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Niigata English School

Niigata English School This website is now redirecting to our newer website after 2 seconds Click here to go to our NEW SITE for the English LOFT.

Most of the graphics are my own design.

The Shinanomachi and Kameda English LOFT schools are located in the beautiful city of Niigata, Japan on the Western Coast of the largest island of Japan facing the Sea of Japan. Teaching is the heart of what we do. It is our reason for being here. We provide English language services in the best teaching environment available in Niigata. Our class sizes are kept small for focused quality and students are matched according to ability and appropriate dynamics. The LOFT prides itself on having the highest quality English School in our service area.

Our Teachers.

Our teachers are some of the most experienced and the best qualified English teachers in Niigata City. Many of us have been teaching in Japan between 5 to 10 or more years. Our teaching is based on knowledge, experience, professionalism, and results based teaching methods. We are serious teachers. The LOFT only employs the most qualified of staff.

Happy Students + Happy Staff = A Happy Business.

Unlike some of our competition we refuse to be involved in deceptive practices. We do not use a �ticket system� as this is just a means to take money from clientele without adequately providing service to them. In our business we provide students with the classes they pay for. If a student misses a class we do everything we can to make up that class (even if it was years ago).
In addition, we treat our staff fairly and promote the best quality work environment for our staff. Our staff live nearby in a comfortable environment. We do not overwork our staff. And it is clear that our staff are happy working in this environment which is just as concerned with them as our students. A teaching position at the LOFT is one of the most sought after teaching jobs in all of Niigata.

What kind of classes do we teach?

Drawn by Kevin M. O'Neill.
How is the LOFT different from other Eikaiwas (Conversational English Schools)?
-Superior Experience, Superior Training. LOFT staff are more experienced working both with children and adults than 99% of our competition. Our head staff has been a professional children's educator/teacher/counselor/trainer for over 20 years, first in his work with the YMCA professionally and in both elementary, junior high schools, and high schools in California for 8 years prior to coming to Japan. He has been running the Shinanomachi branch of the English LOFT for over 10 years.
-Educationally more qualified. Where as our top staff have backgrounds in teaching or teaching related fields, 99% of our competition have no relevant background in education (in other words, they are lacking qualifications to teach in their own home countries).
-Excellent service and quality care because we can. Most of our competition will not do make-up classes, do not have flexible scheduling, and are not flexible enough to meet whatever their student's teaching needs are. What our competition won't or can't do, we will do. We have 4 FULL TIME NATIVE ENGLISH speaking staff from America and Canada to meet the needs of our students.
-Better Parties.We host Adult student parties, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving parties, Christmas parties, and more. Most of the 'big' schools don't do them because there's no profit in them. We do because it is what the "Eikaiwa Experience" is all about and the students love them.
-We provide a family atmosphere for learning.
Parents are welcome to observe their children�s classes. Our front lobby offers a comfortable place for parents to socialize or for younger children to play while classes go on.
Older students are welcomed to a nice cup of tea or some freshly ground coffee.
-We provide 48 classes a year on any given day. Our competition is usually open for no more than 42 - 44 classes a year. Our students get more classes time for the overall cheaper price.
We work on most Japanese holidays. And to the benefit of our staff and students we close only during the longest Japanese holiday periods: Golden Week, O-bon, and New Years.
-The highest quality for the better price. Taking everything above into account, we also don't charge extra fees for things like heating costs, monthly supply costs, and the like. Much of our competition does.
Currently, we are serving over 200 students and growing. English Loft Photo Album

English LOFT Photo Album

Click on a thumbnail in the left column to view a large image.

Can parents be involved in their children�s classes?



My email address is

My address is 4-8 2F Shinanomachi, Niigata, Japan 951
My phone number is (025) 232-0262.

If you are interested in receiving information about The English LOFT or advice on teaching in Japan, please feel free to contact me at the above.

in Shinanomachi, Kameda, & Kobari of Niigata City


Our other English LOFT website
Life in Niigata (travel & living in Niigata site)
Jim Coulter's web site
Michiko Onuki's website - Japanese teacher teaching English
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
