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The Twist and Shout Homepage

Hey kids! This is the J Rock. Transmitting live from Tha Doctah's office. It's been a while since I had an actual update. Many new picture pages have been added. Lots of party action. A digital camera is a wonderful thing.

J Rock at his most experimental.

Ok, who wants to know about me? My real name is Jeremy Itzel (Doctah Ignazio m.d. & J Rock are my alter-egos)& I live in Catonsville, MD. I graduated high school back in 99, took two semesters at CCC immediately following, and then gave the educational process the middle finger. I work at Record & Tape Traders in Catonsville. I have to admit, I never really saw it happening, but I made assistant manager after going on strong for more than four years. It is a fun job, I do get paid to listen to music all day and it makes me feel pretty cool when customers value my opinions. However, all the crazies of Catonsville outweigh that. But enough about work...

I was so happy the day I turned 21. Legal age. Freedom. I was the first of the posse to turn 21, so I really couldn't have my friends get hammered with me (but my Dad got me real fucked up). Unlike Rob's 21 extravaganza - a bar crawl down Frederick Road - that all the '81 babies could be a part of. Steve, Rob, & I during 2002 decided it would be in best interest to fill Steve's closet with Bud Light cans and unfortunately, we have filled the whole thing. It's kind of disturbing to look at. I will put up a picture soon. It resulted in a good relationship with the oriental guy at RC Rodgers, who does not need to see my ID ever again. He even gave me & Steve free shooters for our New Year's Party. Maybe we deserved it because we spend 60 dollars on booze. But anyway, it's a whole new year. Dave & Steve hit legal age. Now we're all full time drinkers. We don't party like we used to though. We lost some of our spirit somewhere I think.

We all work relatively close to each other. Steve works across the street at The Coffee Junction, and Meredith & Dave both work at the Catonsville Library. Well Dave works more at the Towson library now. Lauren works at the City Cafe downtown, & Rob has to "brother, brother"people on the street for money. Ha! No, Rob hasn't been working a real job since he told Bill Higgins to shove it. He folds newspapers occasionally for some quick cash though. Brandin works at the Blockbuster Video on Maiden Choice. That's normally where we see him the most.

Aside from drinking, we all do the same things that everyone else does like going to the mall or going to the movies. We haven't been bowling in a real long time, but we used to do that frequently. We do enjoy fine dining though. Of course, our idea of fine dining ranges from the Double T Diner to Super China Buffet to Applebee's. Oh well, it's fun no matter where we eat. On occasion when we stay in, we watch movies or play games. Board games. Steve, Rob & I are addicted to Vice City but that's a different story altogether. Dave normally has all the games. But we've been known to play Scrabble and Risk. Dave is so kickass at Risk that me & Steve got him the Lord Of The Rings edition. We need to bust that shit out soon....

At long last, I finally have a band. The search for a drummer had a strange result to it. Steve, Rob & I are formed a band called The Cannoli Conspiracy which started off being "goofcore" but now we're doing some serious material. My stepbrother, Lee, who had my bohemian uncle's drum set got a new set, so I got the old set from him. Basically we thought we would draw straws to see which one of us guitar playing folks would pick up the sticks. But Rob volunteered. So I play guitar, Steve plays bass & Rob plays the drums. We're still working on getting good enough to play out to somewhere. I'd definitely like to be playing by late spring or early summer. Aside from the originals, we have been known to cover the shit out of Weezer, Jimmy Eat World, & Oasis. Occasionally, we'll throw in some Phantom Planet, Vines, or Andrew WK. If you want some more info about the Cannoli Conspiracy, check out the webpage.

Well that's about it for me. I'll let everyone explore the site. Evidently I have 20 MB to use sparingly. These pictures take up a lot of room. Go have fun. I don't care if you leave crumbs on the sofa. If you have any questions, just e-mail me & I'll probably respond.

This girl rocks my world.



Ok folks, I thought it was time enough to take down that lame-o top 20. I mean it is a whole new year, I guess I have to start cracking on a new one. Anyway, I'm bringing the Star Of The Year accolade back in a big way. This time I'm commemorating Rocky the Singing Lobster.

Rocky was given to me by Rob for my 22nd birthday. Even from the moment he came out of the box (the lobster, not Rob), we noticed that he had some problems. One of his antennae broke almost immediately and we noticed that when he sang his lovely rendition of "Rock The Boat" that his tail would make a really irritating snapping sound that he wasn't really supposed to make.

So Rocky basically just hung out at Steve's apartment like the rest of us until this past weekend when we decided it was time to set Rocky free. So Rob went at his base with an exacto knife and was able to pry the lobster away. Since then, he has been just about everywhere in the apartment (with the exception of the dryer & on top of the refrigerator b/c I know that's Steve's territory) & I will put up a page quite soon devoted to his adventures.

In conclusion, Rock On Rocky....Rock On.

Here's what else I got...
The First Picture Page.
The Second Picture Page.
Assorted Pics Part One.
Stair Surfing!
The Cannoli Conspiracy Heartthrob Page!
The Adventures Of Rocky The Lobster!
Party Pics: Chapter One.
Party Pics: Chapter Two.
Party Pics: Chapter Three.
Party Pics: Chapter Four.
Party Pics: Chapter Five.

Sign the guestbook or I'll get Junior here after you...
Sign my Guestbook

Say hello to the kool kids....

These Sites Won't Attack You With A Pointed Stick...

The band's web page. See all of our bad haircuts.
Steve's page. Broadcasting live from 12 Sausage Way.
Dave's land. Good pictures on the throne.
I pour my heart out onto this now & it's a lot easier to update than this site.
A site built to give you the impression that you have lots of friends.
Rate people on how good they look and they can't slap you back in defense.
The mixtape is a beautiful beautiful thing.
The best newspaper in the world.
Quite useful for seeing what movie Christina Ricci will grace next.
A shrine to the greatest star ever - Steven Seagal.
A great place to waste your time. Don't poke him too much or he'll get angry.
I accept any Literati challenge. Bring it on.
Arrr! This band makes me wish I had a peg leg. Check em out.
The always intriguing Strong Bad. This guy's pretty funny even though I think he's copying Brak's look.
I go here for instant boosts of self esteem. Feel free to put whatever name you want in.
Stevo & I's favorite record label.
