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The Flute Choir of Atlanta

In celebration of our tenth year and in recognition of our growth and diversity, we've changed our name. The Flute Choir of Atlanta, formerly the Marietta Flute Choir, has 25 active members which include professional players and adult amateurs performing on C flutes, alto and bass flutes, and piccolo. Under the direction of Kathy Farmer, the group performs a wide variety of music from Bach to ragtime and jazz to contemporary selections.

The choir gives two formal concerts in its "home space" at John Knox Presbyterian Church on Powers Ferry Road. Other performance venues have included the Governor’s Mansion, Atlanta History Center, Georgia Renaissance Festival, 1996 Olympics, Kennesaw State University, Spelman College, Oglethorpe University and in concert with the Cobb Symphony Orchestra. The group was chosen to perform at the National Flute Association conventions in Chicago and Orlando, and at the 1999 convention held in Atlanta.

The Flute Choir of Atlanta's Performance Schedule will be updated frequently. We are busy preparing for October performances at Callaway Gardens and the Roswell Cultural Arts Center. Please check back frequently for more concert announcements.

Auditions for the Flute Choir of Atlanta are held twice yearly. For information and requirements, please e-mail Kathy Farmer or call 770-979-3186.

To be added to our Mailing List or to obtain information about large or small group performances, please e-mail Lyn Priegel or call 770-751-1501.


Kathy Farmer, Director
Performance Schedule
Flute Choir Members

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