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Every evening, at Seven O'Clock, a different adventure kept me glued to the small screen. Most were westerns, which accounted for most of my schoolday afternoons being spent playing cowboys. But Monday evening, in my town, my favorite hero of all time hit the airways. In more ways than one, too.

Man oh man, what a man. A Superman! Who in their right minds didn't want to fly faster than a speeding bullet or leap tall buildings in a single bound? My mom knew what to expect on Mondays. After the man of steel saved the day, the boy of ??? took over. An old sweatshirt, a red crayon and a towel for a cape made the transformation complete. Jumping out of trees, tussling with my younger brother (the bad guy) and sometimes bending a steel bar or two ( small branches from a China Berry tree in our front yard) filled the remainder of time before bed. I always thought it so cool how the bullets bounced off his chest. Thank God my parents didn't keep guns around the house.

The rest of the week was slightly calmer around my house because even a good western could never compare with my Super Hero. As I remember it in my town it was something like this:

Tuesday Evening was THE CISCO KID (Duncan Renaldo). He was cool enough and his sidekick "Pancho" (Leo Carrillo I believe) was pretty funny. Why was there always some, goofy, guy riding with all the heros? Even their horses had goofy names. Cisco's spotted mount was cool, DIABLO. Pancho's? What else but, LOCO. Fitting I guess.

Wednesday Evening found KIT CARSON (Bill Williams)and El Toro (Don Diamond) saving the day. Toro wasn't quite as silly as some of the other sidekicks, but he did wear funky striped pants. Oh yeah, he could croak like a frog when he needed to signal Kit. Old Kit never done a whole lot for me. Sorry partner.

Thursday was another favorite. The best of the westerns, THE LONE RANGER. The masked man and his faithful indian companion blazed trails extrordinare. Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels along with their trusted ponies, SILVER and SCOUT ( the exception to the goofy name rule) waged war on evil with the loudest damn guns I've ever heard. Never shooting to kill only wounding their foes. One other thing, I would like to say that I don't believe the rumor that The Lone Ranger shot Tonto after learning the true meaning of Kemo Sabe.Yes I used to wear a homemade mask too.

Friday found WILD BILL HICKOCK ( Guy Madison) and his clutzy pal Jingles ( Andy Devine) riding into my house. Riding on BUCKSHOT and who else but JOKER. Hey I didn't name them.


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