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Pokegod Codes

Pokegod Codes With and Without GameShark: Please note, some of these codes might not work, but I have Pikablu and the codes I know work will be at the top. If you want anymore info on Pokegods, e-mail my friend and affiliate: Cloudx13, he knows alot. Here have some codes:

Secret Office : Go to the power plant. Fight with Voltorb, quickly check a rock in the power plant, because you can go through one of the rocks. You can only go through the rock for 10 seconds. After you go through the rock, the game will send you to a secret office. In the secret office, you will find a Pokeball, it has a Pikablu inside. You will see a warp hole. If you go to the hole the game will send you to the second site of Pallet Town.

Catch Pikablu 1.First you must catch all 150 Pokémon NOT I repeat NOT using GameShark.

2. Then you also must have Seventeen of your Pokémon over Level 70.

3. Then when all of these tasks are complete, go to the guy in Pewter City who asks you if you have been to the Museum yet. Say NO so he takes you to the door.

4. Then go into the Museum and go upstairs and talk to the Lady who says "I want My boyfriend to catch me a Pikachu!"

5. After you talk to her, immediately come out of the door and once you come out of the door do not take any steps forward. left, or right. Immediately use fly and go to Celedon City.

6. Go into the Game Corner and talk to the Lady that says "Go Next Door to the Coin Exchange Corner to use your coins to get great Prizes!"

7. But this time she will say, "Hey? You have all the badges? WOW! Well then since you were nice enough to talk to me, I will give you this Pokemon I found stranded behind then Pokemon Museum, he is so strong I can not control him.But since you have all the badges, YOU TAKE HIM!

8. It will say, "You got ???????" Then when you try to use it it will just be like if you were pressing cancel and it will exit every time you click on it. Then go to Proffesor Oak and he will say the same thing he says when you give him Oaks Parcel, it will still say "YOU DELIVERED OAKS PARCEL!"

9. Then when you go into your pokemon line and it will replace the Pokemon in your first slot. So put a spearow or something in first. It will still be called ????? so go to the Nickname guy and change it to Pikablu. It has a ElectricWave, Psyshock, and Electrode... Dont ask me why its Electrode but its an awesome move.

10. It is a Level 999 and Pikablu will, Yes it will appear in your Pokedex! After 150 it will say 154 and then you look at the Pokedex Info and it will look like this...

Name: Pikablu Type: ??????? Height: 2" 3" Length: 3" 4" Stats: Attack-999 Defense-999 Speed-999 Special-999 Attacks: ElectricWave,Psyshock,Electrode,SonicBoom. When you get 60,000 more experience points after catching it. It Learns SonicBoom when you gain around 60, 000 experience points and it kills any pokemon in one hit and it never misses!

To get Pikablu follow these steps:1) Make sure you have 17 of your Pokemon at Level 100. 02) Fly to Pewter City. 03) Talk to the guy who asks if you've been to the museum. 04) Say no. He will take you there. 05) Go in. 06) Go upstairs. 07) Talk to the girl who wants a Pikachu. 08) Leave the museum (Don't take any more steps!!) 09) Fly to Fucshia City. 10) Go to the Safari Zone. NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU ONLY HAVE 5 POKEMON WITH YOU! 11) Catch a Tauros 12) Put him in the first slot. 13) Leave Safari Zone. game corner. 14) Fly to Celadon City. 15) Go to Rocket Game Corner. 16) Talk to the lady behind the counter. 17) She will give you a Pokemon called "????" 18) When you click on it, it acts like when you click "CANCEL". 19) Fly to Pallet Town. 20) Go to Proffesor Oak's Lab. 21) Talk to him. 22) It will say "You delivered Oak's Parcel!" 23) Fly to Lavender Town. 24) Talk to the Name Rater. 25) Change "????"'s name to Pikablue. 26) Now you can view Pikablue in the Pokedex and use him in battle!! NOTE: THIS CODE IS VERY REAL! NINTENDO HAS EVEN CONFIRMED IT!!!!

Pikablu Go to the water next to the "unknown dungeon" and use the itemfinder. Soon, you should find a note inside a pokeball( Swim around while pressing A button to get it) telling you about a mysterious pokemon near Cinnabar Island. Swim up and down the coast(right side, I think) until you find pikablu. He's tough, so be ready! He has Ice and Electric powers.

Flareth Put the three legendary birds at the top of your active list(Articuno, Moltres,and Zapdos)then go to the top floor of the Celadon city departement store. Talk to the thirsty girl who wines for a drink. Talk to her 100 times till she offers you a Flareth to go away.

Too get any you have to have all 150. Then you put the 3 legendary birds (Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos) at the front of your line up, and 3 Geodudes at the bottom. Then you have to talk to the dude who gives you the psychic TM in Saffron City. He should tell you about the PokeGods. Then do as followed with the 3 legendary birds still at the top of your lineup

Get Mew: To get Mew go to the SS Anne guy who asks for you ticket than surf to the right and you will find an island with a boulder and bushes on it. Hack the bushes and move the boulders then you will find a pokeball with Mew in it

Get Charcolt: Now you have to have either the birds at the top and 3 geodudes at the bottom, or the birds at the top and a geodude, a graveler, and a golem at the bottom. The you go to the Celedon City PokeMart and talk to the people that are trading, and one of them should give you Charcolt

Get Flareth: Too get Flareth you have to have 4 Moltres', and that's all in your lineup. Then talk to the thirsty girl on the rooftop of the PokeMart in Celadon City 100 times! Then talk to her once more, she will get annoyed with you and give you Flareth to go away

POKEMON FACTORY To get to the factory beat the Elite Four 30 times without talking to anyone but the indigo plateau Nurse Joy to heal your pokemon Ont the 30th time proffesor oak will say "I getting tired of this. Just explore a little." He will let you walk around the hall of fame room. There are pictures on the walls and a door on the far side. Go in the door and it will take you to a new city. In the city is the pokemon factory and people that will trade you pokegods for other pokemon!

OTHER WAY to get to the POKEMON FACTORY this is the fastest way. If you have nickname? you can warp on top of the doors and then walk forward to get the the next room. Then at lances room surf on the statue beside him then warp on him the walk into garys room then walk past gary.(To get nickname? type 01A47CCF in your gameshark.)

Pikablu: get a Riachu and buy a thunder stone and water stone use the thunder stone than the water stone and he will evolve into Pikablu

Riablu: do the code to get Pikablu and buy a leaf stone and a fire stone. use the leaf stone.than use the fire stone . the stones will then combine and become the mist-stone! use the mist-stone on Pikablu and it will evolve into Riablu

Brainsect: have a parasect and use the fire stone than the moon stone it will then evolve into Brainsect!

Mewthree: to get mewthree play the pokeflute next to mewtwo 33 times and wait for the screen to flash. then fight mewtwo and it will be mewthree!!!!

MewFour: have a MewThree and use 99 moon stones on it and it will evolve into MewFour

Apocalypse: talk to the coffee guy in varidien city and fly to cinnabar. surf up and down and catch a m guy. use a fire stone than water stone than leaf stone and it will evolve into the most powerful pokemon ever!...................well for right be continued!

Nidogod:Have a slowbro a Nidoking and a Nidoqueen in your possension.Make sure they are all level 100.Beat the elite four with them twice.then go back to pallet town and talk to professor oak.He'll say something about the mist stone.Do what he says and you'll get it.Then use the mist stone on the slowbro and he'l merge with the other 2 and you get a nidogod.

Bruno:This is a wierd one.Go to the unknown dungeon and swim around the right of it.Use the item finder and it will say There is an item nearby.Swim around pressing A and you find a note in a bottle although it will just say Bottle.Take it to prof. oak and he'll read the note to you.It says something like "The unkown dungeon has many secrets but you haven't found them all until you see a dog."Then go back to the unkown dungeon with 5 of the pokegods.It doesn't matter which ones just five.Go to the spot where mewtwo was and you see a boulder.Use strenght on it and a staircase will show up.Once you get down there you'll see 6 platforms all with a pokemon on it one of them is a bruno.It's possition is always different,and if you don't find bruno on the first try they'll all run away.But you can go upstairs and go back down to give it a try

Ratichu!!: yes it is real, to get this pokemon have a raticate and pikachu in your pokemon group, only these 2 then leave the game on for an hour come back, and pikachu will be sick, take him to the pokecenter and he will have a baby, called Ratichu, it's number is 163

Gandhikahn: to get a GandhiKahn, go to the safari zone find a kengiskahn and catch it without using bait, when you catch it put in up up, down down left left right right B A select start really fast, before the ball closes. it's number is 164

Matix:this is the coolest pokegod of all he can turn your opponents pokemon into Jr. Trainers.To get him catch a pikachu,a raticate,a pidgey and a caterpie. Go to professor oak and talk to him 20 times.Then go to Dr. fuji and talk to him 20 times. finally go to gary's sister and she'll tell you that prof. oak has something really important to tell you.when you go there he'll tell you a new species was found around cinnibar island.Go to the abandoned lab and go to the top floor and walk around and soon a matix will appear.make sure you have a master ball because thats the only way you can catch it.It's number 165

Stonebro: you need a Slowbro, and a butterfree, beedrill, and Articuno, and a Jynx and Golem for this trick, have both of them in your possesion and you can only use these 6 pokemon, go to the elite four you have to go through all the elite 4 with these 6 pokemon and when you win u will get a Stonebro!! he is number 166!

TRUE PIKABLUE CODE:PIKABLU-to get pikablu you must first get all 150 Pokemon(you can't have mew)Then get one Pokemon that has surf and one that has teleport.Next surf in the waters by the Unknown Dungeon.Teleport in different areas until you find a bottle.After you have the bottle go to where the bottle says Pikablu is.Next to him is a Mist stone that evolves Mew into Cyromew.(This takes many hours and is very hard to do.)

#174 PIKABLU Put 01E764D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put a Raichu in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Gameshark to on.Now change your Raichu's name to PIKABLU(IN CAPS.) NOTE:Pikablu has many evolutions!

#175 LOCUSTOD Put 01E464D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put a ButterFree in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your ButterFree's name to LOCUSTOD(IN CAPS.)

#205 RAINER Put 01C164D1 in your Game Shark then put in the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put a Blastoise in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your Blastoise's name to Rainer(IN CAPS.)

#209 PSYBUR Put 01F264D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put the Pokemon of your choice in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your pokemon's name to PSYBUR(IN CAPS.)

#209 TOGEPI Put 01F264D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put the Pokemon of your choice in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your pokemon's name to TOGEPI(IN CAPS.)

#211 PSYBIRD Put 01E164D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put the Pokemon of your choice in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your pokemon's name to PSYBIRD(IN CAPS.)

#213 SPOOKY Put 01F164D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch in your Game Shark to normal.Put a Gengar in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your Gengar's name to SPOOKY(IN CAPS.)

#224 RATICLAW Put 01ED64D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch in your Game Shark to normal.Put a Raticate in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your Raticte's name to Raticlaw(IN CAPS.)

#234 POKeMANIAC Put 01C264D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch in your Game Shark to normal.Put the Pokemon of your choice in the first place of your list.Now put the the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your pokemon's name to POKeMANIAC(IN CAPS.)

#240 SAPUSAUR Put 01E364D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put a Venusaur in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your Venusaur's name to SAPUSAUR(IN CAPS.)

#245 CHARCOLT Put 01E264D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put a Charizard in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your Charizard's name to CHARCOLT(IN CAPS.)

#250 ANTHRAX .Make sure your Master Ball you have your Master Ball in your 6th position and that you have only five pokemon with you.Now put 01BFD8CF in your Game Shark then put the Switch on your Game Shark to normal.Now head to a grassy area and put the switch in your Game Shark to on.When you find ANTHRAX use one of your many Master Balls to catch it.When the game asks you if you want to change your pokemon's name say yes and change your pokemon's name to ANTHRAX(IN CAPS.)

#254 BEEPIN Put 01F464D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Put a BeeDrill in the first place of your list.Now put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now change your BeeDrill's name to BEEPIN(IN CAPS.)

#000 MISSINGNO. Put 0134D8CF in your Game Shark then put the switch on your Game Shark to normal.Now head to an area of grassland an put the Switch on your Game Shark to on.Fight MISSINGNO.,catch it.

#151 MEW Make sure you have your Master Ball in your 6th position.Now put 0115D8CF in your Game Shark then put the switch in your Game Shark to normal.Now go to an area of grassland and put the switch on your Game Shark to on.Now use one of your Master Balls to catch MEW

#255 MILLENUM Put 01F564D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch in your Game Shark to normal.Put the Pokemon of your choice in the top of your list.Now put the switch in your Game Shark to on.Now change your pokemon's name to MILLENUM(IN CAPS.)

PIKABUD Put 01F564D1 in your Game Shark then put the switch in your Game Shark to normal.Put a Raichu in the top of your list.Now put the switch in your Game Shark to on.Now change your Raichu's name to PIKABUD(IN CAPS.)

PIKABUD Put 01e664d1 in your Game Shark then put the switch in your Game Shark to normal.Put a Raichu in the top of your list.Now put the switch in your Game Shark to on.Now change your Raichu's name to PIKABUD(IN CAPS.)

Hint: An easier way to get the Pokegods is to use "d8cf" instead of "64d1. Then every Pokemon you see in the wild would be the Pokegod!

Get Togepi!!! Wait 100 hours and then go back to where the ss.anne was.Then people will get off and one person will ask you to find the keys to his truck,you go to the game corner and go to the top right slot machine,it will say that there are keys there.You bring the keys to the truck and the truck will start to move after you press a.A pokeball will be under the truck and you will have togepi!!!

The real way to get Togepi!!! Get a mew ( by game shark ) build it up to lv. 50 ( not at the day care ). When it is at lv. 50 fight until it is lv 51 it should evolve. Go to the place where rename your pokemon and name it Togepi. Togepi is lv. 174 If you fight with Togepi again it will turn into a Kangaskhan!!!

Get Mew!!! Go to the poke'center right before mt. moon. Buy the magicarp go to the daycare and let it raise there till it grows to a level 50 raise it ONE MORE LEVEL WITHOUT GIVING IT RARE CANDYS.

Get Mew!!! Talk to Bill when he is still a pokemon. When he steps into the podd, leave before he comes out. Fly to Cinnibar Island, and surf on the right coast.You'll eventually meet mew.(I have not tested this code.)

Something Special!!! Beat the elite 4 50 times without turning your game off to get something special.Beat the elite 4 100 times without turning your game off to go to pokeland!!!

Get Pikablu!!! Go to cinnabar talk to the man who tells you the gym doors are locked.Use dig in front of him 200 times and you will find pikablu.(01e47ccf to get dig with the gameshark.)

Get Mew!!! Get A missingno. and give it to the daycare man get it back and nickname it MEW and it envoles into MEW!!!

Get Pikablu from Raichu!!! To get Pikablu, get a Raichu to level 99. Give it to the guy who runs the daycare in Cerulean city.come back to the daycare when its at level 100 and you have a Pikablu!!!

Get Mew without a gameshark!!! (You need a friend that has a Mew and you need a game link cable.)To get Mew just fight someone that has a Mew and make sure you fight Mew last. After the battle go to Cinnabar or Seafoam island and surf along the edge so that your half on land and half on water (You may encounter MissingNo.) and you will find a wild Mew!!!

Get Togepi without a gameshark!!! To get togepi without a gameshark have the itemfinder and go to mt.moon and use it in 100 different places and you will find an egg and eventually it will hatch. You now have togepi!!!

Pikako!!! Put the switch of the gameshark on normal. Enter the gameshark code 01E9BFCF then put a Raichu on the top of the list and fly to lavender town on a Pidgey and turn the switch ON. Walk to the Pokemon Nickname center and name the Raichu Pikako. Now you have Pikako, It's invisible but his stats are great.

Ratichu!!! Have a Raticate and a Pikachu in your line-up, and thats it. Leave the game on for an hour and go watch TV or something. Then, come back and pikachu will be sick. Take him to the Pokémon Center and She'll have a baby, Ratichu.

Dimsonix!!! Trade two level 60 Onixes and they should evolve into Dimsonix. You may have to trade up to four times.

How To Get Melomagticuno The most powerful Pokemon. He can only be found once, and that's in Rock Tunnel. You cannot use Flash. Melomagticuno is a Poison/Ice/Fire pokemon. Walk around until an Onix appears. He must then be followed by a Zubat, he must then be followed by a Paras, then a Geodude. All these must be at least 10 steps apart. When you see him, do not run! He is a level 90 Pokemon, but just putting him to sleep will let you capture him with an Ultra Ball. He attacks with moves like Fissure, Crumble, Fireball, Melomagticunokill, and Ice Dance.


How To Get Charticuno This is in Viridian Forest. He will look like a mix between Articuno and Charmander. He will attack with both Fire and Ice attacks. He may also use Psychic. This is more commonly found in Poketower. To find him, faint all of these Pokemon in this order. In Viridian Forest: Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pikachu In Poketower: Cubone,Marowak, Gastly, Haunter. To recieve Charticuno, you must have all the Pokemon listed above.