C....kiss 'em doog! Sarah N.~ Mr. Lamere is coming!!~ I see you baby! Shakin that @$$! Jimmy~ I hit the bunny and the bird with the golf ball! Emily~ Let's wun with Koey to pwactice!

Here is my dog Fudge. He is the guardian of my page. He is very cute and nice, but if you try to take him or my other things, he will turn!
I also adopted 2 more dogs. They are Abby and Hunter.
Here is my "Cool Guy". Isn't he cool? His name is Dude and he likes to dance.This is "Dance Man". He likes to dance.
I also have AOL Instant Messenger. My screen name is GoldAnnie7. IM me if you have a chance. I have ICQ. My ICQ#'s are- 47901421 and 56402157. I also have yahoo ID. My ID is chickadeedoodaa (retarted, huh?)
PLEASE sign my guestbook. I am in some stupid contest in which whoever gets the most signatures wins! Also, if you have time, please sign my slambooks! My 1st. Slambook sucks, but my second one is better. Thanx!!!

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