A Clone gone MAD
My AOL hometown bullshitting page. It's alright i guess.. check it out anyways.
It's March '02, the people have spoken and wanted what they have asked is for something I'm going to try and give. No, it's not porn like most people want, but something more that I can contribute to their lives. No, it's not free sex either. A friend of mine (ahem, surf) said i needed more on this page, and I think after having this one a few years with the most random stuff, i've decided to go else where with this and maybe add some helpful programming tips, how to "with computers" , and maybe a few other things that you might wanna read about. As for now, i'm going to go over a review a few of my pages. It's been literally almost a year since i lasted updated this page, so please give it time..
Below are links to my friends pages. A lot of them have pictures, so they may take some time to load. Might I add, we seem to have a small fetish for calling each other an animal spieces. Yes, this is what boys do all the time. Surf, have an animal look alike, and paintball. Sums it up, just right. Anyways, check them out. They're funny. :) -Alexis
Eric's Page! just a lot of pictures of himself, check it out!
Mattchews Page! just a lot of pictures of himself too, check it out!
Gray's Page, featuring Superman, and his K9s. (made by Big E)
Wills page, porn, more free porn, and well, lots of other cool stuff. I think...
we all know 311 is the greatest band that ever lived right? :)
Reminds me of that lil 7up guy, remember him? that guy was sorta nifty for advertising 7up, wonder what happened to him... probably drugs... you know how that goes... right?
"Hold the mushrooms" say the Japanese, at least ones who didn't die of radiation poisoning.
If you find anything offense on my web page. Good!!! It's called freedom of speech, and I'll do whatever I want with it!! So e-mail me. We'll argue about it.AlexisAGarcia@aol.com
I hate hanson, and everyone that happens to be a Teeny Bopper. This i give to you, and fuck whatever You think. What are You going to do? Absolutely nothing. HAHA! :)
My Top 20 Reasons to Drink Beer
My Paintball Page!! Come see
Blonde Jokes!
The golf page Fooooreeeeeeeee
Physics Tests (1st Semester)
Chemistry shit, coming soon...

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Start of my Page: April 13,
Last Updated March 7, 2002 @ 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Other Web Sites I use often
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
My High School
do you uhh yahoo?
get an AIM and talk to me!
The alternative 106.5!
enjoy gore? here it is!
CSUS, my college
Email: humancione@aol.com